On 08/17/2010 09:58 PM, Chris Lumens wrote:
You shouldn't need to check for ip= at the start, right? This and the
ipv6 version are only ever called with the value itself, which should be
everything after the equals sign.
@@ -876,15 +875,23 @@ static void parseCmdLineIp(struct loaderData_s * loaderData, char *argv)
static void parseCmdLineIpv6(struct loaderData_s * loaderData, char *argv)
+ char *start;
+ /* if there's "ip=" at the beginning, jump past it */
+ if (!strncmp(argv, "ip=", 3)) {
+ start = argv + 3;
+ } else {
+ start = argv;
+ }
And regardless of the above, it's impossible to get into this function
with "ip=", since it's only called when "ipv6=" is a command line
- Chris
You're right, there's no reason to do that. The second hunk is even more
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