Michael DeHaan wrote:
Based on recent list activity, and a talking with everyone at Summit
and IRC, here's my list of the top 4 things I'd like to see added to
cobbler in the near term:
-- Virt support for deploying additional virt types
KVM, etc
Fullvirt Xen
-- Extend the repo management code to deal with older non-yum content
(RHN), like mrepo can do, such that running mrepo as a seperate tool
for older distros is not required.
-- Build a netinstall CD from cobbler for environments that don't do
PXE. Tie the CD to a specific profile (or better, eventually,
provide a boot menu). Lots of folks need baremetal provisioning and
due to aspects beyond their control can't use PXE.
-- Support either om_shell or DNSMasq, to avoid the dhcp reload wait
time when manage_dhcp is enabled and systems are updated. (Some
folks I believe are looking at both of these?)
If there's something you'd like to see added feature-wise, I'd be glad
to hear ideas.
Also: dynamic DNS integration.