Re: [PATCH 21/30] Make the Bar View Code generic.

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Comments inline.

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Joel Granados Moreno wrote:

The reason behind this change is to make the code ready for LVM and

* iw/ (Slice, Stripe, StripeGraph): New classes that
replace the old ones.  These new clases do not depend on partition
objects.  The only accept offsets and lengths.
(Slice.eventHandler): Introduce a oneClick and doubleClick call back
funcitons.  The one click call back will be used for selecting the tree
device when the bar device is clicked.
(DiskStripeGraph): Make the new DiskStripeGraph use the generic bar view
(Stripe.put_on_canvas, Slice.put_on_canvas): New function.  It separates
the creation of the class from the drawing of whatever the class
represents.  When this function is called, the drawing occurs.
(, Slice.deselect): Change color on the bar view when
(de)selecting slices.
(addSlice): New function that handle the addition of slices to stripes.
(DiskStripeGraph.setDisplayed, DiskStripeGraph.getDisplayed): New
functions to handle the shown "device".
(DiskStripeGraph.display): Expects a storage.DiskDevice.  Creates Stripe
and draws immediately.  Will remove whatever was previously on bar view.
iw/ |  491 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 275 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iw/ b/iw/
index f5c7401..95af3f3 100644
--- a/iw/
+++ b/iw/
@@ -58,84 +58,75 @@ log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")

-CANVAS_WIDTH_800 = 490
-CANVAS_WIDTH_640 = 390

+# XXX hack but will work for now
+if gtk.gdk.screen_width() > 640:
+    CANVAS_WIDTH = 490
+    CANVAS_WIDTH = 390

-class DiskStripeSlice:
+class Slice:
+    """Class representing a slice of a stripe.
+    parent -- the stripe that the slice belongs too.
+    text -- what will appear in the slice
+    type -- either SLICE or SUBSLICE
+    xoffset -- start percentage
+    xlength -- a length percentage
+    dcCB -- function that is called on a double click.
+    cCB -- function that is called when one click (selected)
+    sel_col -- color when selected
+    unsel_col -- color when unselected
+    obj -- some python object that is related to this slice.
+    selected -- initial state of slice.
+    """
+    SLICE = 0
+    SUBSLICE = 1
+    def __init__(self, parent, text, type, xoffset, xlength, dcCB=lambda: None,
+            cCB=lambda: None, sel_col="cornsilk1", unsel_col="white",
+            obj = None, selected = False):
+        self.text = text
+        self.type = type
+        self.xoffset = xoffset
+        self.xlength = xlength
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.dcCB = dcCB
+        self.cCB = cCB
+        self.sel_col = sel_col
+        self.unsel_col = unsel_col
+        self.obj = obj
+        self.selected = selected
    def eventHandler(self, widget, event):
        if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
            if event.button == 1:
-                self.parent.selectSlice(self.partition, 1)
+                self.cCB()
        elif event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
-            self.editCB()
-        return True
-    def shutDown(self):
-        self.parent = None
-        if
-   = None
-        del self.partedPartition
-        del self.partition
+            self.dcCB()

-    def select(self):
-        if self.partedPartition.type != parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
-    def deselect(self):
-"black", fill_color=self.fillColor())
-    def getPartition(self):
-        return self.partition
-    def fillColor(self):
-        if self.partedPartition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
-            return "grey88"
-        return "white"
-    def selectColor(self):
-        if self.partedPartition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
-            return "cornsilk2"
-        return "cornsilk1"
-    def sliceText(self):
-        if self.partedPartition.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
-            return ""
-        if self.partedPartition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
-            rc = "Free\n"
-        else:
-            rc = "%s\n" % (self.partedPartition.getDeviceNodeName().split("/")[-1],)
-        rc = rc + "%Ld MB" % (self.partedPartition.getSize(unit="MB"),)
-        return rc
-    def update(self):
-        disk = self.parent.getDisk()
-        (cylinders, heads, sectors) = disk.device.biosGeometry
-        totalSectors = float(heads * sectors * cylinders)
-        # XXX hack but will work for now
-        if gtk.gdk.screen_width() > 640:
-            width = CANVAS_WIDTH_800
-        else:
-            width = CANVAS_WIDTH_640
+        return True

-        # If it's a very, very small partition then there's no point in trying
-        # cut off a piece of the parent disk's stripe for it.
-        if totalSectors == 0:
-            return
+    def put_on_canvas(self):
Style:  All other methods in these classes are named with CamelCase, except
this one.

+        pgroup = self.parent.getGroup()
+ = pgroup.add(gnomecanvas.CanvasGroup)
+ =
+"event", self.eventHandler)
+        canvas_text =,
+                                    font="sans", size_points=8)

-        xoffset = self.partedPartition.geometry.start / totalSectors * width
-        xlength = self.partedPartition.geometry.length / totalSectors * width
+        xoffset = self.xoffset * CANVAS_WIDTH
+        xlength = self.xlength * CANVAS_WIDTH

-        if self.partedPartition.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL:
+        if self.type == Slice.SUBSLICE:
            yoffset = 0.0 + LOGICAL_INSET
            yheight = STRIPE_HEIGHT - (LOGICAL_INSET * 2)
            texty = 0.0
@@ -143,193 +134,257 @@ class DiskStripeSlice:
            yoffset = 0.0
            yheight = STRIPE_HEIGHT
            texty = LOGICAL_INSET
+        if self.selected:
+            fill_color = self.sel_col
+        else:
+            fill_color = self.unsel_col
+, y=yoffset), y1=0.0, x2=xlength,
-                     y2=yheight, fill_color=self.fillColor(),
+                     y2=yheight, fill_color=fill_color,
                     outline_color='black', width_units=1.0)
-        self.text.set(x=2.0, y=texty + 2.0, text=self.sliceText(),
-                      fill_color='black',
-                      anchor=gtk.ANCHOR_NW, clip=True,
-                      clip_width=xlength-1, clip_height=yheight-1)
-    def __init__(self, parent, partition, treeView, editCB):
-        self.text = None
-        self.partition = partition
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.treeView = treeView
-        self.editCB = editCB
-        pgroup = parent.getGroup()
+        canvas_text.set(x=2.0, y=texty + 2.0, text=self.text,
+                            fill_color='black',
+                            anchor=gtk.ANCHOR_NW, clip=True,
+                            clip_width=xlength-1, clip_height=yheight-1)

-        # Slices representing freespace are passed a pyparted object as
-        # partition, not an anaconda storage object.  Therefore, they do
-        # not have a partedPartition attribute.
-        if self.partition and hasattr(self.partition, "partedPartition"):
-            self.partedPartition = self.partition.partedPartition
-        else:
-            self.partedPartition = self.partition
+    def shutDown(self):
+        self.parent = None
+        if
+   = None

- = pgroup.add(gnomecanvas.CanvasGroup)
- =
-"event", self.eventHandler)
-        self.text =,
-                                    font="sans", size_points=8)
-        self.update()
+    def select(self):
+        for slice in self.parent.slices:
+            slice.deselect()
+        self.selected = True

-class DiskStripe:
-    def __init__(self, drive, disk, group, tree, editCB):
-        self.disk = disk
- = group
-        self.tree = tree
- = drive
-        self.slices = []
-        self.hash = {}
-        self.editCB = editCB
+        if and
+            if self.type != Slice.CONTAINERSLICE:
+  "red")
+    def deselect(self):
+        self.selected = False
+        if
+  "black", fill_color=self.unsel_col)
+class Stripe:
+    """
+    canvas -- the canvas where everything goes
+    text -- the text that will appear on top of the stripe
+    yoff -- its the position in the y axis where this stripe should be drawn
+    dcCB -- function that should be called on a double click
+    obj -- some python object that is related to this stripe
+    """
+    def __init__(self, canvas, text, dcCB, obj = None):
+        self.canvas_text = None
+        self.canvas = canvas
+        self.text = text
+ = None
+        self._slices = []
+        self.dcCB = dcCB
        self.selected = None
+        self.obj = obj

-        # XXX hack but will work for now
-        if gtk.gdk.screen_width() > 640:
-            width = CANVAS_WIDTH_800
-        else:
-            width = CANVAS_WIDTH_640
-        group.add(gnomecanvas.CanvasRect, x1=0.0, y1=10.0, x2=width,
+    def put_on_canvas(self, yoff):
Style again here.

+        """
+        returns the yposition after drawhing this stripe.
+        """
+        # We set the text for the stripe.
+        self.canvas_text = self.canvas.root().add(gnomecanvas.CanvasText,
+                x=0.0, y=yoff, font="sans", size_points=9)
+        self.canvas_text.set(text=self.text, fill_color='black',
+                anchor=gtk.ANCHOR_NW, weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
+        (xxx1, yyy1, xxx2, yyy2) =  self.canvas_text.get_bounds()
+        textheight = yyy2 - yyy1 + 2
+ = self.canvas.root().add(gnomecanvas.CanvasGroup,
+                                       x=0, y=yoff+textheight)
+, x1=0.0, y1=0.0, x2=CANVAS_WIDTH,
                  y2=STRIPE_HEIGHT, fill_color='green',
                  outline_color='grey71', width_units=1.0)
-        group.lower_to_bottom()
+        # We paint all the container slices first.  So the contained slices
+        # actually show up.
+        for slice in [s for s in self.slices if s.type == Slice.CONTAINERSLICE]:
+            slice.put_on_canvas()
+        # After painting the containers we paint the rest.
+        for slice in [s for s in self.slices if s.type != Slice.CONTAINERSLICE]:
+            slice.put_on_canvas()
+        # 10 is a separator space.
+        return yoff + STRIPE_HEIGHT+textheight+10

    def shutDown(self):
-        while self.slices:
-            slice = self.slices.pop()
+        for slice in self.slices:
+        self._slices = []
+        if self.canvas_text:
+            self.canvas_text.destroy()
   = None
-        del self.disk
-    def holds(self, partition):
-        return self.hash.has_key(partition)
-    def getSlice(self, partition):
-        return self.hash[partition]
-    def getDisk(self):
-        return self.disk
-    def getDrive(self):
-        return

    def getGroup(self):

-    def selectSlice(self, partition, updateTree=0):
-        self.deselect()
-        slice = self.hash[partition]
+    @property
+    def slices(self):
+        return self._slices

-        # update selection of the tree
-        if updateTree:
-            self.tree.selectPartition(partition)
-        self.selected = slice
+    def addSlice(self, new_slice):
+        # check to see if they overlap.
+        for slice in self.slices:
+            # Container slices and subslices can overlap.
+            if new_slice.type+slice.type == Slice.CONTAINERSLICE+Slice.SUBSLICE:
+                continue

-    def deselect(self):
-        if self.selected:
-            self.selected.deselect()
-        self.selected = None
-    def add(self, partition):
-        stripe = DiskStripeSlice(self, partition, self.tree, self.editCB)
-        self.slices.append(stripe)
-        self.hash[partition] = stripe
+            if new_slice.xoffset > slice.xoffset \
+                    and new_slice.xoffset < slice.xoffset + slice.xlength:
+                # there is a colission, we cannot add.
+                return
+        self._slices.append(new_slice)
+class StripeGraph:
+    """ This class will only handle one stripe."""

-class DiskStripeGraph:
    def __init__(self, tree, editCB):
        self.canvas = gnomecanvas.Canvas()
-        self.diskStripes = []
-        self.textlabels = []
+        self.stripe = None
        self.tree = tree
        self.editCB = editCB
        self.next_ypos = 0.0
-        self.currentShown = None

    def __del__(self):

-    def getDisplayed(self):
-        return self.currentShown
+    def shutDown(self):
+        if self.stripe:
+            self.stripe.shutDown()
+            self.stripe = None

-    def setDisplayed(self, disk):
-        self.shutDown()
-        self.display(disk)
-        self.currentShown = disk
-    def display(self, disk):
-        stripe = self.add(disk, disk.format.partedDisk)
-        part = disk.format.firstPartition
-        while part:
-            if part.type & parted.PARTITION_METADATA \
-                    or part.getSize(unit="MB") <= 1.0:
-                part = part.nextPartition()
-                continue
+        self.next_ypos = 0.0
+    def getCanvas(self):
+        return self.canvas
+    def setDisplayed(self, obj):
+        # Check to see if we already have the correct obj displayed.
+        if self.getDisplayed() and self.getDisplayed().obj == obj:
+            return
+        if self.stripe:
+            self.stripe.shutDown()

-            stripe.add(part)
-            part = part.nextPartition()
+        self.stripe = self._createStripe(obj)
+        self.stripe.put_on_canvas(0)

        # Trying to center the picture.
        apply(self.canvas.set_scroll_region, self.canvas.root().get_bounds())

-    def shutDown(self):
-        # remove any circular references so we can clean up
-        while self.diskStripes:
-            stripe = self.diskStripes.pop()
-            stripe.shutDown()
+    def getDisplayed(self):
+        return self.stripe

-        while self.textlabels:
-            lab = self.textlabels.pop()
-            lab.destroy()
+    def selectSliceFromObj(self, obj):
+        """Search for obj in the slices """
+        stripe = self.getDisplayed()
+        if not stripe:
+            return

-        self.next_ypos = 0.0
-        self.currentShown = None
+        for slice in stripe.slices:
+            # There is a part object in each slice.
+            if not slice.obj:
+                continue

-    def getCanvas(self):
-        return self.canvas
+            if obj == slice.obj and not slice.selected:
+                break
+    def _createStripe(self, obj):
+        #This method needs to be overridden
+        pass
+class DiskStripeGraph(StripeGraph):
+    def __init__(self, tree, editCB, storage, drive = None):
+        StripeGraph.__init__(self, tree, editCB)
+ = storage
+       # Define the default colors per partition type.
+        self.part_type_colors = \
+                {"sel_logical": "cornsilk1", "unsel_logical": "white",
+                 "sel_extended": "cornsilk1", "unsel_extended": "white",
+                 "sel_normal": "cornsilk1", "unsel_normal": "white",
+                 "sel_freespace": "grey88", "unsel_freespace": "grey88"}
The color settings here... perhaps they should be provided by some sort of
theme class that lives somewhere else.  We may want to adjust these things
later on for RHEL or if Fedora decides to change themes.  Other distributions
might like an easier way to change the theme settings for the storage UI.
Just a thought.

+        if drive:
+            self.setDisplayed(drive)
+    def _createStripe(self, drive):
+        # Create the stripe
+        drivetext = _("Drive %s (%-0.f MB) (Model: %s)") % (drive.path,
+                drive.size, drive.model)
+        stripe = Stripe(self.canvas, drivetext, self.editCB, obj = drive)
+        # Create the slices.
+        for part in drive.format.partedDisk.getFreeSpacePartitions() \
+                + [d for d in drive.format.partitions]:
+            if part.getSize(unit="MB") <= 1.0:
+                continue
+            if part.type == parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL:
+                partstr = part.path
+                stype = Slice.SUBSLICE
+                unsel_col = self.part_type_colors["unsel_logical"]
+                sel_col = self.part_type_colors["sel_logical"]
+            elif part.type == parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
+                partstr = _("Free")
+                stype = Slice.SLICE
+                unsel_col = self.part_type_colors["unsel_freespace"]
+                sel_col = self.part_type_colors["sel_freespace"]
+            elif part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
+                partstr = ""
+                stype = Slice.CONTAINERSLICE
+                unsel_col = self.part_type_colors["unsel_extended"]
+                sel_col = self.part_type_colors["sel_extended"]
+            elif part.type == parted.PARTITION_NORMAL:
+                partstr = part.path
+                stype = Slice.SLICE
+                unsel_col = self.part_type_colors["unsel_normal"]
+                sel_col = self.part_type_colors["sel_normal"]
+            else:
+                # We don't really want to draw anything in this case.
+                continue
+            # Create the start and length for the slice.
+            xoffset = float(part.geometry.start) \
+                    / float(drive.partedDevice.length)
+            xlength = float(part.geometry.length) \
+                    / float(drive.partedDevice.length)
Style:  Division across lines leads to the weird \ / stuff and I'd rather go
beyond 80 characters on the line than have the line continuation marker next
to the division operator.

+            # We need to use the objects not the partedDisk ones.
+            # The free space has not storage object.
+            if part.type != parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
+                partName = devicePathToName(part.getDeviceNodeName())
+                o_part =
+                dcCB = self.editCB
+            else:
+                o_part = part
+                dcCB = lambda: None
+            slice = Slice(stripe, partstr, stype, xoffset, xlength,
+                    dcCB = dcCB, sel_col = sel_col,
+                    unsel_col = unsel_col, obj = o_part)
+            stripe.addSlice(slice)

-    def selectSlice(self, partition):
-        for stripe in self.diskStripes:
-            stripe.deselect()
-            if stripe.holds(partition):
-                stripe.selectSlice(partition)
-    def getSlice(self, partition):
-        for stripe in self.diskStripes:
-            if stripe.holds(partition):
-                return stripe.getSlice(partition)
-    def getDisk(self, partition):
-        for stripe in self.diskStripes:
-            if stripe.holds(partition):
-                return stripe.getDisk()
-    def add(self, drive, disk):
-        yoff = self.next_ypos
-        text = self.canvas.root().add(gnomecanvas.CanvasText,
-                                      x=0.0, y=yoff,
-                                      font="sans",
-                                      size_points=9)
-        drivetext = _("Drive %s (%-0.f MB) "
-                     "(Model: %s)") % (drive.path,
-                                       disk.device.getSize(unit="MB"),
-                                       disk.device.model)
-        text.set(text=drivetext, fill_color='black', anchor=gtk.ANCHOR_NW,
-                 weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
-        (xxx1, yyy1, xxx2, yyy2) =  text.get_bounds()
-        textheight = yyy2 - yyy1 + 2
-        self.textlabels.append(text)
-        group = self.canvas.root().add(gnomecanvas.CanvasGroup,
-                                       x=0, y=yoff+textheight)
-        stripe = DiskStripe(, disk, group, self.tree, self.editCB)
-        self.diskStripes.append(stripe)
-        self.next_ypos = self.next_ypos + STRIPE_HEIGHT+textheight+10
        return stripe

class DiskTreeModelHelper:
@@ -965,15 +1020,18 @@ class PartitionWindow(InstallWindow):

        # See if we need to change what is in the canvas.
-        displayed = self.diskStripeGraph.getDisplayed()
-        if isinstance(device, storage.DiskDevice) and device != displayed:
+        if isinstance(device, storage.DiskDevice):

-        elif isinstance(device, storage.PartitionDevice) \
-                and device.parents[0] != displayed:
+        elif  isinstance(device, storage.PartitionDevice):
-            self.diskStripeGraph.selectSlice(device)
+            self.diskStripeGraph.selectSliceFromObj(device)

+        elif device == None: # User clicks on a "Free" row.
+            iparent = model.iter_parent(iter)
+            parent = self.tree[iparent]["PyObject"]
+            if isinstance(parent, storage.DiskDevice):
+                self.diskStripeGraph.setDisplayed(parent)

    def deleteCB(self, widget):
        """ Right now we can say that if the device is partitioned we
@@ -1477,7 +1535,8 @@ class PartitionWindow(InstallWindow):
        self.treeView.connect('row-activated', self.treeActivateCB)
        self.treeViewSelection = self.treeView.get_selection()
        self.treeViewSelection.connect("changed", self.treeSelectCB)
-        self.diskStripeGraph = DiskStripeGraph(self.tree, self.editCB)
+        self.diskStripeGraph = DiskStripeGraph(self.tree, self.editCB,
+                                                storage =
        self.populate(initial = 1)

        # Create the top scroll window

I didn't see any issues as I walked through this code.  Aside from the style
comments and the theme comment, the rest looks fine.

- -- David Cantrell <dcantrell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat / Honolulu, HI

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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