pylint errors in storage module

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Hi All,

I've been working on getting PyChecker working with the new
storage code -> fail (pychecker is unmaintained upstream
and has too may bugs).

So now I've switched to using pylint, and it works great!

Here is the (strongly filtered) result of a pylint run.

Note mgracik has volunteered to take a look at this, so
it might be a good idea to coordinate fixing the
non false positives with him.

************* Module storage
W0311:653: Bad indentation. Found 16 spaces, expected 12
E0602: 78:storageInitialize: Undefined variable 'self'
E0602:461:Storage.exceptionDisks: Undefined variable 'parts'
E1101:870:Storage.writeKS: Instance of 'ZFCP' has no 'writeFS' member
E0602:1065:CryptTab.parse: Undefined variable 'lines'
W0201:1330:FSSet.parseFSTab: Attribute 'origFStab' defined outside __init__
************* Module storage.miscutils
W0611:  2: Unused import sys
************* Module storage.errors
E0102: 21:DeviceResizeError: class already defined line 12
************* Module storage.devicetree
E1103:1169:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mapName' member (but some types could not be inferred)
E1103:1180:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mapName' member (but some types could not be inferred)
E1103:1186:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mapName' member (but some types could not be inferred)
E1103:1193:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mapName' member (but some types could not be inferred)
E1103:1196:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mdUuid' member (but some types could not be inferred)
E1103:1197:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'mdUuid' member (but some types could not be inferred)
W0107:1384:DeviceTree._handleInconsistencies.reinitializeVG: Unnecessary pass statement
E0602:1413:DeviceTree._handleInconsistencies: Undefined variable 'vg'
E0602:1414:DeviceTree._handleInconsistencies: Undefined variable 'vg'
E0602:1415:DeviceTree._handleInconsistencies: Undefined variable 'vg'
E0602:1416:DeviceTree._handleInconsistencies: Undefined variable 'vg'
************* Module storage.devices
E1101:316:Device.packages: Instance of 'Device' has no 'format' member
W0223:625:DiskDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
E1103:809:DiskDevice.destroy: Instance of 'Disk' has no 'clobber' member (but some types could not be inferred)
W0223:1264:DMDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:1348:DMCryptDevice: Method 'probe' is abstract in class 'DMDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:1348:DMCryptDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:1372:LUKSDevice: Method 'probe' is abstract in class 'DMDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:1372:LUKSDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:1453:LVMVolumeGroupDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
E1101:1672:LVMVolumeGroupDevice.destroy: Module 'storage.devicelibs.lvm' has no 'LVMErorr' member
W0105:1734:LVMVolumeGroupDevice: String statement has no effect
W0223:1985:MDRaidArrayDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0105:2027:MDRaidArrayDevice.__init__: String statement has no effect
E0202:2066:MDRaidArrayDevice.totalDevices: An attribute inherited from MDRaidArrayDevice hide this method
E0602:2223:MDRaidArrayDevice.degraded: Undefined variable 'state_file'
E0602:2224:MDRaidArrayDevice.degraded: Undefined variable 'state_file'
W0223:2318:DMRaidArrayDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2416:MultipathDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2449:NoDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2496:FileDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0221:2545:FileDevice.setup: Arguments number differs from overridden method
W0221:2553:FileDevice.teardown: Arguments number differs from overridden method
W0223:2593:DirectoryDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0221:2600:DirectoryDevice.create: Arguments number differs from overridden method
W0223:2625:iScsiDiskDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2638:OpticalDevice: Method 'probe' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2638:OpticalDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
F0401:2674:OpticalDevice.eject: Unable to import '_isys' (No module named _isys)
E0602:2687:OpticalDevice.eject: Undefined variable 'device'
W0223:2692:ZFCPDiskDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2721:DASDDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2773:NFSDevice: Method 'probe' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
W0223:2773:NFSDevice: Method 'resize' is abstract in class 'StorageDevice' but is not overridden
************* Module storage.udev
W0105:175: String statement has no effect
W0702:317:udev_device_get_dmraid_partition_disk: No exception type(s) specified
W0611: 24: Unused import re
************* Module storage.zfcp
W0402: 22: Uses of a deprecated module 'string'
W0702: 98:ZFCPDevice._hextest: No exception type(s) specified
W0702:188:ZFCP.readConfig: No exception type(s) specified
W0611: 25: Unused import isys
W0611: 26: Unused import shutil
W0611: 24: Unused import iutil
************* Module storage.deviceaction
W0105: 43: String statement has no effect
E1101:170:DeviceAction.isShrink: Instance of 'DeviceAction' has no 'dir' member
E1101:173:DeviceAction.isGrow: Instance of 'DeviceAction' has no 'dir' member
E1101:184:DeviceAction.__str__: Instance of 'DeviceAction' has no 'dir' member
W0611: 25: Unused import PARTITION_BOOT
************* Module storage.partitioning
W0611: 25: Unused import copy
************* Module storage.iscsi
W0311:144: Bad indentation. Found 13 spaces, expected 12
W0311:147: Bad indentation. Found 13 spaces, expected 12
W0311:151: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:152: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:156: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:237: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:238: Bad indentation. Found 21 spaces, expected 20
W0311:239: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:240: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:241: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0311:244: Bad indentation. Found 17 spaces, expected 16
W0402: 24: Uses of a deprecated module 'string'
W0702: 43: No exception type(s) specified
W0604: 46: Using the global statement at the module level
W0603: 51:find_iscsi_files: Using the global statement
W0702:121:iscsi.__init__: No exception type(s) specified
W0702:147:iscsi._startIBFT: No exception type(s) specified
W0702:156:iscsi._startIBFT: No exception type(s) specified
W0702:244:iscsi.addTarget: No exception type(s) specified
W0104:290:iscsi.write: Statement seems to have no effect
W0611: 23: Unused import errno
W0611: 24: Unused import string
W0611: 25: Unused import signal
W0611: 27: Unused import isys
************* Module storage.formats.swap
F0401: 28: Unable to import 'devicelibs' (No module named devicelibs)
E0602: 97:SwapSpace._setOptions: Undefined variable 'numeric_type'
W0201: 68:SwapSpace._setPriority: Attribute '_priority' defined outside __init__
W0611: 23: Unused import os
************* Module storage.formats.dmraid
E0102: 85:DMRaidMember.raidmem: method already defined line 81
W0611: 23: Unused import block
************* Module storage.formats.lvmpv
F0401: 28: Unable to import 'devicelibs' (No module named devicelibs)
W0107: 77:LVMPhysicalVolume.probe: Unnecessary pass statement
W0105: 89:LVMPhysicalVolume.create: String statement has no effect
E0602:111:LVMPhysicalVolume.destroy: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
************* Module storage.formats.fs
E0602: 70:fsFromConfig: Undefined variable 'nodev_filesystems'
W0105:669:FS: String statement has no effect
W0201:1024:NFS._setDevice: Attribute '_device' defined outside __init__
W0201:1069:NoDevFS._setDevice: Attribute '_device' defined outside __init__
************* Module storage.formats.luks
F0401: 29: Unable to import 'devicelibs' (No module named devicelibs)
************* Module storage.formats
F0401: 27: Unable to import '' (No module named devicelibs)
W0107:287:DeviceFormat.teardown: Unnecessary pass statement
W0201:174:DeviceFormat._setOptions: Attribute '_options' defined outside __init__
W0201:1273:FSSet._parseOneLine: Attribute 'mountopts' defined outside __init__
W0201:1172:DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: Attribute 'passphrase' defined outside __init__
W0201:1272:FSSet._parseOneLine: Attribute 'mountpoint' defined outside __init__
W0201:184:DeviceFormat._setDevice: Attribute '_device' defined outside __init__
************* Module storage.formats.mdraid
F0401: 28: Unable to import 'devicelibs' (No module named devicelibs)
E0602: 72:MDRaidMember.probe: Undefined variable 'MDRaidMemberError'
************* Module storage.devicelibs.swap
W0404: 26: Reimport 'resource' (imported line 23)
E0602: 46:mkswap: Undefined variable 'SwapError'
W0702: 59:swapon: No exception type(s) specified
E0602: 56:swapon: Undefined variable 'os'
E0602: 56:swapon: Undefined variable 'os'
E0602: 57:swapon: Undefined variable 'os'
W0702: 64:swapon: No exception type(s) specified
E0602: 62:swapon: Undefined variable 'os'
E0602: 69:swapon: Undefined variable 'OldSwapError'
E0602: 71:swapon: Undefined variable 'SuspendError'
E0602: 85:swapon: Undefined variable 'SwapError'
E0602: 94:swapoff: Undefined variable 'SwapError'
************* Module storage.devicelibs.crypto
E0602: 77:luks_format: Undefined variable 'CryptoError'
E0602: 94:luks_open: Undefined variable 'CryptoError'
E0602:100:luks_close: Undefined variable 'CryptoError'
W0611: 26: Unused import iutil
************* Module storage.devicelibs.lvm
W0312:118: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0312:119: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0312:120: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0312:142: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0312:143: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0312:144: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces
W0602: 63:_composeConfig: Using global for 'config_args_data' but no assigment is done
W0602: 95:lvm_cc_addFilterRejectRegexp: Using global for 'config_args_data' but no assigment is done
W0602:105:blacklistVG: Using global for 'lvm_vg_blacklist' but no assigment is done
E0602:142:getVGUsedSpace: Undefined variable 'REQUEST_LV'
W0101:151:getVGFreeSpace: Unreachable code
E0602:152:getVGFreeSpace: Undefined variable 'log'
E0602:155:getVGFreeSpace: Undefined variable 'log'
E0602:176:pvcreate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:189:pvresize: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:201:pvremove: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:223:pvinfo: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:252:vgcreate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:265:vgremove: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:277:vgactivate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:290:vgdeactivate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:311:vgreduce: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:325:vginfo: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:353:lvs: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:370:lvcreate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:383:lvremove: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:397:lvresize: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:410:lvactivate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
E0602:423:lvdeactivate: Undefined variable 'LVMError'
************* Module storage.devicelibs.mdraid
W0702: 43:getRaidLevels: No exception type(s) specified
E0602:118:mdcreate: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
E0602:131:mddestroy: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
E0602:144:mdadd: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
E0602:185:mdactivate: Undefined variable 'log'
E0602:188:mdactivate: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
E0602:199:mddeactivate: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
E0602:244:mdexamine: Undefined variable 'MDRaidError'
************* Module
E0602: 64:dm_node_from_name: Undefined variable 'DMError'



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