[PATCH 2/9] remove scripts/upd-initrd and scripts/upd-bootiso

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Creating the initrd and boot.iso is the province of lorax. These scripts
don't really work anymore, so let's not carry them around.
 scripts/Makefile.am |    3 +-
 scripts/upd-bootiso |  321 ---------------------------------------------------
 scripts/upd-initrd  |   43 -------
 3 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 scripts/upd-bootiso
 delete mode 100755 scripts/upd-initrd

diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.am b/scripts/Makefile.am
index 67ed4dd..8ad9512 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.am
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.am
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
 scriptsdir = $(libexecdir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)
 dist_scripts_SCRIPTS = getkeymaps upd-updates
 dist_scripts_DATA    = pyrc.py
-dist_noinst_SCRIPTS  = getlangnames.py upd-initrd upd-kernel \
-                       makeupdates
+dist_noinst_SCRIPTS  = getlangnames.py upd-kernel makeupdates
 dist_bin_SCRIPTS = analog anaconda-cleanup instperf
diff --git a/scripts/upd-bootiso b/scripts/upd-bootiso
deleted file mode 100755
index d59fecf..0000000
--- a/scripts/upd-bootiso
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# upd-bootiso
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2011  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Brian C. Lane <bcl@xxxxxxxxxx>
-# Update an existing installer iso image with new anaconda rpm build
-# This works for both the boot/netinstall and DVD .iso
-# This likely only works with x86 iso's since doPostImages() was borrowed
-# from mk-images.x86
-# Borrowed from mk-images.x86
-doPostImages() {
-    if [ -n "$BOOTISO" ]; then
-        EFIARGS=""
-        EFIGRAFT=""
-        if [ -f $TOPDESTPATH/images/efiboot.img ]; then
-            echo "Found efiboot.img, making an EFI-capable boot.iso"
-            EFIARGS="-eltorito-alt-boot -e images/efiboot.img -no-emul-boot"
-        else
-            echo "No efiboot.img found, making BIOS-only boot.iso"
-        fi
-        BIOSARGS="-b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table"
-        mkisocmd="mkisofs -v -o $BOOTISO $BIOSARGS $EFIARGS -R -J -V '$CDLABEL' -T $TOPDESTPATH"
-        echo $PWD:\$ $mkisocmd
-        eval $mkisocmd
-        if [ -x /usr/bin/isohybrid ]; then
-            isohybrid $BOOTISO || echo "Unable to make hybrid boot.iso"
-        fi
-        implantisomd5 $BOOTISO
-    fi
-abspath() {
-    dir="$1"
-    file=""
-    if [[ -f "$dir" ]]; then
-        file=/`basename "$dir"`
-        dir=`dirname "$dir"`
-    fi
-    echo `cd "$dir" && pwd -P`"$file"
-unpackRPMs() {
-    # Unpack the rpm's files into the tree
-    rpm2cpio $ANACONDA_RPM | cpio -idu
-    # Unpack any other rpms
-    for f in $EXTRA_RPMS; do
-        echo "Unpacking $f"
-        rpm2cpio $f | cpio -idu
-    done
-uncompressInitrd() {
-    echo "Extracting the initrd.img to ./newinitrd"
-    mkdir ./newinitrd
-    pushd ./newinitrd
-    if [ $1 -gt 14 ]; then
-        unxz < ../newiso/isolinux/initrd.img | cpio -idu
-    else
-        gunzip < ../newiso/isolinux/initrd.img | cpio -idu
-    fi
-    popd
-usage() {
-        if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
-                >&2
-        fi
-        echo "upd-bootiso [--shell] [--skipiso] [--leavetmp] [--dest /tmp] <boot.iso> <anaconda.rpm> [other.rpm] [...]"
-        echo "            --shell       Run a shell before rebuilding the iso"
-        echo "            --skipiso     Skip creating the final iso"
-        echo "            --leavetmp    Don't cleanup the /tmp/tmp.* directory"
-        echo "            --dest /tmp   Destination directory for final iso or image files"
-        exit $1
-[ "$1" == "--help" ] && usage 0
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-    case $1 in
-        --shell)
-            RUNSHELL=1
-            shift
-        ;;
-        --skipiso)
-            SKIPISO=1
-            shift
-        ;;
-        --leavetmp)
-            LEAVETMP=1
-            shift
-        ;;
-        --dest)
-            DEST=$(abspath $2)
-            shift; shift
-        ;;
-        *)
-            if [ -z "$ORIG_ISO" ]; then
-                ORIG_ISO=$(abspath $1)
-            elif [ -z "$ANACONDA_RPM" ]; then
-                ANACONDA_RPM=$(abspath $1)
-            else
-                EXTRA_RPMS="$EXTRA_RPMS$(abspath $1) "
-            fi
-            shift
-        ;;
-    esac
-[ -z "$ORIG_ISO" -o -z "$ANACONDA_RPM" ] && usage 1
-# Which anaconda release is this?
-echo $ANACONDA_RPM | python -c 'import sys,os;exit(int(os.path.basename(sys.stdin.readline())[9:].split(".")[0]))'
-echo "VERSION is $VER"
-# Figure out if this is a 64 bit system
-# < 12 doesn't use lib64 directory
-if [[ $VER -gt 11 && $ANACONDA_RPM =~ "x86_64" ]]; then
-    LIBDIR=lib64
-    LIBDIR=lib
-if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
-   echo "You must be root to run this script"
-   exit 1
-TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
-[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1
-echo "Working in $TMPDIR"
-pushd $TMPDIR
-echo "Extracting $ORIG_ISO to ./newiso/"
-mkdir ./origiso
-mount -o loop $ORIG_ISO ./origiso
-mkdir ./newiso
-rsync -a ./origiso/ ./newiso/
-umount ./origiso
-# Before f12 images/stage2.img held most of anaconda's files
-#   but using squashfs 3.0 which v4.0 cannot read
-# From f12 to f14 it was images/install.img
-# After f14 it is all in isolinux/initrd.img
-uncompressInitrd $VER
-if [ $VER -gt 15 ]; then
-    echo "Detected anaconda release 16+"
-    pushd ./newinitrd
-    # Do f16 and later operations on ./newinitrd
-    unpackRPMs
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstart-stub ./usr/bin/raidstart
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstop-stub ./usr/bin/raidstop
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/list-harddrives-stub ./usr/bin/list-harddrives
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loadkeys-stub ./usr/bin/loadkeys
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages/pyanaconda/sitecustomize.py ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages
-    # Copy loader to the initrd
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/loader ./sbin/
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loader.tr ./etc/
-elif [ $VER -gt 14 ]; then
-    echo "Detected anaconda release 15"
-    pushd ./newinitrd
-    unpackRPMs
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstart-stub ./usr/bin/raidstart
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstop-stub ./usr/bin/raidstop
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/list-harddrives-stub ./usr/bin/list-harddrives
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loadkeys-stub ./usr/bin/loadkeys
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages/pyanaconda/sitecustomize.py ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages
-    # Copy loader to the initrd
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/loader ./sbin/
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loader.tr ./etc/
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/init ./sbin/
-elif [ $VER -gt 11 ]; then
-    echo "Extracting ./newiso/images/install.img to ./newinstall/"
-    mkdir ./install
-    mount -o loop ./newiso/images/install.img install/
-    mkdir ./newinstall
-    rsync -a ./install/ ./newinstall/
-    umount ./install
-    pushd ./newinstall
-    unpackRPMs
-    if [ $VER -gt 13 ]; then
-        echo "Detected anaconda release 14"
-        # = anaconda-14.* do this
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstart-stub ./usr/bin/raidstart
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/raidstop-stub ./usr/bin/raidstop
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/list-harddrives-stub ./usr/bin/list-harddrives
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loadkeys-stub ./usr/bin/loadkeys
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/mknod-stub ./usr/bin/mknod
-        cp ./usr/share/anaconda/restart-anaconda ./usr/bin/restart-anaconda
-        cp ./usr/sbin/anaconda ./usr/bin/anaconda
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages/pyanaconda/sitecustomize.py ./usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages
-    elif [ $VER -gt 11 ]; then
-        echo "Detected anaconda release 12 or 13"
-        # 12 or 13 do this
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/raidstart-stub ./usr/bin/raidstart
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/raidstop-stub ./usr/bin/raidstop
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/losetup-stub ./usr/bin/losetup
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/list-harddrives-stub ./usr/bin/list-harddrives
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/loadkeys-stub ./usr/bin/loadkeys
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/mknod-stub ./usr/bin/mknod
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/syslogd-stub ./usr/bin/syslogd
-        cp ./usr/sbin/anaconda ./usr/bin/anaconda
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda-runtime/lib* ./usr/lib
-        cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/sitecustomize.py ./usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages
-    fi
-    # Copy loader to the initrd
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/loader ../newinitrd/sbin/
-    cp ./usr/share/anaconda/loader.tr ../newinitrd/etc/
-    cp ./usr/$LIBDIR/anaconda/init ../newinitrd/sbin/
-    # non-standard, used for debugging stage1 problems
-    cp ./usr/bin/{ls,cat,less} ../newinitrd/sbin/
-    echo "Cannot update stage2.img (old squashfs version). Only updating initrd"
-    mkdir ./newinstall
-    pushd ./newinstall
-    unpackRPMs
-    # Copy loader to the initrd
-    cp ./usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/loader ../newinitrd/sbin/
-    cp ./usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/loader.tr ../newinitrd/etc/
-    cp ./usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/init ../newinitrd/sbin/
-    # non-standard, used for debugging stage1 problems
-    cp ./usr/bin/{ls,cat,less} ../newinitrd/sbin/
-if [ $RUNSHELL -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo "Make changes inside ./newinitrd and ./newinstall, then exit to finish"
-    /bin/sh
-    echo "Finishing build of new.iso"
-# Create the new initrd.img
-pushd ./newinitrd
-if [ $VER -gt 15 ]; then
-    find . |cpio --quiet -c -o | xz -9 --check=crc32 > ../initrd.img
-    find . |cpio --quiet -c -o | gzip -9 > ../initrd.img
-# Stuff new initrd.img into the newiso tree
-find ./newiso/ -iname initrd.img -exec cp initrd.img {} \;
-# Make a new install.img if needed (f12 thru f14)
-if [ $VER -gt 11 -a $VER -lt 15 ]; then
-    echo "Create new install.img"
-    mksquashfs ./newinstall install.img -all-root -no-fragments -no-progress
-    find ./newiso/ -iname install.img -exec cp install.img {} \;
-if [ $SKIPISO -eq 0 ]; then
-    # Make a new .iso image
-    BOOTISO="./new.iso"
-    TOPDESTPATH="./newiso"
-    CDLABEL="Fedora"
-    rm $TOPDESTPATH/isolinux/boot.cat
-    echo "Build new iso"
-    doPostImages
-    mv new.iso $DEST
-    echo "new.iso is in $DEST"
-    cp initrd.img $DEST
-    if [ -f "install.img" ]; then
-        cp install.img $DEST
-    fi
-# Exit $TMPDIR
-if [ $LEAVETMP -eq 0 ]; then
-    rm -rf $TMPDIR
-if [ $VER -lt 12 ]; then
-    echo "WARNING: stage2.img was not updated due to older squashfs version."
-    echo "WARNING: Only the initrd.img was updated."
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/upd-initrd b/scripts/upd-initrd
deleted file mode 100755
index 66006d8..0000000
--- a/scripts/upd-initrd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Updates an installer initrd with a new loader binary 
-# Usage: upd-initrd <initrd> <binary> <outfile>
-# Copyright (C) 2005  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author(s): Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
-if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
-    echo "Usage: $0 <initrd> <binary> <outfile>"
-    exit 1
-INITRD=`readlink -f $1`
-BIN=`readlink -f $2`
-if [ -f $3 ]; then
-    OUT=`readlink -f $3`
-    OUT=`readlink -f .`/$3
-tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
-pushd $tmpdir
-zcat $INITRD |cpio -id
-strip -s -o sbin/$(basename $BIN) $BIN
-(find . |cpio -c -o |gzip -9) > $OUT
-rm -rf $tmpdir

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