[PATCH 07/14] Move identifyMultipaths from DeviceTree to devicelibs.

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The return type has also changed.  It now returns a tuple of a list of regular
devices, a list of multipath sets, and a list of partition devices.  This is
necessary so the filtering UI can use the same knowledge that was in the
DeviceTree object to know which devices are part of a multipath set and which
are just standalone disks.
 storage/devicelibs/mpath.py |   81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 storage/devicetree.py       |  117 +++++++++----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/storage/devicelibs/mpath.py b/storage/devicelibs/mpath.py
index 4a1c417..67c60f0 100644
--- a/storage/devicelibs/mpath.py
+++ b/storage/devicelibs/mpath.py
@@ -1,3 +1,84 @@
+from ..udev import *
+def identifyMultipaths(devices):
+    # this function does a couple of things
+    # 1) identifies multipath disks
+    # 2) sets their ID_FS_TYPE to multipath_member
+    # 3) removes the individual members of an mpath's partitions
+    # sample input with multipath pairs [sda,sdc] and [sdb,sdd]
+    # [sr0, sda, sda1, sdb, sda2, sdc, sdd, sdc1, sdc2, sde, sde1]
+    # sample output:
+    # [sr0, sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, sde1]
+    log.info("devices to scan for multipath: %s" % [d['name'] for d in devices])
+    serials = {}
+    non_disk_devices = {}
+    for d in devices:
+        serial = udev_device_get_serial(d)
+        if (not udev_device_is_disk(d)) or \
+                (not d.has_key('ID_SERIAL_SHORT')):
+            non_disk_devices.setdefault(serial, [])
+            non_disk_devices[serial].append(d)
+            log.info("adding %s to non_disk_device list" % (d['name'],))
+            continue
+        serials.setdefault(serial, [])
+        serials[serial].append(d)
+    singlepath_disks = []
+    multipaths = []
+    for serial, disks in serials.items():
+        if len(disks) == 1:
+            log.info("adding %s to singlepath_disks" % (disks[0]['name'],))
+            singlepath_disks.append(disks[0])
+        else:
+            # some usb cardreaders use multiple lun's (for different slots)
+            # and report a fake disk serial which is the same for all the
+            # lun's (#517603)
+            all_usb = True
+            for d in disks:
+                if d.get("ID_USB_DRIVER") != "usb-storage":
+                    all_usb = False
+                    break
+            if all_usb:
+                log.info("adding multi lun usb mass storage device to singlepath_disks: %s" %
+                         [disk['name'] for disk in disks])
+                singlepath_disks.extend(disks)
+                continue
+            for d in disks:
+                log.info("adding %s to multipath_disks" % (d['name'],))
+                d["ID_FS_TYPE"] = "multipath_member"
+            multipaths.append(disks)
+            log.info("found multipath set: [%s]" % [d['name'] for d in disks])
+    for mpath in multipaths:
+        for serial in [d['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] for d in mpath]:
+            if non_disk_devices.has_key(serial):
+                log.info("filtering out non disk devices [%s]" % [d['name'] for d in non_disk_devices[serial]])
+                del non_disk_devices[serial]
+    partition_devices = []
+    for devs in non_disk_devices.values():
+        partition_devices += devs
+    # this is the list of devices we want to keep from the original
+    # device list, but we want to maintain its original order.
+    singlepath_disks = filter(lambda d: d in devices, singlepath_disks)
+    #multipaths = filter(lambda d: d in devices, multipaths)
+    partition_devices = filter(lambda d: d in devices, partition_devices)
+    mpathStr = "["
+    for mpath in multipaths:
+        mpathStr += str([d['name'] for d in mpath])
+    mpathStr += "]"
+    s = "(%s, %s, %s)" % ([d['name'] for d in singlepath_disks], \
+                          mpathStr, \
+                          [d['name'] for d in partition_devices])
+    log.info("devices post multipath scan: %s" % s)
+    return (singlepath_disks, multipaths, partition_devices)
 class MultipathConfigWriter:
     def __init__(self):
diff --git a/storage/devicetree.py b/storage/devicetree.py
index a5a59e7..ab71f12 100644
--- a/storage/devicetree.py
+++ b/storage/devicetree.py
@@ -1894,82 +1894,6 @@ class DeviceTree(object):
         for leaf in self.leaves:
-    def identifyMultipaths(self, devices):
-        # this function does a couple of things
-        # 1) identifies multipath disks
-        # 2) sets their ID_FS_TYPE to multipath_member
-        # 3) removes the individual members of an mpath's partitions
-        # sample input with multipath pairs [sda,sdc] and [sdb,sdd]
-        # [sr0, sda, sda1, sdb, sda2, sdc, sdd, sdc1, sdc2, sde, sde1]
-        # sample output:
-        # [sr0, sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, sde1]
-        log.info("devices to scan for multipath: %s" % [d['name'] for d in devices])
-        serials = {}
-        non_disk_devices = {}
-        for d in devices:
-            serial = udev_device_get_serial(d)
-            if (not udev_device_is_disk(d)) or \
-                    (not d.has_key('ID_SERIAL_SHORT')):
-                non_disk_devices.setdefault(serial, [])
-                non_disk_devices[serial].append(d)
-                log.info("adding %s to non_disk_device list" % (d['name'],))
-                continue
-            serials.setdefault(serial, [])
-            serials[serial].append(d)
-        singlepath_disks = []
-        multipath_disks = []
-        for serial, disks in serials.items():
-            if len(disks) == 1:
-                log.info("adding %s to singlepath_disks" % (disks[0]['name'],))
-                singlepath_disks.append(disks[0])
-            else:
-                # some usb cardreaders use multiple lun's (for different slots)
-                # and report a fake disk serial which is the same for all the
-                # lun's (#517603)
-                all_usb = True
-                for d in disks:
-                    if d.get("ID_USB_DRIVER") != "usb-storage":
-                        all_usb = False
-                        break
-                if all_usb:
-                    log.info("adding multi lun usb mass storage device to singlepath_disks: %s" %
-                             [disk['name'] for disk in disks])
-                    singlepath_disks.extend(disks)
-                    continue
-                multipath_members = {}
-                for d in disks:
-                    log.info("adding %s to multipath_disks" % (d['name'],))
-                    d["ID_FS_TYPE"] = "multipath_member"
-                    multipath_disks.append(d)
-                    multipath_members[d['name']] = { 'info': d,
-                                                     'found': False }
-                    log.info("found multipath set: [%s]" % [d['name'] for d in disks])
-        for serial in [d['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] for d in multipath_disks]:
-            if non_disk_devices.has_key(serial):
-                    log.info("filtering out non disk devices [%s]" % [d['name'] for d in non_disk_devices[serial]])
-                    del non_disk_devices[serial]
-        partition_devices = []
-        for devs in non_disk_devices.values():
-            partition_devices += devs
-        # this is the list of devices we want to keep from the original
-        # device list, but we want to maintain its original order.
-        okdevs = singlepath_disks + multipath_disks + partition_devices
-        names = [d['name'] for d in okdevs]
-        retdevs = []
-        for dev in devices:
-            if dev['name'] in names:
-                retdevs.append(dev)
-        log.info("devices post multipath scan: %s" % [d['name'] for d in retdevs])
-        return retdevs
     def populate(self):
         """ Locate all storage devices. """
@@ -1993,12 +1917,28 @@ class DeviceTree(object):
                      % (livetarget,))
-        # each iteration scans any devices that have appeared since the
-        # previous iteration
+        # First iteration - let's just look for disks.
         old_devices = {}
-        ignored_devices = []
-        first_iteration = True
-        handled_mpaths = False
+        devices = udev_get_block_devices()
+        for dev in devices:
+            old_devices[dev['name']] = dev
+        (singles, mpaths, partitions) = devicelibs.mpath.identifyMultipaths(devices)
+        devices = singles + reduce(list.__add__, mpaths, []) + partitions
+        log.info("devices to scan: %s" % [d['name'] for d in devices])
+        for dev in devices:
+            self.addUdevDevice(dev)
+        # Having found all the disks, we can now find all the multipaths built
+        # upon them.
+        for mp in self.__multipaths.values():
+            log.info("adding mpath device %s" % mp.name)
+            mp.setup()
+            self._addDevice(mp)
+        # Now, loop and scan for devices that have appeared since the two above
+        # blocks or since previous iterations.
         while True:
             devices = []
             new_devices = udev_get_block_devices()
@@ -2009,18 +1949,9 @@ class DeviceTree(object):
             if len(devices) == 0:
-                if handled_mpaths:
-                    # nothing is changing -- we are finished building devices
-                    break
-                for mp in self.__multipaths.values():
-                    log.info("adding mpath device %s" % (mp.name,))
-                    mp.setup()
-                    self._addDevice(mp)
-                handled_mpaths = True
-            if first_iteration:
-                devices = self.identifyMultipaths(devices)
-                first_iteration = False
+                # nothing is changing -- we are finished building devices
+                break
             log.info("devices to scan: %s" % [d['name'] for d in devices])
             for dev in devices:

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