Re: [rhel6-branch] mpath: do not deactivate mpath device upon its teardown.

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Comments below.

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010, Ales Kozumplik wrote:

So /dev/mapper/mpathx is still existing after the findrootparts step tears
the mpath device down. As we change the format of mpathx to disklabel,
parted device initialization will need /dev/mapper/mpathx to exist.

Related: rhbz#624175
storage/           |   13 ++++++++++---
storage/formats/ |   24 ++++++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/storage/ b/storage/
index ec84641..82a46f8 100644
--- a/storage/
+++ b/storage/
@@ -3213,6 +3213,16 @@ class MultipathDevice(DMDevice):

+        if recursive:
+            self.teardownParents(recursive=recursive)
+    def deactivate(self):
+        """
+        This is never called, included just for documentation.
+        If we called this during teardown(), we wouldn't be able to get parted
+        object because /dev/mapper/mpathX wouldn't exist.
+        """
        if self.exists and os.path.exists(self.path):
            #rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("multipath",
@@ -3232,9 +3242,6 @@ class MultipathDevice(DMDevice):
                raise MPathError("failed to tear down multipath device %s: %s"
                                % (, e))

-        if recursive:
-            self.teardownParents(recursive=recursive)
    def setup(self, intf=None, orig=False):
        """ Open, or set up, a device. """
        log_method_call(self,, orig=orig, status=self.status)
diff --git a/storage/formats/ b/storage/formats/
index 10c9bb9..c9ac5a0 100644
--- a/storage/formats/
+++ b/storage/formats/
@@ -147,17 +147,21 @@ class DiskLabel(DeviceFormat):

    def partedDevice(self):
-        if not self._partedDevice and self.device and \
-           os.path.exists(self.device):
-            # We aren't guaranteed to be able to get a device.  In
-            # particular, built-in USB flash readers show up as devices but
-            # do not always have any media present, so parted won't be able
-            # to find a device.
-            try:
-                 self._partedDevice = parted.Device(path=self.device)
-            except (_ped.IOException, _ped.DeviceException):
-                 pass
+        if not self._partedDevice and self.device:
+            if os.path.exists(self.device):
+                # We aren't guaranteed to be able to get a device.  In
+                # particular, built-in USB flash readers show up as devices but
+                # do not always have any media present, so parted won't be able
+                # to find a device.
+                try:
+                    self._partedDevice = parted.Device(path=self.device)
+                except (_ped.IOException, _ped.DeviceException) as e:
+                    log.error("DiskLabel.partedDevice: Parted exception: %s" % e)
+            else:
+      "DiskLabel.partedDevice: %s does not exist" % self.device)

+        if not self._partedDevice:
+  "DiskLabel.partedDevice is not having a good time, returning None")
Reword this log message.

        return self._partedDevice


Ack otherwise.

David Cantrell <dcantrell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat / Honolulu, HI

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