[PATCH 02/12] Adapt exception.py to using python-meh.

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This involves getting rid of most of the real code out of this file, adding a
minimal subclass of the ExceptionHandler class to do the copying and pdb setup
anaconda needs, and calling the install method from within anaconda.  We also
need to no longer call handleException from elsewhere in anaconda.  That method
no longer exists.
 anaconda     |    6 +-
 exception.py |  688 +++++++---------------------------------------------------
 packages.py  |    3 +-
 3 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 617 deletions(-)

diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index aef0c95..3474d9a 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -546,7 +546,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     import signal, string, isys, iutil, time
-    from exception import handleException
     import dispatch
     import warnings
     import vnc
@@ -958,14 +957,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # comment out the next line to make exceptions non-fatal
-    sys.excepthook = lambda type, value, tb, anaconda=anaconda: handleException(anaconda, (type, value, tb))
+    from exception import initExceptionHandling
+    initExceptionHandling(anaconda)
     except SystemExit, code:
-    except:
-        handleException(anaconda, sys.exc_info())
     if anaconda.isKickstart and anaconda.id.ksdata.reboot.eject:
         for drive in anaconda.id.storage.devicetree.devices.values():
diff --git a/exception.py b/exception.py
index dffb7cb..f6ce416 100644
--- a/exception.py
+++ b/exception.py
@@ -21,632 +21,98 @@
 #            Erik Troan <ewt@xxxxxxxxxx>
 #            Chris Lumens <clumens@xxxxxxxxxx>
-from constants import *
-from filer import *
-from network import hasActiveNetDev
+from meh.handler import *
+from meh.dump import *
 import isys
 import sys
 import os
 import shutil
 import signal
-import traceback
-import inspect
-import iutil
-import types
-import bdb
-from string import joinfields
-from cPickle import Pickler
 from flags import flags
 import kickstart
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-class AnacondaExceptionDump:
-    def __init__(self, type, value, stack):
-        self.type = type
-        self.value = value
-        # this isn't used, but it's an option if we want to leave the
-        # two instantiations of this class as they are instead of
-        # passing in a stack
-        if inspect.istraceback(stack):
-            stack = inspect.getinnerframes(stack)
-        self.stack = stack
-        self.tbFile = None
-        self._dumpHash = {}
-    # Reverse the order that tracebacks are printed so people will hopefully quit
-    # giving us the least useful part of the exception in bug reports.
-    def __str__(self):
-        lst = self.format_stack()
-        lst.reverse()
-        lst.insert(0, "anaconda %s exception report\n" % os.getenv("ANACONDAVERSION"))
-        lst.insert(1, 'Traceback (most recent call first):\n')
-        if self.type is not None and self.value is not None:
-            lst.extend(traceback.format_exception_only(self.type, self.value))
-        return joinfields(lst, "")
-    def format_stack(self):
-        frames = []
-        for (frame, file, lineno, func, ctx, idx) in self.stack:
-            if type(ctx) == type([]):
-                code = "".join(ctx)
-            else:
-                code = ctx
-            frames.append((file, lineno, func, code))
-        return traceback.format_list(frames)
-    # Create a string representation of a class and write it to fd.  This
-    # method will recursively handle all attributes of the base given class.
-    def _dumpClass(self, instance, fd, level=0, parentkey="", skipList=[]):
-        # protect from loops
-        try:
-            if not self._dumpHash.has_key(instance):
-                self._dumpHash[instance] = None
-            else:
-                fd.write("Already dumped\n")
-                return
-        except TypeError:
-            fd.write("Cannot dump object\n")
-            return
-        if (instance.__class__.__dict__.has_key("__str__") or
-            instance.__class__.__dict__.has_key("__repr__")):
-            fd.write("%s\n" % (instance,))
-            return
-        fd.write("%s instance, containing members:\n" %
-                 (instance.__class__.__name__))
-        pad = ' ' * ((level) * 2)
-        for key, value in instance.__dict__.items():
-            if key.startswith("_%s__" % instance.__class__.__name__):
-                continue
-            if parentkey != "":
-                curkey = parentkey + "." + key
-            else:
-                curkey = key
-            # Don't dump objects that are in our skip list, though ones that are
-            # None are probably okay.
-            if eval("instance.%s is not None" % key) and \
-               eval("id(instance.%s)" % key) in skipList:
-                continue
-            if type(value) == types.ListType:
-                fd.write("%s%s: [" % (pad, curkey))
-                first = 1
-                for item in value:
-                    if not first:
-                        fd.write(", ")
-                    else:
-                        first = 0
-                    if type(item) == types.InstanceType:
-                        self._dumpClass(item, fd, level + 1, skipList=skipList)
-                    else:
-                        fd.write("%s" % (item,))
-                fd.write("]\n")
-            elif type(value) == types.DictType:
-                fd.write("%s%s: {" % (pad, curkey))
-                first = 1
-                for k, v in value.items():
-                    if not first:
-                        fd.write(", ")
-                    else:
-                        first = 0
-                    if type(k) == types.StringType:
-                        fd.write("'%s': " % (k,))
-                    else:
-                        fd.write("%s: " % (k,))
-                    if type(v) == types.InstanceType:
-                        self._dumpClass(v, fd, level + 1, parentkey = curkey, skipList=skipList)
-                    else:
-                        fd.write("%s" % (v,))
-                fd.write("}\n")
-            elif type(value) == types.InstanceType:
-                fd.write("%s%s: " % (pad, curkey))
-                self._dumpClass(value, fd, level + 1, parentkey=curkey, skipList=skipList)
-            else:
-                fd.write("%s%s: %s\n" % (pad, curkey, value))
-    # Dump the python traceback, internal state, and several files to the given
-    # file descriptor.
-    def dump (self, fd, anaconda):
-        skipList = [ "anaconda.backend.ayum",
-                     "anaconda.backend.dlpkgs",
-                     "anaconda.id.accounts",
-                     "anaconda.id.bootloader.password",
-                     "anaconda.id.comps",
-                     "anaconda.id.dispatch",
-                     "anaconda.id.hdList",
-                     "anaconda.id.ksdata",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.font",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.kbd",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.info",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.localeInfo",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.nativeLangNames",
-                     "anaconda.id.instLanguage.tz",
-                     "anaconda.id.keyboard._mods._modelDict",
-                     "anaconda.id.keyboard.modelDict",
-                     "anaconda.id.storage.encryptionPassphrase",
-                     "anaconda.id.rootPassword",
-                     "anaconda.id.tmpData",
-                     "anaconda.intf.icw.buff",
-                     "anaconda.intf.icw.currentWindow.storage.encryptionPassphrase",
-                     "anaconda.intf.icw.stockButtons",
-                     "dispatch.sack.excludes",
-                   ]
-        idSkipList = []
-        # Skip any local variables that contain these words
-        localSkipList = [ "passphrase", "password" ]
-        # Catch attributes that do not exist at the time we do the exception dump
-        # and ignore them.
-        for k in skipList:
-            try:
-                eval("idSkipList.append(id(%s))" % k)
-            except:
-                pass
-        p = Pickler(fd)
-        fd.write(str(self))
-        if self.stack:
-            frame = self.stack[-1][0]
-            fd.write ("\nLocal variables in innermost frame:\n")
+class AnacondaExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler):
+    def postWriteHook(self, (ty, value, tb), anaconda):
+        # See if /mnt/sysimage is present and put exception there as well
+        if os.access("/mnt/sysimage/root", os.X_OK):
-                for (key, value) in frame.f_locals.items():
-                    loweredKey = key.lower()
-                    if len(filter(lambda s: loweredKey.find(s) != -1, localSkipList)) > 0:
-                        continue
-                    fd.write ("%s: %s\n" % (key, value))
+                shutil.copyfile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/mnt/sysimage/root/anacdump.txt")
+                log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to /mnt/sysimage/root")
+        # run kickstart traceback scripts (if necessary)
-            fd.write("\n\n")
-            self._dumpClass(anaconda, fd, skipList=idSkipList)
+            if anaconda.isKickstart:
+                kickstart.runTracebackScripts(anaconda)
-            fd.write("\nException occurred during state dump:\n")
-            traceback.print_exc(None, fd)
-        for file in ("/tmp/syslog", "/tmp/anaconda.log",
-                     "/tmp/lvmout", "/tmp/resize.out",
-                     "/tmp/program.log", "/tmp/storage.log",
-                     "/tmp/yum.log",
-                     anaconda.rootPath + "/root/install.log",
-                     anaconda.rootPath + "/root/upgrade.log",
-                     "/proc/cmdline"):
-            try:
-                f = open(file, 'r')
-                line = "\n\n%s:\n" % (file,)
-                while line:
-                    fd.write(line)
-                    line = f.readline()
-                f.close()
-            except IOError:
-                pass
-            except:
-                fd.write("\nException occurred during %s file copy:\n" % (file,))
-                traceback.print_exc(None, fd)
-    def hash(self):
-        import hashlib
-        s = ""
-        for (file, lineno, func, text) in [f[1:5] for f in self.stack]:
-            if type(text) == type([]):
-                text = "".join(text)
-            s += "%s %s %s\n" % (os.path.basename(file), func, text)
-        return hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest()
-    def write(self, anaconda):
-        self.tbFile = "/tmp/anacdump.txt"
-        fd = open(self.tbFile, "w")
-        self.dump(fd, anaconda)
-        fd.close()
-def scpAuthenticate(master, childpid, password):
-    while 1:
-        # Read up to password prompt.  Propagate OSError exceptions, which
-        # can occur for anything that causes scp to immediately die (bad
-        # hostname, host down, etc.)
-        buf = os.read(master, 4096)
-        if buf.lower().find("password: ") != -1:
-            os.write(master, password+"\n")
-            # read the space and newline that get echoed back
-            os.read(master, 2)
-            break
-    while 1:
-        buf = ""
-        try:
-            buf = os.read(master, 4096)
-        except (OSError, EOFError):
-            break
-    (pid, childstatus) = os.waitpid (childpid, 0)
-    return childstatus
-# Save the traceback to a remote system via SCP.  Returns success or not.
-def copyExceptionToRemote(intf, scpInfo):
-    import pty
-    (user, password, host, path) = scpInfo
-    if host.find(":") != -1:
-        (host, port) = host.split(":")
-        # Try to convert the port to an integer just as a check to see
-        # if it's a valid port number.  If not, they'll get a chance to
-        # correct the information when scp fails.
-        try:
-            int(port)
-            portArgs = ["-P", port]
-        except ValueError:
-            portArgs = []
-    else:
-        portArgs = []
-    # Thanks to Will Woods <wwoods@xxxxxxxxxx> for the scp control
-    # here and in scpAuthenticate.
-    # Fork ssh into its own pty
-    (childpid, master) = pty.fork()
-    if childpid < 0:
-        log.critical("Could not fork process to run scp")
-        return False
-    elif childpid == 0:
-        # child process - run scp
-        args = ["scp", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=1",
-                "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no"] + portArgs + \
-               ["/tmp/anacdump.txt", "%s@%s:%s" % (user, host, path)]
-        os.execvp("scp", args)
-    # parent process
-    try:
-        childstatus = scpAuthenticate(master, childpid, password)
-    except OSError:
-        return False
-    os.close(master)
-    if os.WIFEXITED(childstatus) and os.WEXITSTATUS(childstatus) == 0:
-        return True
-    else:
-        return False
-# Save the traceback to a removable storage device, such as a floppy disk
-# or a usb/firewire drive.  If there's no filesystem on the disk/partition,
-# write a vfat one.
-# Returns success or not.
-def copyExceptionToDisk(anaconda, device):
-    # in test mode have save to disk option just copy to new name
-    if not flags.setupFilesystems:
-        try:
-            shutil.copyfile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/tmp/test-anacdump.txt")
-        except:
-            log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to /tmp/test-anacdump.txt")
-        anaconda.intf.__del__ ()
-        return True
-    try:
-        fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY)
-    except:
-        return False
-    os.close(fd)
-    fstype = isys.readFSType(device)
-    if fstype == None:
-        fstype = 'vfat'
-    try:
-        isys.mount(device, "/tmp/crash", fstype)
-    except SystemError:
-        if fstype != 'vfat':
-            return False
-        cmd = "/usr/sbin/mkdosfs"
-        if os.access("/sbin/mkdosfs", os.X_OK):
-            cmd = "/sbin/mkdosfs"
-        iutil.execWithRedirect (cmd, [device], stdout = '/dev/tty5',
-                                stderr = '/dev/tty5')
-        try:
-            isys.mount(device, "/tmp/crash", fstype)
-        except SystemError:
-            return False
-    # copy trace dump we wrote to local storage to disk
-    try:
-        shutil.copyfile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/tmp/crash/anacdump.txt")
-    except:
-        log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to device %s" % device)
-        return False
-    isys.umount("/tmp/crash")
-    return True
-def saveToBugzilla(anaconda, exn, dest):
-    import bugzilla, xmlrpclib
-    import product, rpmUtils
-    def withBugzillaDo(bz, fn):
-        try:
-            retval = fn(bz)
-            return retval
-        except CommunicationError, e:
-            msg = _("Your bug could not be filed due to the following error "
-                    "when communicating with bugzilla:\n\n%s" % str(e))
-        except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
-            msg = _("Your bug could not be filed due to bad information in "
-                    "the bug fields.  This is most likely an error in "
-                    "anaconda:\n\n%s" % str(e))
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To File Bug"), msg)
-        return None
-    filer = anaconda.id.instClass.bugFiler
-    if not filer.supportsFiling() or not filer.bugUrl:
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Bug Filing Not Supported"),
-                                    _("This distribution does not provide a "
-                                      "supported bug filing system, so you "
-                                      "cannot save your exception this way."))
-        return False
-    if dest[0].strip() == "" or dest[1].strip() == "" or dest[2].strip() == "":
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Bug Information"),
-                                    _("Please provide a valid username, "
-                                      "password, and a short description of "
-                                      "the bug."))
-        return False
-    hash = exn.hash()
-    if not exn.tbFile:
-        exn.write(anaconda)
-    try:
-        cred = withBugzillaDo(filer, lambda b: b.login(dest[0], dest[1]))
-    except LoginError:
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Login"),
-                                    _("There was an error logging into %s "
-                                      "using the provided username and "
-                                      "password.") % product.bugUrl)
-        return False
-    # Are there any existing bugs with this hash value?  If so we will just
-    # add this traceback to the bug report and put the reporter on the CC
-    # list.  Otherwise, we need to create a new bug.
-    wb = "anaconda_trace_hash:%s" % hash
-    buglist = withBugzillaDo(filer, lambda b: b.query({'status_whiteboard': wb,
-                                                       'status_whiteboard_type':'allwordssubstr',
-                                                       'bug_status': []}))
-    if buglist is None:
-        return False
-    if len(buglist) == 0:
-        bug = withBugzillaDo(filer, lambda b: b.createbug(product=filer.getproduct(product.productName),
-                                       component="anaconda",
-                                       version=filer.getversion(product.productVersion,
-                                                                product.productName),
-                                       platform=rpmUtils.arch.getBaseArch(),
-                                       bug_severity="medium",
-                                       priority="medium",
-                                       op_sys="Linux",
-                                       bug_file_loc="http://";,
-                                       summary=dest[2],
-                                       comment="The following was filed automatically by anaconda:\n%s" % str(exn),
-                                       status_whiteboard=wb))
-        if bug is None:
-            return False
-        withBugzillaDo(bug, lambda b: b.attachfile(exn.tbFile,
-                               "Attached traceback automatically from anaconda.",
-                               contenttype="text/plain", filename="anacdump.txt"))
-        # Tell the user we created a new bug for them and that they should
-        # go add a descriptive comment.
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Bug Created"),
-            _("A new bug has been created with the traceback attached. "
-              "Please add additional information such as what you were doing "
-              "when you encountered the bug, screenshots, and any other "
-              "relevant information to the following bug:\n\n%s/%s") % (bugzillaUrl, bug.id()),
-            type="custom", custom_icon="info",
-            custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-        sys.exit(0)
-    else:
-        bug = buglist[0]
-        withBugzillaDo(bug, lambda b: b.attachfile(exn.tbFile,
-                               "Attached traceback automatically from anaconda.",
-                               contenttype="text/plain", filename="anacdump.txt"))
-        withBugzillaDo(bug, lambda b: b.addCC(dest[0]))
-        # Tell the user which bug they've been CC'd on and that they should
-        # go add a descriptive comment.
-        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Bug Updated"),
-            _("A bug with this profile has already been filed.  Your account "
-              "has been added to the CC list and your traceback added as a "
-              "comment.  Please review the following bug, and add additional "
-              "information if necessary:\n\n%s/%s") % (bugzillaUrl, bug.id()),
-            type="custom", custom_icon="info",
-            custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-        sys.exit(0)
-def runSaveDialog(anaconda, exn):
-    saveWin = anaconda.intf.saveExceptionWindow(anaconda, exn.tbFile)
-    if not saveWin:
-        anaconda.intf.__del__()
+    def runDebug(self, (ty, value, tb)):
+        isys.vtActivate(1)
+        self.intf.__del__ ()
+        pidfl = "/tmp/vncshell.pid"
+        if os.path.exists(pidfl) and os.path.isfile(pidfl):
+            pf = open(pidfl, "r")
+            for pid in pf.readlines():
+                if not int(pid) == os.getpid():
+                    os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+            pf.close()
+        if not flags.test:
+            os.open("/dev/console", os.O_RDWR)   # reclaim stdin
+            os.dup2(0, 1)                        # reclaim stdout
+            os.dup2(0, 2)                        # reclaim stderr
+            #   ^
+            #   |
+            #   +------ dup2 is magic, I tells ya!
+        # bring back the echo
+        import termios
+        si = sys.stdin.fileno()
+        attr = termios.tcgetattr(si)
+        attr[3] = attr[3] & termios.ECHO
+        termios.tcsetattr(si, termios.TCSADRAIN, attr)
+        print("\nEntering debugger...")
+        import pdb
+        pdb.post_mortem (tb)
         os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
-    while 1:
-        saveWin.run()
-        rc = saveWin.getrc()
-        if rc == EXN_OK:
-            if saveWin.saveToDisk():
-                device = saveWin.getDest()
-                cpSucceeded = copyExceptionToDisk(anaconda, device)
-                if cpSucceeded:
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Written"),
-                        _("System state has been successfully written to "
-                          "the disk. The installer will now exit."),
-                        type="custom", custom_icon="info",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                else:
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Not Written"),
-                        _("There was a problem writing the system state to the "
-                          "disk."))
-                    continue
-            elif saveWin.saveToLocal():
-                dest = saveWin.getDest()
-                try:
-                    shutil.copyfile(exn.tbFile, "%s/InstallError.txt" %(dest,))
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Written"),
-                        _("System state has been successfully written to "
-                          "the disk. The installer will now exit."),
-                        type="custom", custom_icon="info",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    log.error("Failed to copy %s to %s/anacdump.txt: %s" %(exn.tbFile, dest, e))
-                else:
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Not Written"),
-                        _("There was a problem writing the system state to the "
-                          "disk."))
-                    continue
-            elif saveWin.saveToRemote():
-                if not hasActiveNetDev():
-                    if not anaconda.intf.enableNetwork(anaconda):
-                        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("No Network Available"),
-                            _("Cannot save a bug report since there is no "
-                              "active networking device available."))
-                        continue
-                scpInfo = saveWin.getDest()
-                scpSucceeded = copyExceptionToRemote(anaconda.intf, scpInfo)
-                if scpSucceeded:
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Written"),
-                        _("System state has been successfully transferred to "
-                          "the remote host.  The installer will now exit."),
-                        type="custom", custom_icon="info",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                else:
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Not Written"),
-                        _("There was a problem transferring the system state "
-                          "to the remote host."))
-                    continue
-            else:
-                if not hasActiveNetDev():
-                    if not anaconda.intf.enableNetwork(anaconda):
-                        anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("No Network Available"),
-                            _("Cannot save a bug report since there is no "
-                              "active networking device available."))
-                        continue
-                if not saveToBugzilla(anaconda, exn, saveWin.getDest()):
-                    continue
-        elif rc == EXN_CANCEL:
-            break
-    saveWin.pop()
-def handleException(anaconda, (type, value, tb)):
-    if isinstance(value, bdb.BdbQuit):
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # restore original exception handler
-    sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
-    # convert the traceback to a stack
-    stack = inspect.getinnerframes(tb)
-    # Save the exception file to local storage first.
-    exn = AnacondaExceptionDump(type, value, stack)
-    exn.write(anaconda)
-    text = str(exn)
-    # see if /mnt/sysimage is present and put exception there as well
-    if os.access("/mnt/sysimage/root", os.X_OK):
-        try:
-            shutil.copyfile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/mnt/sysimage/root/anacdump.txt")
-        except:
-            log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to /mnt/sysimage/root")
-            pass
-    # run kickstart traceback scripts (if necessary)
-    try:
-        if anaconda.isKickstart:
-            kickstart.runTracebackScripts(anaconda)
-    except:
-        pass
-    mainWin = anaconda.intf.mainExceptionWindow(text, exn.tbFile)
-    if not mainWin:
-        anaconda.intf.__del__()
-        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
-    while 1:
-        mainWin.run()
-        rc = mainWin.getrc()
-        if rc == EXN_OK:
-            anaconda.intf.__del__ ()
-            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
-        elif rc == EXN_DEBUG:
-            anaconda.intf.__del__ ()
-            print(text)
-            pidfl = "/tmp/vncshell.pid"
-            if os.path.exists(pidfl) and os.path.isfile(pidfl):
-                pf = open(pidfl, "r")
-                for pid in pf.readlines():
-                    if not int(pid) == os.getpid():
-                        os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
-                pf.close()
-            if not flags.test:
-                os.open("/dev/console", os.O_RDWR)   # reclaim stdin
-                os.dup2(0, 1)                        # reclaim stdout
-                os.dup2(0, 2)                        # reclaim stderr
-                #   ^
-                #   |
-                #   +------ dup2 is magic, I tells ya!
-            # bring back the echo
-            import termios
-            si = sys.stdin.fileno()
-            attr = termios.tcgetattr(si)
-            attr[3] = attr[3] & termios.ECHO
-            termios.tcsetattr(si, termios.TCSADRAIN, attr)
-            print("\nEntering debugger...")
-            import pdb
-            pdb.post_mortem (tb)
-            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
-        elif rc == EXN_SAVE:
-            runSaveDialog(anaconda, exn)
+def initExceptionHandling(anaconda):
+    conf = Config(programName="anaconda", programVersion=os.environ["ANACONDAVERSION"],
+                  bugFiler=anaconda.id.instClass.bugFiler,
+                  attrSkipList=[ "anaconda.backend.ayum",
+                                 "anaconda.backend.dlpkgs",
+                                 "anaconda.id.accounts",
+                                 "anaconda.id.bootloader.password",
+                                 "anaconda.id.comps",
+                                 "anaconda.id.dispatch",
+                                 "anaconda.id.hdList",
+                                 "anaconda.id.ksdata",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.font",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.kbd",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.info",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.localeInfo",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.nativeLangNames",
+                                 "anaconda.id.instLanguage.tz",
+                                 "anaconda.id.keyboard._mods._modelDict",
+                                 "anaconda.id.keyboard.modelDict",
+                                 "anaconda.id.storage.encryptionPassphrase",
+                                 "anaconda.id.rootPassword",
+                                 "anaconda.id.tmpData",
+                                 "anaconda.intf.icw.buff",
+                                 "anaconda.intf.icw.currentWindow.storage.encryptionPassphrase",
+                                 "anaconda.intf.icw.stockButtons",
+                                 "dispatch.sack.excludes",
+                               ],
+                  localSkipList=[ "passphrase", "password" ],
+                  fileList=[ "/tmp/syslog", "/tmp/anaconda.log", "/tmp/lvmout",
+                             "/tmp/resize.out", "/tmp/program.log",
+                             "/tmp/storage.log", "/tmp/yum.log",
+                             anaconda.rootPath + "/root/install.log",
+                             anaconda.rootPath + "/root/upgrade.log",
+                             "/proc/cmdline"])
+    handler = AnacondaExceptionHandler(conf, anaconda.intf, ReverseExceptionDump)
+    handler.install(anaconda)
diff --git a/packages.py b/packages.py
index 0721923..4e90b7c 100644
--- a/packages.py
+++ b/packages.py
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import string
 import language
 import shutil
 import traceback
-from exception import handleException
 from flags import flags
 from product import *
 from constants import *
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ def turnOnFilesystems(anaconda):
                                 custom_buttons = [_("_File Bug"), _("_Exit installer")])
             if rc == 0:
-                handleException(anaconda, sys.exc_info())
+                raise
             elif rc == 1:

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