[PATCH 1/2] Nothing sets flags.setupFilesystems anymore, so it can go too.

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 anaconda               |    3 +-
 backend.py             |   22 ++----
 bootloader.py          |   18 ++----
 flags.py               |    1 -
 iw/upgrade_swap_gui.py |    3 +-
 packages.py            |  185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 storage/__init__.py    |    3 +-
 textw/upgrade_text.py  |    3 +-
 upgrade.py             |  156 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 yuminstall.py          |   61 ++++++++--------
 10 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 247 deletions(-)

diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index 4aa002a..e1e9770 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ def startMiniWM(root='/'):
 def doStartupX11Actions(runres="800x600"):
     global miniwm_pid
-    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-        setupGraphicalLinks()
+    setupGraphicalLinks()
     # now start up mini-wm
diff --git a/backend.py b/backend.py
index 08e3ce7..5c4232a 100644
--- a/backend.py
+++ b/backend.py
@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ class AnacondaBackend:
-        if flags.setupFilesystems:
-            syslog.stop()
+        syslog.stop()
     def doInstall(self, anaconda):
         log.warning("doInstall not implemented for backend!")
@@ -133,16 +132,12 @@ class AnacondaBackend:
         self.instLog = open(instLogName, "w+")
-       # dont start syslogd if we arent creating filesystems
-        if flags.setupFilesystems:
-            syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname)
-            try:
-                shutil.rmtree (syslogname)
-            except OSError:
-                pass
-            syslog.start (instPath, syslogname)
-        else:
-            syslogname = None
+        syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname)
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree (syslogname)
+        except OSError:
+            pass
+        syslog.start (instPath, syslogname)
         if upgrade:
             self.modeText = _("Upgrading %s\n")
@@ -150,9 +145,6 @@ class AnacondaBackend:
             self.modeText = _("Installing %s\n")
     def mountInstallImage(self, anaconda, installimg):
-        if not flags.setupFilesystems:
-            return
         if self._loopbackFile and os.path.exists(self._loopbackFile):
diff --git a/bootloader.py b/bootloader.py
index 729fe2c..5ef6729 100644
--- a/bootloader.py
+++ b/bootloader.py
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ def writeBootloader(anaconda):
-    justConfigFile = not flags.setupFilesystems
     if anaconda.id.bootloader.defaultDevice == -1:
@@ -157,9 +155,7 @@ def writeBootloader(anaconda):
             anaconda.id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly = 0    
-    # We don't need to let the user know if we're just doing the bootloader.
-    if not justConfigFile:
-        w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Bootloader"), _("Installing bootloader."))
+    w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Bootloader"), _("Installing bootloader."))
     kernelList = []
     otherList = []
@@ -185,8 +181,7 @@ def writeBootloader(anaconda):
     if kernelLabel is None:
         log.error("unable to find default image, bailing")
-	if not justConfigFile:
-	    w.pop()
+        w.pop()
     plainLabelUsed = 0
@@ -219,18 +214,15 @@ def writeBootloader(anaconda):
         rc = anaconda.id.bootloader.write(anaconda.rootPath, anaconda.id.bootloader,
-                                          kernelList, otherList, defaultDev,
-                                          justConfigFile)
-	if not justConfigFile:
-	    w.pop()
+                                          kernelList, otherList, defaultDev)
+        w.pop()
         if rc and anaconda.intf:
                                _("There was an error installing the bootloader.  "
                                  "The system may not be bootable."))
     except booty.BootyNoKernelWarning:
-	if not justConfigFile:
-	    w.pop()
+        w.pop()
         if anaconda.intf:
                                _("No kernel packages were installed on the "
diff --git a/flags.py b/flags.py
index 1aabe8e..17bc2e0 100644
--- a/flags.py
+++ b/flags.py
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class Flags:
 	self.__dict__['flags']['ibft'] = 1
 	self.__dict__['flags']['iscsi'] = 0
 	self.__dict__['flags']['serial'] = 0
-	self.__dict__['flags']['setupFilesystems'] = 1
 	self.__dict__['flags']['autostep'] = 0
 	self.__dict__['flags']['autoscreenshot'] = 0
 	self.__dict__['flags']['usevnc'] = 0
diff --git a/iw/upgrade_swap_gui.py b/iw/upgrade_swap_gui.py
index 247137b..2dee9ba 100644
--- a/iw/upgrade_swap_gui.py
+++ b/iw/upgrade_swap_gui.py
@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ class UpgradeSwapWindow (InstallWindow):
             raise gui.StayOnScreen            
-            if flags.setupFilesystems:
-                self.storage.createSwapFile(dev, val)
+            self.storage.createSwapFile(dev, val)
             self.dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1)
         return None
diff --git a/packages.py b/packages.py
index a298b55..36fab07 100644
--- a/packages.py
+++ b/packages.py
@@ -87,100 +87,99 @@ def turnOnFilesystems(anaconda):
         return DISPATCH_NOOP
-    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-	if not anaconda.id.upgrade:
-            if not anaconda.id.storage.fsset.active:
-                # turn off any swaps that we didn't turn on
-                # needed for live installs
-                iutil.execWithRedirect("swapoff", ["-a"],
-                                       stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5",
-                                       searchPath = 1)
-            anaconda.id.storage.devicetree.teardownAll()
-        upgrade_migrate = False
-        if anaconda.id.upgrade:
-            for d in anaconda.id.storage.migratableDevices:
-                if d.format.migrate:
-                    upgrade_migrate = True
-        title = None
-        message = None
-        details = None
+    if not anaconda.id.upgrade:
+        if not anaconda.id.storage.fsset.active:
+            # turn off any swaps that we didn't turn on
+            # needed for live installs
+            iutil.execWithRedirect("swapoff", ["-a"],
+                                   stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5",
+                                   searchPath = 1)
+        anaconda.id.storage.devicetree.teardownAll()
+    upgrade_migrate = False
+    if anaconda.id.upgrade:
+        for d in anaconda.id.storage.migratableDevices:
+            if d.format.migrate:
+                upgrade_migrate = True
+    title = None
+    message = None
+    details = None
-        try:
-            anaconda.id.storage.doIt()
-        except DeviceResizeError as (msg, device):
-            # XXX does this make any sense? do we support resize of
-            #     devices other than partitions?
-            title = _("Device Resize Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "resizing device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except DeviceCreateError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Device Creation Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "creating device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except DeviceDestroyError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Device Removal Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "removing device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except DeviceError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Device Setup Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "setting up device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except FSResizeError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Resizing Failed")
-            message = _("There was an error encountered while "
-                        "resizing the device %s.") % (device,)
-            if os.path.exists("/tmp/resize.out"):
-                details = open("/tmp/resize.out", "r").read()
-            else:
-                details = "%s" %(msg,)
-        except FSMigrateError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Migration Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "migrating filesystem on device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except FormatCreateError as (msg, device):
-            title = _("Formatting Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "formatting device %s.") % (device,)
-            details = msg
-        except Exception as e:
-            # catch-all
-            title = _("Storage Activation Failed")
-            message = _("An error was encountered while "
-                        "activating your storage configuration.")
-            details = str(e)
-        if title:
-            rc = anaconda.intf.detailedMessageWindow(title, message, details,
-                                type = "custom",
-                                custom_buttons = [_("_File Bug"), _("_Exit installer")])
-            if rc == 0:
-                raise
-            elif rc == 1:
-                sys.exit(1)
-        if not anaconda.id.upgrade:
-            anaconda.id.storage.turnOnSwap()
-            anaconda.id.storage.mountFilesystems(raiseErrors=False,
-                                                 readOnly=False,
-                                                 skipRoot=anaconda.backend.skipFormatRoot)
+    try:
+        anaconda.id.storage.doIt()
+    except DeviceResizeError as (msg, device):
+        # XXX does this make any sense? do we support resize of
+        #     devices other than partitions?
+        title = _("Device Resize Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "resizing device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except DeviceCreateError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Device Creation Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "creating device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except DeviceDestroyError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Device Removal Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "removing device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except DeviceError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Device Setup Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "setting up device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except FSResizeError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Resizing Failed")
+        message = _("There was an error encountered while "
+                    "resizing the device %s.") % (device,)
+        if os.path.exists("/tmp/resize.out"):
+            details = open("/tmp/resize.out", "r").read()
-            if upgrade_migrate:
-                # we should write out a new fstab with the migrated fstype
-                shutil.copyfile("%s/etc/fstab" % anaconda.rootPath,
-                                "%s/etc/fstab.anaconda" % anaconda.rootPath)
-                anaconda.id.storage.fsset.write(anaconda.rootPath)
-            # and make sure /dev is mounted so we can read the bootloader
-            bindMountDevDirectory(anaconda.rootPath)
+            details = "%s" %(msg,)
+    except FSMigrateError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Migration Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "migrating filesystem on device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except FormatCreateError as (msg, device):
+        title = _("Formatting Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "formatting device %s.") % (device,)
+        details = msg
+    except Exception as e:
+        # catch-all
+        title = _("Storage Activation Failed")
+        message = _("An error was encountered while "
+                    "activating your storage configuration.")
+        details = str(e)
+    if title:
+        rc = anaconda.intf.detailedMessageWindow(title, message, details,
+                            type = "custom",
+                            custom_buttons = [_("_File Bug"), _("_Exit installer")])
+        if rc == 0:
+            raise
+        elif rc == 1:
+            sys.exit(1)
+    if not anaconda.id.upgrade:
+        anaconda.id.storage.turnOnSwap()
+        anaconda.id.storage.mountFilesystems(raiseErrors=False,
+                                             readOnly=False,
+                                             skipRoot=anaconda.backend.skipFormatRoot)
+    else:
+        if upgrade_migrate:
+            # we should write out a new fstab with the migrated fstype
+            shutil.copyfile("%s/etc/fstab" % anaconda.rootPath,
+                            "%s/etc/fstab.anaconda" % anaconda.rootPath)
+            anaconda.id.storage.fsset.write(anaconda.rootPath)
+        # and make sure /dev is mounted so we can read the bootloader
+        bindMountDevDirectory(anaconda.rootPath)
 def setupTimezone(anaconda):
diff --git a/storage/__init__.py b/storage/__init__.py
index ea89633..6a24de1 100644
--- a/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/storage/__init__.py
@@ -1242,8 +1242,7 @@ def mountExistingSystem(anaconda, rootEnt,
         if rc == 0:
             return -1
-    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-        fsset.mountFilesystems(anaconda, readOnly=readOnly, skipRoot=True)
+    fsset.mountFilesystems(anaconda, readOnly=readOnly, skipRoot=True)
 class BlkidTab(object):
diff --git a/textw/upgrade_text.py b/textw/upgrade_text.py
index 0d2fc03..f944c72 100644
--- a/textw/upgrade_text.py
+++ b/textw/upgrade_text.py
@@ -189,8 +189,7 @@ class UpgradeSwapWindow:
                                          "and 2000 MB in size."))
-                    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-                        anaconda.id.storage.createSwapFile(dev, val)
+                    anaconda.id.storage.createSwapFile(dev, val)
                     anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1)
 		    return INSTALL_OK
diff --git a/upgrade.py b/upgrade.py
index c751533..b56c062 100644
--- a/upgrade.py
+++ b/upgrade.py
@@ -91,12 +91,6 @@ def findRootParts(anaconda):
         anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 0)
 def findExistingRoots(anaconda, upgradeany=False):
-    if not flags.setupFilesystems:
-        (prod, ver) = getReleaseString (anaconda.rootPath)
-        if flags.cmdline.has_key("upgradeany") or upgradeany or anaconda.id.instClass.productUpgradable(prod, ver):
-            return [(anaconda.rootPath, "")]
-        return []
     rootparts = findExistingRootDevices(anaconda, upgradeany=upgradeany)
     return rootparts
@@ -150,7 +144,7 @@ def upgradeSwapSuggestion(anaconda):
         if not device.format:
         if device.format.mountable and device.format.linuxNative:
-            if flags.setupFilesystems and not device.format.status:
+            if not device.format.status:
             space = isys.pathSpaceAvailable(anaconda.rootPath + device.format.mountpoint)
             if space > 16:
@@ -174,90 +168,80 @@ def upgradeSwapSuggestion(anaconda):
 def upgradeMountFilesystems(anaconda):
     # mount everything and turn on swap
-    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-	try:
-	    mountExistingSystem(anaconda,
-                                anaconda.id.upgradeRoot[0],
-                                allowDirty = 0)
-        except ValueError as e:
-            log.error("Error mounting filesystem: %s" % e)
-	    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Mount failed"),
-                _("The following error occurred when mounting the file "
-                  "systems listed in /etc/fstab.  Please fix this problem "
-                  "and try to upgrade again.\n%s" % e))
-	    sys.exit(0)
-        except IndexError as e:
-            # The upgrade root is search earlier but we give the message here.
-            log.debug("No upgrade root was found.")
-            if anaconda.isKickstart and anaconda.id.ksdata.upgrade.upgrade:
-                anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Upgrade root not found"),
+    try:
+        mountExistingSystem(anaconda,
+                            anaconda.id.upgradeRoot[0],
+                            allowDirty = 0)
+    except ValueError as e:
+        log.error("Error mounting filesystem: %s" % e)
+        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Mount failed"),
+            _("The following error occurred when mounting the file "
+              "systems listed in /etc/fstab.  Please fix this problem "
+              "and try to upgrade again.\n%s" % e))
+        sys.exit(0)
+    except IndexError as e:
+        # The upgrade root is search earlier but we give the message here.
+        log.debug("No upgrade root was found.")
+        if anaconda.isKickstart and anaconda.id.ksdata.upgrade.upgrade:
+            anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Upgrade root not found"),
+                _("The root for the previously installed system was not "
+                  "found."), type="custom",
+                custom_icon="info",
+                custom_buttons=[_("Exit installer")])
+            sys.exit(0)
+        else:
+            rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Upgrade root not found"),
                     _("The root for the previously installed system was not "
-                      "found."), type="custom",
-                    custom_icon="info",
-                    custom_buttons=[_("Exit installer")])
+                      "found.  You can exit installer or backtrack to choose "
+                      "installation instead of upgrade."),
+                type="custom",
+                custom_buttons = [ _("_Back"),
+                                   _("_Exit installer") ],
+                custom_icon="question")
+            if rc == 0:
+                return DISPATCH_BACK
+            elif rc == 1:
-            else:
-                rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Upgrade root not found"),
-                        _("The root for the previously installed system was not "
-                          "found.  You can exit installer or backtrack to choose "
-                          "installation instead of upgrade."),
-                    type="custom",
-                    custom_buttons = [ _("_Back"),
-                                       _("_Exit installer") ],
-                    custom_icon="question")
-                if rc == 0:
-                    return DISPATCH_BACK
-                elif rc == 1:
-                    sys.exit(0)
-	checkLinks = ( '/etc', '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm',
-		       '/boot', '/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/root',
-                       '/bin/sh', '/usr/tmp')
-	badLinks = []
-	for n in checkLinks:
-	    if not os.path.islink(anaconda.rootPath + n): continue
-	    l = os.readlink(anaconda.rootPath + n)
-	    if l[0] == '/':
-		badLinks.append(n)
-	if badLinks:
-	    message = _("The following files are absolute symbolic " 
-			"links, which we do not support during an " 
-			"upgrade. Please change them to relative "
-			"symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n")
-	    for n in badLinks:
-		message = message + '\t' + n + '\n'
-	    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Absolute Symlinks"), message)
-	    sys.exit(0)
-        # fix for 80446
-        badLinks = []
-        mustBeLinks = ( '/usr/tmp', )
-        for n in mustBeLinks:
-            if not os.path.islink(anaconda.rootPath + n):
-                badLinks.append(n)
-        if badLinks: 
-	    message = _("The following are directories which should instead "
-                        "be symbolic links, which will cause problems with the "
-                        "upgrade.  Please return them to their original state "
-                        "as symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n")
-            for n in badLinks:
-                message = message + '\t' + n + '\n'
-	    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Directories"), message)
-	    sys.exit(0)
-    else:
-        if not os.access (anaconda.rootPath + "/etc/fstab", os.R_OK):
-            anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"),
-                                        _("%s not found")
-                                        % (anaconda.rootPath + "/etc/fstab",),
-                                        type="ok")
-            return DISPATCH_BACK
-        anaconda.id.storage.parseFSTab()
-    if flags.setupFilesystems:
-        anaconda.id.storage.turnOnSwap(upgrading=True)
-        anaconda.id.storage.mkDevRoot()
+    checkLinks = ( '/etc', '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm',
+                   '/boot', '/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/root',
+                   '/bin/sh', '/usr/tmp')
+    badLinks = []
+    for n in checkLinks:
+        if not os.path.islink(anaconda.rootPath + n): continue
+        l = os.readlink(anaconda.rootPath + n)
+        if l[0] == '/':
+            badLinks.append(n)
+    if badLinks:
+        message = _("The following files are absolute symbolic " 
+                    "links, which we do not support during an " 
+                    "upgrade. Please change them to relative "
+                    "symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n")
+        for n in badLinks:
+            message = message + '\t' + n + '\n'
+        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Absolute Symlinks"), message)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    # fix for 80446
+    badLinks = []
+    mustBeLinks = ( '/usr/tmp', )
+    for n in mustBeLinks:
+        if not os.path.islink(anaconda.rootPath + n):
+            badLinks.append(n)
+    if badLinks: 
+        message = _("The following are directories which should instead "
+                    "be symbolic links, which will cause problems with the "
+                    "upgrade.  Please return them to their original state "
+                    "as symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n")
+        for n in badLinks:
+            message = message + '\t' + n + '\n'
+        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Directories"), message)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    anaconda.id.storage.turnOnSwap(upgrading=True)
+    anaconda.id.storage.mkDevRoot()
     # Move /etc/rpm/platform out of the way.
     if os.path.exists(anaconda.rootPath + "/etc/rpm/platform"):
diff --git a/yuminstall.py b/yuminstall.py
index 101a046..c6ea136 100644
--- a/yuminstall.py
+++ b/yuminstall.py
@@ -1514,42 +1514,41 @@ reposdir=/etc/anaconda.repos.d,/tmp/updates/anaconda.repos.d,/tmp/product/anacon
         self.initLog(anaconda.id, anaconda.rootPath)
-        if flags.setupFilesystems:
-            # setup /etc/rpm/ for the post-install environment
-            iutil.writeRpmPlatform(anaconda.rootPath)
+        # setup /etc/rpm/ for the post-install environment
+        iutil.writeRpmPlatform(anaconda.rootPath)
+        try:
+            # FIXME: making the /var/lib/rpm symlink here is a hack to
+            # workaround db->close() errors from rpm
+            iutil.mkdirChain("/var/lib")
+            for path in ("/var/tmp", "/var/lib/rpm"):
+                if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path):
+                    shutil.rmtree(path)
+                if not os.path.islink(path):
+                    os.symlink("%s/%s" %(anaconda.rootPath, path), "%s" %(path,))
+                else:
+                    log.warning("%s already exists as a symlink to %s" %(path, os.readlink(path),))
+        except Exception, e:
+            # how this could happen isn't entirely clear; log it in case
+            # it does and causes problems later
+            log.error("error creating symlink, continuing anyway: %s" %(e,))
+        # SELinux hackery (#121369)
+        if flags.selinux:
-                # FIXME: making the /var/lib/rpm symlink here is a hack to
-                # workaround db->close() errors from rpm
-                iutil.mkdirChain("/var/lib")
-                for path in ("/var/tmp", "/var/lib/rpm"):
-                    if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path):
-                        shutil.rmtree(path)
-                    if not os.path.islink(path):
-                        os.symlink("%s/%s" %(anaconda.rootPath, path), "%s" %(path,))
-                    else:
-                        log.warning("%s already exists as a symlink to %s" %(path, os.readlink(path),))
+                os.mkdir(anaconda.rootPath + "/selinux")
             except Exception, e:
-                # how this could happen isn't entirely clear; log it in case
-                # it does and causes problems later
-                log.error("error creating symlink, continuing anyway: %s" %(e,))
-            # SELinux hackery (#121369)
-            if flags.selinux:
-                try:
-                    os.mkdir(anaconda.rootPath + "/selinux")
-                except Exception, e:
-                    pass
-                try:
-                    isys.mount("/selinux", anaconda.rootPath + "/selinux", "selinuxfs")
-                except Exception, e:
-                    log.error("error mounting selinuxfs: %s" %(e,))
-            # For usbfs
+                pass
-                isys.mount("/proc/bus/usb", anaconda.rootPath + "/proc/bus/usb", "usbfs")
+                isys.mount("/selinux", anaconda.rootPath + "/selinux", "selinuxfs")
             except Exception, e:
-                log.error("error mounting usbfs: %s" %(e,))
+                log.error("error mounting selinuxfs: %s" %(e,))
+        # For usbfs
+        try:
+            isys.mount("/proc/bus/usb", anaconda.rootPath + "/proc/bus/usb", "usbfs")
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.error("error mounting usbfs: %s" %(e,))
         # write out the fstab
         if not upgrade:

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