The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason: Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your package will be retired when the affected package gets retired. Package (co)maintainers Status Change =========================================================================== dansguardian orphan, cicku, heffer, steve 5 weeks ago dinotrace orphan, chitlesh 55 weeks ago directfb orphan, kwizart, thias 56 weeks ago electronics-menu orphan, chitlesh 55 weeks ago firehol orphan, cicku, error 1 weeks ago gmime orphan, alexl, caillon, caolanm, 18 weeks ago group::gnome-sig, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, xiphmont gnucap orphan, chitlesh 55 weeks ago hiredis orphan, cicku 35 weeks ago iverilog orphan, chitlesh 55 weeks ago js-sizzle orphan, group::nodejs-sig, 13 weeks ago jamielinux, patches ode orphan, s4504kr 13 weeks ago python-numeric orphan, alexlan 13 weeks ago python-scripttest orphan, group::python-sig, mbacovsk, 30 weeks ago mstuchli python-wheel orphan 5 weeks ago ruby-shadow orphan, domcleal, skottler, stahnma 28 weeks ago rubygem-abstract orphan 28 weeks ago rubygem-eventmachine orphan 28 weeks ago rubygem-fakeweb orphan, greghellings 28 weeks ago rubygem-mime-types orphan 28 weeks ago rubygem-rspec orphan, skottler 28 weeks ago rubygem-uuidtools orphan, greghellings 28 weeks ago sphinx orphan, cdamian, gbcox, skottler 30 weeks ago unetbootin orphan, callkalpa 1 weeks ago The following packages require above mentioned packages: Depending on: dinotrace (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (55 weeks ago) gplcver (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh) gplcver-2.12a-3.el6.x86_64 requires dinotrace = 9.4c-1.el6 Depending on: directfb (4), status change: 2015-09-30 (56 weeks ago) xine-lib (maintained by: rdieter) xine-lib-1.1.21-11.el6.src requires directfb-devel = 1.4.11-3.el6 xine-lib-extras-1.1.21-11.el6.i686 requires,, xine-lib-extras-1.1.21-11.el6.x86_64 requires,, gxine (maintained by: mso) gxine-0.5.905-2.el6.x86_64 requires kaffeine (maintained by: rdieter) kaffeine-1.2.2-8.el6.x86_64 requires xine-ui (maintained by: mjg) xine-ui-0.99.6-32.el6.x86_64 requires, xine-lib = 1.1.21-11.el6 xine-ui-aaxine-0.99.6-32.el6.x86_64 requires Depending on: electronics-menu (7), status change: 2015-10-07 (55 weeks ago) gnusim8085 (maintained by: puiterwijk, chitlesh) gnusim8085-1.3.7-3.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 gsim85 (maintained by: fab, chitlesh) gsim85-0.3-2.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 kicad (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh, lkundrak) kicad-2013.06.11-1.rev4021.el6.i686 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 kicad-2013.06.11-1.rev4021.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 qelectrotech (maintained by: remi) qelectrotech-0.30-1.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 qucs (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh) qucs-0.0.15-6.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 tkgate (maintained by: tnorth, chitlesh) tkgate-2.0-10.beta10.el6.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-8.el6 perl-Verilog-CodeGen (maintained by: jplesnik, chitlesh) perl-Verilog-CodeGen-0.9.4-3.el6.noarch requires tkgate = 2.0-10.beta10.el6 Depending on: gmime (1), status change: 2016-06-28 (18 weeks ago) mail-notification (maintained by: buc) mail-notification-5.4-62.el6.src requires gmime-devel = 2.4.21-1.el6 mail-notification-5.4-62.el6.x86_64 requires Depending on: gnucap (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (55 weeks ago) emacs-spice-mode (maintained by: sagarun, chitlesh) emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-4.el6.noarch requires gnucap = 0.35-6.el6 Depending on: hiredis (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (35 weeks ago) zmap (maintained by: fale, cicku) zmap-2.1.1-1.el6.src requires hiredis-devel = 0.10.1-3.el6 zmap-2.1.1-1.el6.x86_64 requires Depending on: iverilog (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (55 weeks ago) teal (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh) teal-1_40b-4.el6.i686 requires iverilog = 0.9.20120609-1.el6 teal-1_40b-4.el6.src requires iverilog-devel = 0.9.20120609-1.el6 teal-1_40b-4.el6.x86_64 requires iverilog = 0.9.20120609-1.el6 Depending on: js-sizzle (3), status change: 2016-07-29 (13 weeks ago) js-jquery (maintained by: ctubbsii, group::nodejs-sig, jamielinux, patches) js-jquery-2.1.3-1.el6.src requires js-sizzle-static = 2.1.1-1.jquery.2.1.2.el6 js-jquery1 (maintained by: ctubbsii, group::nodejs-sig, jamielinux, patches) js-jquery1-1.11.2-2.el6.src requires js-sizzle-static = 2.1.1-1.jquery.2.1.2.el6 python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput (maintained by: zbyszek, itamarjp, noodles) python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput-0.8-6.el6.noarch requires js-jquery = 2.1.3-1.el6 Depending on: ode (1), status change: 2016-07-29 (13 weeks ago) pyode (maintained by: ankursinha, zultron) pyode-1.2.0-6.el6.src requires ode-devel = 0.11.1-2.el6 pyode-1.2.0-6.el6.x86_64 requires, ode = 0.11.1-2.el6 Depending on: python-numeric (1), status change: 2016-07-29 (13 weeks ago) pymol (maintained by: timfenn, limb) pymol-1.6.0-2.20130620svn4032.el6.x86_64 requires python-numeric = 24.2-14.el6 Depending on: python-scripttest (1), status change: 2016-03-30 (30 weeks ago) python-migrate (maintained by: apevec, lmacken, mbacovsk, ricky, toshio) python-migrate-0.6-6.el6.src requires python-scripttest = 1.0.4-2.el6 Depending on: ruby-shadow (3), status change: 2016-04-13 (28 weeks ago) puppet (maintained by: kanarip, domcleal, gchamoul, georgiou, jehane, jpo, ktdreyer, lzap, mmagr, moses, rharrison, skottler, stahnma) puppet-2.7.26-2.el6.noarch requires ruby-shadow = 1.4.1-13.el6 puppet-gluster (maintained by: averi, purpleidea) puppet-gluster-0.0.3-1.el6.noarch requires puppet = 2.7.26-2.el6 puppetlabs-stdlib (maintained by: averi, gchamoul, purpleidea, shlomizadok) puppetlabs-stdlib-4.5.1-2.20150121git7a91f20.el6.noarch requires puppet = 2.7.26-2.el6 Depending on: rubygem-abstract (2), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-erubis (maintained by: jdunn) rubygem-erubis-2.6.5-2.el6.noarch requires rubygem(abstract) = 1.0.0 rubygem-erubis-2.6.5-2.el6.src requires rubygem(abstract) = 1.0.0 rubygem-asciidoctor (maintained by: mojavelinux, fale) rubygem-asciidoctor-0.1.3-2.el6.src requires rubygem(erubis) = 2.6.5 Depending on: rubygem-eventmachine (1), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-thin (maintained by: jaruga, clalance, greghellings, mfojtik, stahnma) rubygem-thin-1.2.8-4.el6.src requires rubygem(eventmachine) = 0.12.10 rubygem-thin-1.2.8-4.el6.x86_64 requires rubygem(eventmachine) = 0.12.10 Depending on: rubygem-fakeweb (1), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-robotex (maintained by: msuchy) rubygem-robotex-1.0.0-12.el6.src requires rubygem(fakeweb) = 1.3.0 Depending on: rubygem-mime-types (1), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-rest-client (maintained by: axelvvd) rubygem-rest-client-1.6.1-3.el6.noarch requires rubygem(mime-types) = 1.16 Depending on: rubygem-rspec (3), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-rack-test (maintained by: mfojtik) rubygem-rack-test-0.5.4-1.el6.src requires rubygem(rspec) = 1.3.0 rubygem-settingslogic (maintained by: valtri) rubygem-settingslogic-2.0.9-3.el6.src requires rubygem(rspec) = 1.3.0 rubygem-sinatra (maintained by: domcleal, jstribny, mfojtik) rubygem-sinatra-1.0-2.el6.noarch requires rubygem(rack-test) = 0.5.4 Depending on: rubygem-uuidtools (1), status change: 2016-04-14 (28 weeks ago) rubygem-aws-sdk (maintained by: goldmann, henryhuang, wakko666) rubygem-aws-sdk-1.40.3-1.el6.noarch requires rubygem(uuidtools) = 2.1.1 Depending on: sphinx (1), status change: 2016-04-04 (30 weeks ago) php-pecl-sphinx (maintained by: topdog, remi) php-pecl-sphinx-1.0.0-2.el6.src requires libsphinxclient-devel = 2.0.8-1.el6 php-pecl-sphinx-1.0.0-2.el6.x86_64 requires Affected (co)maintainers alexl: gmime alexlan: python-numeric ankursinha: ode apevec: python-scripttest averi: ruby-shadow axelvvd: rubygem-mime-types buc: gmime caillon: gmime callkalpa: unetbootin caolanm: gmime cdamian: sphinx chitlesh: gnucap, iverilog, dinotrace, electronics-menu cicku: firehol, dansguardian, hiredis clalance: rubygem-eventmachine ctubbsii: js-sizzle domcleal: rubygem-rspec, ruby-shadow error: firehol fab: electronics-menu fale: rubygem-abstract, hiredis gbcox: sphinx gchamoul: ruby-shadow georgiou: ruby-shadow goldmann: rubygem-uuidtools greghellings: rubygem-uuidtools, rubygem-fakeweb, rubygem-eventmachine group::gnome-sig: gmime group::nodejs-sig: js-sizzle group::python-sig: python-scripttest hadess: gmime heffer: dansguardian henryhuang: rubygem-uuidtools itamarjp: js-sizzle jamielinux: js-sizzle jaruga: rubygem-eventmachine jcapik: iverilog, dinotrace, electronics-menu jdunn: rubygem-abstract jehane: ruby-shadow johnp: gmime jplesnik: electronics-menu jpo: ruby-shadow jstribny: rubygem-rspec kanarip: ruby-shadow ktdreyer: ruby-shadow kwizart: directfb limb: python-numeric lkundrak: electronics-menu lmacken: python-scripttest lzap: ruby-shadow mbacovsk: python-scripttest mbarnes: gmime mfojtik: rubygem-rspec, rubygem-eventmachine mjg: directfb mmagr: ruby-shadow mojavelinux: rubygem-abstract moses: ruby-shadow mso: directfb mstuchli: python-scripttest msuchy: rubygem-fakeweb noodles: js-sizzle patches: js-sizzle puiterwijk: electronics-menu purpleidea: ruby-shadow rdieter: directfb remi: sphinx, electronics-menu rharrison: ruby-shadow rhughes: gmime ricky: python-scripttest rstrode: gmime s4504kr: ode sagarun: gnucap shlomizadok: ruby-shadow skottler: rubygem-rspec, sphinx, ruby-shadow ssp: gmime stahnma: rubygem-eventmachine, ruby-shadow steve: dansguardian thias: directfb timfenn: python-numeric tnorth: electronics-menu topdog: sphinx toshio: python-scripttest valtri: rubygem-rspec wakko666: rubygem-uuidtools xiphmont: gmime zbyszek: js-sizzle zultron: ode Orphans (23): dansguardian dinotrace directfb electronics-menu firehol gmime gnucap hiredis iverilog js-sizzle ode python-numeric python-scripttest python-wheel ruby-shadow rubygem-abstract rubygem-eventmachine rubygem-fakeweb rubygem-mime-types rubygem-rspec rubygem-uuidtools sphinx unetbootin Orphans (dependend on) (19): dinotrace directfb electronics-menu gmime gnucap hiredis iverilog js-sizzle ode python-numeric python-scripttest ruby-shadow rubygem-abstract rubygem-eventmachine rubygem-fakeweb rubygem-mime-types rubygem-rspec rubygem-uuidtools sphinx Orphans (epel6) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (19): dinotrace directfb electronics-menu gmime gnucap hiredis iverilog js-sizzle ode python-numeric python-scripttest ruby-shadow rubygem-abstract rubygem-eventmachine rubygem-fakeweb rubygem-mime-types rubygem-rspec rubygem-uuidtools sphinx Orphans (epel6)(not depended on) (4): dansguardian firehol python-wheel unetbootin Orphans (epel6) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (0): Depending packages (epel6) (35): emacs-spice-mode gnusim8085 gplcver gsim85 gxine js-jquery js-jquery1 kaffeine kicad mail-notification perl-Verilog-CodeGen php-pecl-sphinx puppet puppet-gluster puppetlabs-stdlib pymol pyode python-migrate python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput qelectrotech qucs rubygem-asciidoctor rubygem-aws-sdk rubygem-erubis rubygem-rack-test rubygem-rest-client rubygem-robotex rubygem-settingslogic rubygem-sinatra rubygem-thin teal tkgate xine-lib xine-ui zmap Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel6) for more than 6 weeks (35): emacs-spice-mode gnusim8085 gplcver gsim85 gxine js-jquery js-jquery1 kaffeine kicad mail-notification perl-Verilog-CodeGen php-pecl-sphinx puppet puppet-gluster puppetlabs-stdlib pymol pyode python-migrate python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput qelectrotech qucs rubygem-asciidoctor rubygem-aws-sdk rubygem-erubis rubygem-rack-test rubygem-rest-client rubygem-robotex rubygem-settingslogic rubygem-sinatra rubygem-thin teal tkgate xine-lib xine-ui zmap Not found in repo (epel6) (2): dansguardian python-wheel -- The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance: The sources of this script can be found at: _______________________________________________ epel-devel mailing list -- epel-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to epel-devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx