[PATCH] Increase readability in partition_ui_helpers.

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 iw/partition_ui_helpers_gui.py |   98 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iw/partition_ui_helpers_gui.py b/iw/partition_ui_helpers_gui.py
index 0b45e5f..66234ad 100644
--- a/iw/partition_ui_helpers_gui.py
+++ b/iw/partition_ui_helpers_gui.py
@@ -309,97 +309,95 @@ def createPreExistFSOptionSection(origrequest, maintable, row, mountCombo,
            resizesb      - spinbutton with resize target
     rc = {}
+    formatcb = None         # File system type checkbox and combo.
+    fstypeCombo = None      # formatcb is the checkbox for "Format as"
+    #lukscb                  # LUKS checkbox
+    migratecb = None        # migrate check box and combo
+    migfstypeCombo = None
+    resizecb = None         # resize ceckbox and spin button.
+    resizesb = None
     if luksdev:
         origfs = luksdev.format
         origfs = origrequest.format
+    # this gets added to the table a bit later on
+    lukscb = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Encrypt"))
+    # Formatable stuff
     if origfs.formattable:
+        # gtk initializers
         formatcb = gtk.CheckButton(label=_("_Format as:"))
-        maintable.attach(formatcb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
         formatcb.set_active(origfs.formattable and not origfs.exists)
-        rc["formatcb"] = formatcb
         fstypeCombo = createFSTypeMenu(origfs, fstypechangeCB,
                                        mountCombo, ignorefs=ignorefs)
-        maintable.attach(fstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
-        row += 1
-        rc["fstypeCombo"] = fstypeCombo
-    else:
-        formatcb = None
-        fstypeCombo = None
-    if not formatcb.get_active() and not origfs.migrate:
-        mountCombo.set_data("prevmountable", origfs.mountable)
+        if not formatcb.get_active() and not origfs.migrate:
+            mountCombo.set_data("prevmountable", origfs.mountable)
-    # this gets added to the table a bit later on
-    lukscb = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Encrypt"))
+        # Updates the return value
+        rc["formatcb"] = formatcb
+        rc["fstypeCombo"] = fstypeCombo
+    # Migratable stuff
     if origfs.migratable:
+        # gtk initializers
         migratecb = gtk.CheckButton(label=_("Mi_grate filesystem to:"))
         if formatcb is not None:
             migratecb.set_active(origfs.migrate and (not formatcb.get_active()))
-        migtypes = [origfs.migrationTarget]
-        maintable.attach(migratecb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
-        migfstypeCombo = createFSTypeMenu(origfs,
-                                          None, None,
-                                          availablefstypes = migtypes)
+        migfstypeCombo = createFSTypeMenu(origfs, None, None,
+                availablefstypes = [origfs.migrationTarget])
-        maintable.attach(migfstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
-        row = row + 1
-        rc["migratecb"] = migratecb
-        rc["migfstypeCombo"] = migfstypeCombo
         migratecb.connect("toggled", formatMigrateOptionCB,
                           (migfstypeCombo, mountCombo, origfs, None,
                            fstypeCombo, formatcb, FLAG_MIGRATE))
-    else:
-        migratecb = None
-        migfstypeCombo = None
+        # Update the return value
+        rc["migratecb"] = migratecb
+        rc["migfstypeCombo"] = migfstypeCombo
     if formatcb:
         formatcb.connect("toggled", formatMigrateOptionCB,
                          (fstypeCombo, mountCombo, origfs, lukscb,
                           migfstypeCombo, migratecb, FLAG_FORMAT))
+    # Resize stuff.
     if origrequest.resizable:
         resizecb = gtk.CheckButton(label=_("_Resize"))
         resizecb.set_active(origfs.resizable and \
                             (origfs.currentSize != origfs.targetSize) and \
                             (origfs.currentSize != 0))
-        rc["resizecb"] = resizecb
-        maintable.attach(resizecb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
         if origrequest.targetSize is not None:
             value = origrequest.targetSize
             value = origrequest.size
-        reqlower = origrequest.minSize
-        requpper = origrequest.maxSize
         if origfs.exists:
-            lower = reqlower
+            lower = origrequest.minSize
             lower = 1
-        adj = gtk.Adjustment(value = value, lower = lower,
-                             upper = requpper, step_incr = 1)
+        adj = gtk.Adjustment(value=value, lower=lower, upper=origrequest.maxSize,
+                             step_incr = 1)
         resizesb = gtk.SpinButton(adj, digits = 0)
         resizesb.set_property('numeric', True)
-        resizesb.set_data("requpper", requpper)
-        resizesb.set_data("reqlower", reqlower)
-        rc["resizesb"] = resizesb
-        maintable.attach(resizesb, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
+        resizesb.set_data("requpper", origrequest.maxSize)
+        resizesb.set_data("reqlower", origrequest.minSize)
         resizecb.connect('toggled', resizeOptionCB, resizesb)
         resizeOptionCB(resizecb, resizesb)
-        row = row + 1
-        formatcb.connect("toggled", formatOptionResizeCB, (resizesb, origfs))
+        if formatcb is not None:
+            formatcb.connect("toggled", formatOptionResizeCB, (resizesb, origfs))
+        # Update return value.
+        rc["resizecb"] = resizecb
+        rc["resizesb"] = resizesb
+    # LUKS stuff
     if luksdev:
         lukscb.set_data("encrypted", 1)
@@ -409,8 +407,26 @@ def createPreExistFSOptionSection(origrequest, maintable, row, mountCombo,
     lukscb.set_data("formatstate", formatcb.get_active())
     rc["lukscb"] = lukscb
+    # Here starts the gtk crap.
+    if formatcb is not None and fstypeCombo is not None:
+        maintable.attach(formatcb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
+        maintable.attach(fstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
+        row += 1
+    if migratecb is not None and migfstypeCombo is not None:
+        maintable.attach(migratecb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
+        maintable.attach(migfstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
+        row += 1
+    if resizecb is not None and resizesb is not None:
+        maintable.attach(resizecb, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
+        maintable.attach(resizesb, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
+        row += 1
     maintable.attach(lukscb, 0, 2, row, row + 1)
     row = row + 1
+    # Here ends the gtk crap.
     return (row, rc)

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