Michael DeHaan wrote:
Michael DeHaan wrote:
Tru Huynh wrote:
me again ;) last one for today...
[tru@casewell cobbler]$ rpm -q cobbler
[tru@casewell cobbler]$ cobbler import --path=/my/import/path
cobbler doesn't understand 'import'
and RFE: 'cobbler distro add --name' does not warn if a distro name
already exists and overwrite the existing one :(
Your feedback is definitely appreciated. Thanks.
The "import" is a new command I was working on while I decided your
bug report about 2.3 was more important, therefore it's not finished
but is coming soon. I wanted to get some changes out while free
Centos testers were still around.
As for "cobbler distro add", yes, I know about that one. "add"
functions like an edit when the system is already there. It was
designed that way, but yes, it does seem wrong. Changing this to be a
seperate command is sane. Currently "edit" is an alias for "add".
I'll add this to the TODO file.
et-mgmt-tools mailing list
Cobbler was missing "enchant" from the CLI as well. "enchant" is now
fixed in mercurial.
directory import is now also fixed in mercurial. Fire away.
I'm thinking about how "import mirror" might also work for http:// or
ftp:// sources.
Another complementary idea is setting up the kickstarts with correct
URL's pointing into the kickstart tree all in one pass. Since the URL's
contain things like "FC-5" usually, we can use that to determine what
kickstart in /etc/cobbler to use. Cobbler can even possibly ship with
a few minimal kickstarts for starters.