[PATCH 3/3] Modify rhel.py installclass for current RHEL development efforts.

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Change the tasklist in the rhel.py installclass to align with current
RHEL development.
 installclasses/rhel.py |  178 +++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

diff --git a/installclasses/rhel.py b/installclasses/rhel.py
index 906189d..0a632c5 100644
--- a/installclasses/rhel.py
+++ b/installclasses/rhel.py
@@ -23,27 +23,22 @@ from product import *
 from meh.filer import *
 from flags import flags
 import os
-import iutil
 import types
-import yuminstall
-    import instnum
-except ImportError:
-    instnum = None
+import iutil
 import gettext
 _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
+import installmethod
+import yuminstall
+import rpmUtils.arch
-# custom installs are easy :-)
 class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass):
     # name has underscore used for mnemonics, strip if you dont need it
     id = "rhel"
     name = N_("Red Hat Enterprise Linux")
-    _description = N_("The default installation of %s includes a set of "
-                     "software applicable for general internet usage. "
+    _description = N_("The default installation of %s is a minimal install. "
                      "What additional tasks would you like your system "
                      "to include support for?")
     _descriptionFields = (productName,)
@@ -51,38 +46,53 @@ class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass):
     if not productName.startswith("Red Hat Enterprise"):
         hidden = 1
-    taskMap = {'client'        : [(N_("Office"), ["office"]),
-                                  (N_("Multimedia"), ["graphics", 
-                                                      "sound-and-video"])],
-               'server'        : [(N_("Software Development"), 
-                                   ["development-libs", "development-tools",
-                                    "gnome-software-development", 
-                                    "x-software-development"],),
-                                  (N_("Web server"), ["web-server"])],
-               'workstation'   : [(N_("Software Development"), 
-                                   ["development-libs", "development-tools",
-                                    "gnome-software-development", 
-                                    "x-software-development"],)],
-               'vt'            : [(N_("Virtualization"), ["virtualization"])],
-               'cluster'       : [(N_("Clustering"), ["clustering"])],
-               'clusterstorage': [(N_("Storage Clustering"), 
-                                   ["cluster-storage"])]
-             }
-    instkeyname = N_("Installation Number")
-    instkeydesc = N_("Would you like to enter an Installation Number "
-                     "(sometimes called Subscription Number) now? This feature "
-                     "enables the installer to access any extra components "
-                     "included with your subscription.  If you skip this step, "
-                     "additional components can be installed manually later.\n\n"
-                     "See http://www.redhat.com/InstNum/ for more information.")
-    skipkeytext = N_("If you cannot locate the Installation Number, consult "
-                     "http://www.redhat.com/InstNum/";)
+    tasks = [(N_("Desktop"),
+              ["backup-client", "base", "compat-libraries", "console-internet",
+               "debugging", "directory-client", "firmware", "fonts",
+               "legacy-unix", "core", "network-file-system-client",
+               "network-tools", "print-client", "virtualization", "vpn",
+               "basic-desktop", "desktop-debugging", "desktop-platform",
+               "general-desktop", "graphical-admin-tools", "input-methods",
+               "legacy-x", "x11","office-suite", "graphics",
+               "virtualization-client"]),
+             (N_("Software Development"),
+              ["backup-client", "base", "compat-libraries", "console-internet",
+               "debugging", "directory-client", "firmware", "fonts",
+               "legacy-unix", "core", "network-file-system-client",
+               "network-tools", "print-client", "virtualization", "vpn",
+               "basic-desktop", "desktop-debugging", "desktop-platform",
+               "general-desktop", "graphical-admin-tools", "input-methods",
+               "legacy-x", "x11", "virtualization-client", "emacs", "tex",
+               "desktop-platform-devel", "development", "eclipse",
+               "server-platform-devel", "technical-writing"]),
+             (N_("Web Server"),
+              ["backup-client", "base", "compat-libraries", "console-internet",
+               "debugging", "directory-client", "firmware", "legacy-unix",
+               "core", "network-file-system-client", "network-tools",
+               "web-server", "additional-web-server", "server-platform",
+               "mysql", "php", "postgresql", "rails", "turbogears",
+               "system-admin-tools"]),
+             (N_("Advanced Server"),
+              ["backup-client", "base", "compat-libraries", "console-internet",
+               "debugging", "directory-client", "firmware", "legacy-unix",
+               "core", "network-file-system-client", "network-tools",
+               "web-server", "additional-web-server", "server-platform",
+               "mysql", "php", "postgresql", "rails", "turbogears",
+               "cifs-file-server", "clustering", "clustered-storage",
+               "directory-server", "mail-server", "ftp-server",
+               "network-server", "nfs-file-server", "print-server",
+               "system-admin-tools"])]
     bugFiler = BugzillaFiler("https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";,
                              product.productVersion, product.productName)
+    def getPackagePaths(self, uri):
+        if not type(uri) == types.ListType:
+            uri = [uri,]
+        return {'Installation Repo': uri}
     def setInstallData(self, anaconda):
         BaseInstallClass.setInstallData(self, anaconda)
@@ -92,87 +102,13 @@ class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass):
     def setSteps(self, anaconda):
         BaseInstallClass.setSteps(self, anaconda)
-        anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("regkey", skip = 0)
-    # for rhel, we're putting the metadata under productpath
-    def getPackagePaths(self, uri):
-        rc = {}
-        for (name, path) in self.repopaths.items():
-            if not type(uri) == types.ListType:
-                uri = [uri,]
-            if not type(path) == types.ListType:
-                path = [path,]
-            lst = []
-            for i in uri:
-                for p in path:
-                    lst.append("%s/%s" % (i, p))
-            rc[name] = lst
-        log.info("package paths is %s" %(rc,))
-        return rc
-    def handleRegKey(self, key, intf, interactive = True):
-        self.repopaths = { "base": "%s" %(productPath,) }
-        self.tasks = self.taskMap[productPath.lower()]
-        self.installkey = key
-        try:
-            inum = instnum.InstNum(key)
-        except Exception, e:
-            if True or not BETANAG: # disable hack keys for non-beta
-                # make sure the log is consistent
-                log.info("repopaths is %s" %(self.repopaths,))
-                raise
-            else:
-                inum = None
-        if inum is not None:
-            # make sure the base products match
-            if inum.get_product_string().lower() != productPath.lower():
-                raise ValueError, "Installation number incompatible with media"
-            for name, path in inum.get_repos_dict().items():
-                # virt is only supported on i386/x86_64.  so, let's nuke it
-                # from our repo list on other arches unless you boot with
-                # 'linux debug'
-                if name.lower() == "virt" and \
-                        (not iutil.isX86() and not flags.debug):
-                    continue
-                self.repopaths[name.lower()] = path
-                log.info("Adding %s repo" % (name,))
-        else:
-            key = key.upper()
-            # simple and stupid for now... if C is in the key, add Clustering
-            # if V is in the key, add Virtualization. etc
-            if key.find("C") != -1:
-                self.repopaths["cluster"] = "Cluster"
-                log.info("Adding Cluster option")
-            if key.find("S") != -1:
-                self.repopaths["clusterstorage"] = "ClusterStorage"
-                log.info("Adding ClusterStorage option")
-            if key.find("W") != -1:
-                self.repopaths["workstation"] = "Workstation"
-                log.info("Adding Workstation option")
-            if key.find("V") != -1:
-                self.repopaths["virt"] = "VT"
-                log.info("Adding Virtualization option")
-        for repo in self.repopaths.values():
-            if not self.taskMap.has_key(repo.lower()):
-                continue
-            for task in self.taskMap[repo.lower()]:
-                if task not in self.tasks:
-                    self.tasks.append(task)
-        self.tasks.sort()
-        log.info("repopaths is %s" %(self.repopaths,))
     def getBackend(self):
-        return yuminstall.YumBackend
+        if flags.livecdInstall:
+            import livecd
+            return livecd.LiveCDCopyBackend
+        else:
+            return yuminstall.YumBackend
     def productMatches(self, oldprod):
         if oldprod is None:
@@ -214,10 +150,4 @@ class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass):
         return True
     def __init__(self):
-	BaseInstallClass.__init__(self)
-        self.repopaths = { "base": "%s" %(productPath,) }
-        # minimally set up tasks in case no key is provided
-        self.tasks = self.taskMap[productPath.lower()]
+        BaseInstallClass.__init__(self)

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