Re: Is this possible in F13?

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On 03/22/2010 05:52 PM, Amit Shah wrote:
On (Mon) Mar 22 2010 [16:46:12], Li Ming wrote:
Greetings Amit,
Hello Li,

      I tried to find you on IRC, but you seemed to be not there.We are
I'm available as 'amitshah' on freenode and 'amit' on oftc.

very interested in virtio-serial. I just want to know this is possible
for current anaconda of F13:
Install F13 in KVM, during install,anaconda will create the log in
/tmp/anaconda.log, can we get this file(anaconda.log) or the content of
this file via virtio-serial in host? I mean while anaconda is generating
logs in /tmp/anaconda.log in guest ,we can get this log in host at the
same time.
We'll need some co-operation by the anaconda folks and libvirt /
virt-manager for this.

If Anaconda can successfully open something like


then the logs could be routed directly to the host.

Libvirt/virt-manager could spawn a virtio-serial port that connects to
some socket on the host (tcp/udp/unix domain sockets).

It should be possible on a F13 guest image with qemu-kvm from
virt-preview. (I don't know if the relevant changes have been pushed to
F12 yet.)
If it works on F13, do we have some specific steps?
1. how to tell anaconda to open /dev/virio-ports/...ananconda.log,pass some args during boot? or this is default? 2. What command can create guest with virtio-serial port which is required to route logs.
In fact, someone from the Anaconda team had contacted me for doing such
a thing but I don't think it has moved forward at all. CC'ing the
anaconda-devel list (and I hope it's not moderated).

I want to know this too, who can tell us the progress?


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