Bill McGonigle wrote:
Hi, list,
I'm wondering if anyone has hit this snag before - I don't seem to be
getting a network in my --virt machines as koan is deploying them.
This is the script I'm running to deploy the VM (yeah, I've tried
enough times I scripted it ;) ):
cobbler sync
cobbler profile add --name=souffle --distro=FC-6-xen-i386
--kick-start=/etc/cobbler/kickstart_souffle.ks --virt-file-size=20
cobbler system add --name=BF:CC:AC:10:00:65 --profile=souffle
cobbler sync
koan --virt --server=bread --system=BF:CC:AC:10:00:65
/usr/sbin/xm console BF_CC_AC_10_00_65
What I see is anaconda in interactive mode, trying to get a DHCP
request. Cobbler makes this DHCP entry for me:
host label1 {
hardware ethernet BF:CC:AC:10:00:65;
next-server bread;
I've also tried adding a static IP to the kickstart file:
network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask=
--gateway= --nameserver=
but that didn't help. I also tried entering a static IP config into
anaconda interactively - no dice.
*Something* is getting some networking, because that is pulling down
the kernel for boot from apache: - - [04/Jun/2007:19:29:03 -0400] "GET
/cobbler/kickstarts_sys/01-bf-cc-ac-10-00-65/ks.cfg HTTP/1.1" 200 1845
"-" "Python-urllib/2.4" - - [04/Jun/2007:19:29:03 -0400] "GET
/cobbler/images/FC-6-xen-i386/initrd.img HTTP/1.1" 200 5949162 "-"
"Python-urllib/2.4" - - [04/Jun/2007:19:29:03 -0400] "GET
/cobbler/images/FC-6-xen-i386/vmlinuz HTTP/1.1" 200 1728127 "-"
but I assume that's xen running on the dom0 being successful (there
are no hits subsequent to these).
I'd really like to hear a, "hey stupid, you forgot to ____". :)
Failing that, does anybody know how to suspend anaconda so I could see
what, say, ifconfig has to say about the situation? Virtual Consoles
work at the real console, but I'm not figuring it out in xm console.
Thanks for any insight,
I could use some more information on this one...
What does your full /etc/dhcp.conf as generated by cobbler look like?
How about /var/lib/cobbler/settings?