Re: Ideas for complex storage visualization

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Hi Vojtěch!

On 11/18/2014 10:57 AM, Vojtěch Trefný wrote:
TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent storages, my
current ideas[2] sucks.

So, I'm not saying these are awesome, but they are alternatives and maybe food for thought - when we first did the design for the UI rewrite we went through a lot of iterations about how to visualize storage - IIRC we had to throw a lot of them out just because the widgets didn't exist really and we wanted to keep things simple at first. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

Anyway these are rough unvetted mockups and subject to suck, that being said:


This one is a combo of a cascading list (physical device > partition > details) where the details pane gives you a baobab style / circular diagram of the selected physical disk. Also tabs at the top let you filter by type of device.

Cons: This doesn't give you a visual overview of all storage - just the selected physical disk. Those slices can get pretty tiny too depending.


Again we have tabs at top to filter on type of device. Main nav is a list of devices. Right pane has configurable details and then another list of the members of the selected physical device.

Cons: not really visual at all, just another idea on how to divide up the screen.


Let's call this one collapse-expand funkytown. The UI pattenr here is accordion panels.... each physical device gets a panel, and when collapsed the panel has a bar chart diagram of the space utilization on the device. When expanded (as sda is in the mockup) then you get a little config panel; click on the partition to switch what you're configuring. This needs a lot more iteration, so it's mostly brain food and not a readymade solution.


Let's call this one deep dive, lol. This just follows a file manager pattern. You go down and back up the tree through the breadcrumb at the top. Maybe paired with left sidebar nav that shows the full expandable/collapsible tree this could be made useful??


Instead of a breadcrumb bar, a dropdown to switch between physical devices.


This one is just weird. It's sort of a cascading list set up, but the entries (partitions) in the middle list are colored differently based on state, and their height is different depending on their size relative to other partitions.

I'm doing a lot of tight deadline / last-minute hacking on the new fedora website for the next 2-3 weeks, but when that gets out I could maybe dive through some of my data visualization books and maybe we could brainstorm some more?

One more thought - treemapping - but I don't know, I find them kind of hard to read.


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