Hi, I've been spending quite a bit of time with cobbler lately and have run into two very small issues. First, running cobbler sync with manage_dhcp: 1 set drops an empty dhcpd.conf directory in the PWD. [root@hemops2 ~]# cd /tmp/ [root@hemops2 tmp]# ls [root@hemops2 tmp]# cobbler sync sync distro: centos44 Shutting down dhcpd: [ OK ] Starting dhcpd: [ OK ] [root@hemops2 tmp]# ls dhcpd.conf Second, I have two configuration changes I need made to /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default. These have to do with NIC ordering and a doc I found here: http://linux.dell.com/files/whitepapers/nic-enum-whitepaper-v2.pdf There, it suggests making two changes to the pxe configuration, adding the following lines: IPAPPEND 2 APPEND ksdevice=bootif I put a config file called default.pxe in /etc/cobbler and run cobbler sync but I see a vanilla default file in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default. Thanks.