[PATCH 2/3] Rename pyanaconda/xklavier.py to pyanaconda/keyboard.py

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We need some more keyboard related code that could go to the same
file as XklWrapper. keyboard.py is a better name for such file.
 anaconda                             |    2 +-
 pyanaconda/keyboard.py               |  265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py |    6 +-
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py  |    4 +-
 pyanaconda/xklavier.py               |  263 ---------------------------------
 5 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 pyanaconda/keyboard.py
 delete mode 100755 pyanaconda/xklavier.py

diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index 33782ed..1a835ea 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def doStartupX11Actions(keyboard):
     # setup layouts
     if keyboard.layouts_list:
-        from pyanaconda.xklavier import XklWrapper, XklWrapperError
+        from pyanaconda.keyboard import XklWrapper, XklWrapperError
         layouts = keyboard.layouts_list
         xklwrapper = XklWrapper.get_instance()
diff --git a/pyanaconda/keyboard.py b/pyanaconda/keyboard.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ede35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyanaconda/keyboard.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): Martin Gracik <mgracik@xxxxxxxxxx>
+#                    Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@xxxxxxxxxx>
+This module include functions and classes for dealing with multiple layouts
+in Anaconda. It wraps the libxklavier functionality to protect Anaconda
+from dealing with its "nice" API that looks like a Lisp-influenced
+"good old C".
+It provides a XklWrapper class with several methods that can be used
+for listing and various modifications of keyboard layouts settings.
+from gi.repository import Xkl, Gdk, GdkX11
+def item_str(s):
+    """Convert a zero-terminated byte array to a proper str"""
+    i = s.find(b'\x00')
+    return s[:i].decode("utf-8") #there are some non-ascii layout descriptions
+class _Layout(object):
+    """Internal class representing a single layout variant"""
+    def __init__(self, name, desc):
+        self.name = name
+        self.desc = desc
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.desc)
+    @property
+    def description(self):
+        return self.desc
+class XklWrapperError(Exception):
+    """Exception class for reporting libxklavier-related problems"""
+    pass
+class XklWrapper(object):
+    """
+    Class wrapping the libxklavier functionality
+    Use this class as a singleton class because it provides read-only data
+    and initialization (that takes quite a lot of time) reads always the
+    same data. It doesn't have sense to make multiple instances
+    """
+    _instance = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_instance():
+        if not XklWrapper._instance:
+            XklWrapper._instance = XklWrapper()
+        return XklWrapper._instance
+    def __init__(self):
+        #initialize Xkl-related stuff
+        display = GdkX11.x11_get_default_xdisplay()
+        self._engine = Xkl.Engine.get_instance(display)
+        self._rec = Xkl.ConfigRec()
+        if not self._rec.get_from_server(self._engine):
+            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to get configuration from server")
+        #X is probably initialized to the 'us' layout without any variant and
+        #since we want to add layouts with variants we need the layouts and
+        #variants lists to have the same length. Add "" padding to variants.
+        #See docstring of the add_layout method for details.
+        diff = len(self._rec.layouts) - len(self._rec.variants)
+        if diff > 0:
+            self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + (diff * [""]))
+            if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
+                raise XklWrapperError("Failed to initialize layouts")
+        #initialize layout switching to Alt+Shift
+        self._rec.set_options(self._rec.options + ["grp:alt_shift_toggle"])
+        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
+            raise XklWrapperError("Cannot initialize layout switching")
+        #needed also for Gkbd.KeyboardDrawingDialog
+        self.configreg = Xkl.ConfigRegistry.get_instance(self._engine)
+        self.configreg.load(False)
+        self._language_keyboard_variants = dict()
+        self._country_keyboard_variants = dict()
+        #we want to display layouts as 'language (description)'
+        self.name_to_show_str = dict()
+        #this might take quite a long time
+        self.configreg.foreach_language(self._get_language_variants, None)
+    def _get_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, dest):
+        if subitem:
+            name = item_str(item.name) + " (" + item_str(subitem.name) + ")"
+            description = item_str(subitem.description)
+        else:
+            name = item_str(item.name)
+            description = item_str(item.description)
+        self.name_to_show_str[name] = "%s (%s)" % (dest.encode("utf-8"), description.encode("utf-8"))
+        self._variants_list.append(_Layout(name, description))
+    def _get_language_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
+        #helper "global" variable
+        self._variants_list = list()
+        lang_name, lang_desc = item_str(item.name), item_str(item.description)
+        c_reg.foreach_language_variant(lang_name, self._get_variant, lang_desc)
+        self._language_keyboard_variants[lang_desc] = self._variants_list
+    def _get_country_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
+        #helper "global" variable
+        self._variants_list = list()
+        country_name, country_desc = item_str(item.name), item_str(item.description)
+        c_reg.foreach_country_variant(country_name, self._get_variant, None)
+        self._country_keyboard_variants[(country_name, country_desc)] = self._variants_list
+    def get_available_layouts(self):
+        """A generator yielding layouts (no need to store them as a bunch)"""
+        for lang_desc, variants in sorted(self._language_keyboard_variants.items()):
+            for layout in variants:
+                yield layout.name
+    def get_default_language_layout(self, language):
+        """Get the default layout for a given language"""
+        language_layouts = self._language_keyboard_variants.get(language, None)
+        if not language_layouts:
+            return None
+        #first layout (should exist for every language)
+        return language_layouts[0].name
+    def _parse_layout_variant(self, layout):
+        """
+        Parse layout and variant from the string that may look like 'layout' or
+        'layout (variant)'.
+        @return: the (layout, variant) pair, where variant can be ""
+        @rtype: tuple
+        """
+        variant = ""
+        lbracket_idx = layout.find("(")
+        rbracket_idx = layout.rfind(")")
+        if lbracket_idx != -1:
+            variant = layout[(lbracket_idx + 1) : rbracket_idx]
+            layout = layout[:lbracket_idx].strip()
+        return (layout, variant)
+    def add_layout(self, layout):
+        """
+        Method that tries to add a given layout to the current X configuration.
+        The X layouts configuration is handled by two lists. A list of layouts
+        and a list of variants. Index-matching items in these lists (as if they
+        were zipped) are used for the construction of real layouts (e.g.
+        'cz (qwerty)').
+        @param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
+        @raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be added
+        """
+        #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
+        (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout)
+        #do not add the same layout-variant combinanion multiple times
+        if (layout, variant) in zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants):
+            return
+        self._rec.set_layouts(self._rec.layouts + [layout])
+        self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + [variant])
+        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
+            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
+                                                                      variant))
+    def remove_layout(self, layout):
+        """
+        Method that tries to remove a given layout from the current X
+        configuration.
+        See also the documentation for the add_layout method.
+        @param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
+        @raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be removed
+        """
+        #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
+        (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout)
+        layouts_variants = zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)
+        if not (layout, variant) in layouts_variants:
+            raise XklWrapperError("'%s (%s)' not in the list of added layouts")
+        idx = layouts_variants.index((layout, variant))
+        new_layouts = self._rec.layouts[:idx] + self._rec.layouts[(idx + 1):]
+        new_variants = self._rec.variants[:idx] + self._rec.variants[(idx + 1):]
+        self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts)
+        self._rec.set_variants(new_variants)
+        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
+            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to remove layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
+                                                                       variant))
+    def replace_layouts(self, layouts_list):
+        """
+        Method that replaces the layouts defined in the current X configuration
+        with the new ones given.
+        @param layouts_list: list of layouts defined as either 'layout' or
+                             'layout (variant)'
+        @raise XklWrapperError: if layouts cannot be replaced with the new ones
+        """
+        new_layouts = list()
+        new_variants = list()
+        for layout_variant in layouts_list:
+            (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout_variant)
+            new_layouts.append(layout)
+            new_layouts.append(variant)
+        self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts)
+        self._rec.set_variants(new_variants)
+        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
+            msg = "Failed to replace layouts with: %s" % ",".join(layouts_list)
+            raise XklWrapperError(msg)
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py
index 85fb7cd..796e09a 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from pyanaconda.ui.gui import UIObject
 from pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes import NormalSpoke
 from pyanaconda.ui.gui.categories.localization import LocalizationCategory
 from pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils import enlightbox
-from pyanaconda import xklavier
+from pyanaconda import keyboard
 __all__ = ["KeyboardSpoke"]
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class AddLayoutDialog(UIObject):
     def __init__(self, *args):
         UIObject.__init__(self, *args)
-        self._xkl_wrapper = xklavier.XklWrapper.get_instance()
+        self._xkl_wrapper = keyboard.XklWrapper.get_instance()
     def matches_entry(self, model, itr, user_data=None):
         value = model[itr][0]
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class KeyboardSpoke(NormalSpoke):
     def __init__(self, *args):
         NormalSpoke.__init__(self, *args)
         self._remove_last_attempt = False
-        self._xkl_wrapper = xklavier.XklWrapper.get_instance()
+        self._xkl_wrapper = keyboard.XklWrapper.get_instance()
     def apply(self):
         # Clear and repopulate self.data with actual values
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
index b80ccb9..f49c262 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils import enlightbox
 from pyanaconda.localization import Language, LOCALE_PREFERENCES
 from pyanaconda.product import productName, productVersion
-from pyanaconda import xklavier
+from pyanaconda import keyboard
 from pyanaconda import localization
 __all__ = ["WelcomeLanguageSpoke"]
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
     def __init__(self, *args):
         StandaloneSpoke.__init__(self, *args)
-        self._xklwrapper = xklavier.XklWrapper.get_instance()
+        self._xklwrapper = keyboard.XklWrapper.get_instance()
         self._origStrings = {}
     def apply(self):
diff --git a/pyanaconda/xklavier.py b/pyanaconda/xklavier.py
deleted file mode 100755
index de6a678..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/xklavier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Red Hat, Inc.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
-# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
-# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
-# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
-# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
-# Red Hat, Inc.
-# Red Hat Author(s): Martin Gracik <mgracik@xxxxxxxxxx>
-#                    Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@xxxxxxxxxx>
-This module wraps the libxklavier functionality to protect Anaconda
-from dealing with its "nice" API that looks like a Lisp-influenced
-"good old C".
-It provides a XklWrapper class with several methods that can be used
-for listing and various modifications of keyboard layouts settings.
-from gi.repository import Xkl, Gdk, GdkX11
-def item_str(s):
-    """Convert a zero-terminated byte array to a proper str"""
-    i = s.find(b'\x00')
-    return s[:i].decode("utf-8") #there are some non-ascii layout descriptions
-class _Layout(object):
-    """Internal class representing a single layout variant"""
-    def __init__(self, name, desc):
-        self.name = name
-        self.desc = desc
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.desc)
-    @property
-    def description(self):
-        return self.desc
-class XklWrapperError(Exception):
-    """Exception class for reporting libxklavier-related problems"""
-    pass
-class XklWrapper(object):
-    """
-    Class wrapping the libxklavier functionality
-    Use this class as a singleton class because it provides read-only data
-    and initialization (that takes quite a lot of time) reads always the
-    same data. It doesn't have sense to make multiple instances
-    """
-    _instance = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_instance():
-        if not XklWrapper._instance:
-            XklWrapper._instance = XklWrapper()
-        return XklWrapper._instance
-    def __init__(self):
-        #initialize Xkl-related stuff
-        display = GdkX11.x11_get_default_xdisplay()
-        self._engine = Xkl.Engine.get_instance(display)
-        self._rec = Xkl.ConfigRec()
-        if not self._rec.get_from_server(self._engine):
-            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to get configuration from server")
-        #X is probably initialized to the 'us' layout without any variant and
-        #since we want to add layouts with variants we need the layouts and
-        #variants lists to have the same length. Add "" padding to variants.
-        #See docstring of the add_layout method for details.
-        diff = len(self._rec.layouts) - len(self._rec.variants)
-        if diff > 0:
-            self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + (diff * [""]))
-            if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
-                raise XklWrapperError("Failed to initialize layouts")
-        #initialize layout switching to Alt+Shift
-        self._rec.set_options(self._rec.options + ["grp:alt_shift_toggle"])
-        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
-            raise XklWrapperError("Cannot initialize layout switching")
-        #needed also for Gkbd.KeyboardDrawingDialog
-        self.configreg = Xkl.ConfigRegistry.get_instance(self._engine)
-        self.configreg.load(False)
-        self._language_keyboard_variants = dict()
-        self._country_keyboard_variants = dict()
-        #we want to display layouts as 'language (description)'
-        self.name_to_show_str = dict()
-        #this might take quite a long time
-        self.configreg.foreach_language(self._get_language_variants, None)
-    def _get_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, dest):
-        if subitem:
-            name = item_str(item.name) + " (" + item_str(subitem.name) + ")"
-            description = item_str(subitem.description)
-        else:
-            name = item_str(item.name)
-            description = item_str(item.description)
-        self.name_to_show_str[name] = "%s (%s)" % (dest.encode("utf-8"), description.encode("utf-8"))
-        self._variants_list.append(_Layout(name, description))
-    def _get_language_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
-        #helper "global" variable
-        self._variants_list = list()
-        lang_name, lang_desc = item_str(item.name), item_str(item.description)
-        c_reg.foreach_language_variant(lang_name, self._get_variant, lang_desc)
-        self._language_keyboard_variants[lang_desc] = self._variants_list
-    def _get_country_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
-        #helper "global" variable
-        self._variants_list = list()
-        country_name, country_desc = item_str(item.name), item_str(item.description)
-        c_reg.foreach_country_variant(country_name, self._get_variant, None)
-        self._country_keyboard_variants[(country_name, country_desc)] = self._variants_list
-    def get_available_layouts(self):
-        """A generator yielding layouts (no need to store them as a bunch)"""
-        for lang_desc, variants in sorted(self._language_keyboard_variants.items()):
-            for layout in variants:
-                yield layout.name
-    def get_default_language_layout(self, language):
-        """Get the default layout for a given language"""
-        language_layouts = self._language_keyboard_variants.get(language, None)
-        if not language_layouts:
-            return None
-        #first layout (should exist for every language)
-        return language_layouts[0].name
-    def _parse_layout_variant(self, layout):
-        """
-        Parse layout and variant from the string that may look like 'layout' or
-        'layout (variant)'.
-        @return: the (layout, variant) pair, where variant can be ""
-        @rtype: tuple
-        """
-        variant = ""
-        lbracket_idx = layout.find("(")
-        rbracket_idx = layout.rfind(")")
-        if lbracket_idx != -1:
-            variant = layout[(lbracket_idx + 1) : rbracket_idx]
-            layout = layout[:lbracket_idx].strip()
-        return (layout, variant)
-    def add_layout(self, layout):
-        """
-        Method that tries to add a given layout to the current X configuration.
-        The X layouts configuration is handled by two lists. A list of layouts
-        and a list of variants. Index-matching items in these lists (as if they
-        were zipped) are used for the construction of real layouts (e.g.
-        'cz (qwerty)').
-        @param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
-        @raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be added
-        """
-        #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
-        (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout)
-        #do not add the same layout-variant combinanion multiple times
-        if (layout, variant) in zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants):
-            return
-        self._rec.set_layouts(self._rec.layouts + [layout])
-        self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + [variant])
-        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
-            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
-                                                                      variant))
-    def remove_layout(self, layout):
-        """
-        Method that tries to remove a given layout from the current X
-        configuration.
-        See also the documentation for the add_layout method.
-        @param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
-        @raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be removed
-        """
-        #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
-        (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout)
-        layouts_variants = zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)
-        if not (layout, variant) in layouts_variants:
-            raise XklWrapperError("'%s (%s)' not in the list of added layouts")
-        idx = layouts_variants.index((layout, variant))
-        new_layouts = self._rec.layouts[:idx] + self._rec.layouts[(idx + 1):]
-        new_variants = self._rec.variants[:idx] + self._rec.variants[(idx + 1):]
-        self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts)
-        self._rec.set_variants(new_variants)
-        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
-            raise XklWrapperError("Failed to remove layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
-                                                                       variant))
-    def replace_layouts(self, layouts_list):
-        """
-        Method that replaces the layouts defined in the current X configuration
-        with the new ones given.
-        @param layouts_list: list of layouts defined as either 'layout' or
-                             'layout (variant)'
-        @raise XklWrapperError: if layouts cannot be replaced with the new ones
-        """
-        new_layouts = list()
-        new_variants = list()
-        for layout_variant in layouts_list:
-            (layout, variant) = self._parse_layout_variant(layout_variant)
-            new_layouts.append(layout)
-            new_layouts.append(variant)
-        self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts)
-        self._rec.set_variants(new_variants)
-        if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
-            msg = "Failed to replace layouts with: %s" % ",".join(layouts_list)
-            raise XklWrapperError(msg)

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