Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora EPEL 7 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
 1020  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-1087   dokuwiki-0-0.24.20140929c.el7
 783  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-dac7ed832f   mcollective-2.8.4-1.el7
 365  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2016-04bc9dd81d   libbsd-0.8.3-1.el7
 263  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-d241156dfe   mod_cluster-1.3.3-10.el7
 260  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-7ecb12e378   python-XStatic-jquery-ui-
  94  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-e27758bd23   libmspack-0.6-0.1.alpha.el7
  32  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-e64eeb6ece   nagios-4.3.4-5.el7
  21  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-d704442ae7   qpid-cpp-1.37.0-1.el7
  14  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-f2055d3f62   shellinabox-2.20-5.el7
  14  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-77cc9084cb   nodejs-6.12.2-1.el7
  13  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-30026fdcc1   hostapd-2.6-7.el7
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-ae06399a6b   heimdal-7.5.0-1.el7
   6  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-9a67291cf1   json-c12-0.12.1-2.el7
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-263dafc1ae   python-mistune-0.8.3-1.el7
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-957aa05f33   heketi-5.0.1-1.el7
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-c3fbd2a463   thunderbird-enigmail-1.9.9-1.el7
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-3970cc8703   global-6.5.6-3.el7

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 7 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 certbot-0.20.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-199b1e818a)
 A free, automated certificate authority client
Update Information:

Update to 0.20.0

 flcluster-1.0.4-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-fd271d63e8)
 A management tool for accessing dxcluster nodes
Update Information:

 Version 1.0.4            * Maintenance release  Cluster stream            *
Changed text from view to edit to allow drag and copy         mouse action  AR
report            * Stripping leading spaces on AR sh/dx report corrupts
columnar data presentation.

 mock-1.4.8-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-0c8682fd2a)
 Builds packages inside chroots
Update Information:

Features:  * There is a new option --config-opts [GH#138](https://github.com
/rpm-software-management/mock/issues/138)  You can run:  ```     mock --config-
opts yum_command=/usr/bin/yum-deprecated --enable-network ```  which will set:
```     config_opts['system_yum_command'] = '/usr/bin/yum' ```  or for a list:
```     mock --config-opts extra_chroot_dirs=/mnt/b --config-opts
extra_chroot_dirs=/mnt/a ```  which will set  ```
config_opts['extra_chroot_dirs'] = ['/mnt/b', '/mnt/a'] ```  or list with a
single item:  ```     mock --config-opts extra_chroot_dirs=/mnt/b --config-opts
extra_chroot_dirs= ```  which will set  ```     config_opts['extra_chroot_dirs']
= ['/mnt/b'] ```  It can detect boolean:  ```     mock --config-opts
nosync=False --debug-config |grep nosync     config_opts['nosync'] = False ```
A specialized option has priority. Therefore:  ```     mock --config-opts
rpmbuild_networking=False --enable-network --debug-config |grep
rpmbuild_networking     config_opts['rpmbuild_networking'] = True ```  It is
unable to set complicated variables. Like
config_opts['plugin_conf']['package_state_opts'] or anything which has
dictionary as value.  * There is a new option. `--enable-network` which is
equivalent to `config_opts['rpmbuild_networking'] = True`  Bugfixes:  *
orphanskill now emits SIGKILL when SIGTERM is not enough
[RHBZ#1495214](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1495214) * when mock
tries to force umount, it will try umount recursively * do not change to
directory if nspawn is used [GH#108](https://github.com/rpm-software-
management/mock/issues/108) * when creating yum/dnf.conf, mock now copy
timestamp from the host
[RHBZ#1293910](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1293910) * We now
mount /proc and /sys in chroot before executing any package manager command
(outside of
chroot)[RHBZ#1467299](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1467299) *
Dependencies of mock-scm (git, cvs, tar, subversion) are now soft dependencies
(Recommends) [RHBZ#1515989](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1515989)
* Previously job control in `mock shell` does not work.
[RHBZ#1468837](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1468837). This was a
glibc bug and it is resolved in rawhide now.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467299 - /proc is not available during chroot preparation in mock build
  [ 2 ] Bug #1515989 - does mock-scm really need to Require: cvs, subversion, git?
  [ 3 ] Bug #1293910 - The behaviour of metadata_expire=0
  [ 4 ] Bug #1513953 - Please add argument for enablement of networking with the systemd-nspawn
  [ 5 ] Bug #1495214 - Cleanup failed; device is busy

 nbdkit-1.1.26-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-b615d3ace1)
 NBD server
Update Information:

New upstream version 1.1.26. Add new pkg-config file and dependency.

 python-acme-0.20.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-199b1e818a)
 Python library for the ACME protocol
Update Information:

Update to 0.20.0

 python-certbot-apache-0.20.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-199b1e818a)
 The apache plugin for certbot
Update Information:

Update to 0.20.0

 python-certbot-dns-rfc2136-0.20.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-199b1e818a)
 RFC 2136 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Update Information:

Update to 0.20.0

 python-certbot-nginx-0.20.0-1.el7 (FEDORA-EPEL-2017-199b1e818a)
 The nginx plugin for certbot
Update Information:

Update to 0.20.0
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