On 03/15/2010 06:12 PM, Chris Lumens wrote:
I think you're on the right track here, but do you really need to use an
external program to accomplish this? Couldn't you do something like:
import gtk
win = gtk.MessageDialog(whatever, ...)
I don't know that it's any different or really saves any lines, but it
seems nicer to me.
- Chris
Allright, how about the patch below?
diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index dcea88b..f613618 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -347,10 +347,27 @@ def checkMemory(anaconda):
# override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X
if not flags.usevnc:
if anaconda.displayMode not in ('t', 'c') and
iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM:
- stdoutLog.warning(_("You do not have enough RAM to use the
graphical "
- "installer. Starting text mode."))
- anaconda.displayMode = 't'
- time.sleep(2)
+ complain = _("You do not have enough RAM to use the graphical "
+ "installer.")
+ if flags.livecdInstall:
+ stdoutLog.warning(complain)
+ recommendation = _("Try the text mode installer by
+ "'/usr/bin/liveinst -T'\n\n from a
root "
+ "terminal.")
+ title = _("Not enough RAM")
+ text = "%s %s" %(complain, recommendation)
+ import gtk
+ dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
+ buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE,
+ message_format=text)
+ dialog.set_title(title)
+ dialog.run()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ resolution = _("Starting text mode.")
+ stdoutLog.warning("%s %s" % (complain, resolution))
+ anaconda.displayMode = 't'
+ time.sleep(2)
def setupGraphicalLinks():
for i in ( "imrc", "im_palette.pal", "gtk-2.0", "pango", "fonts",
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