I am attempting to start a kickstart install via PXE-boot and have
encountered a problem. The system boots to the PXE menu, and I select
the install option which has the following:
append: console=ttyS0,115200n8 ip=eth0:dhcp
rd.debug rd.shell cmdline
The kickstart file is almost identical to one I've successfully used on
another host (only the host specific bits are different). It includes
the following line:
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on --activate
The system boots, loads the kickstart config file, mounts the squashfs
rootfs, and begins the installation process. I see:
Creating swap on /dev/sda2
In progress
Creating ext3 filesystem on /dev/sda1
In progress
Can't have a question in command line mode!
and everything stops there.
What additional debugging options should I enable to determine what I'm
missing when trying to enable the network?
Note: I am using the following anaconda and lorax versions for creating
the install tree and perform the installation:
Thank you,
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