[PATCH] Rework the lvm dialog. (#490301,#490966,#490681,#489870)

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I opted to maintain the lv information in a simple dict which we
convert to a temporary vg/lv instance set when we need to. There
is no trampling on objects, and the code is just simpler. The big
difference is that we have to go through and figure out what all
was done at the very end, right before returning to the partition
gui. So far, it is considerably more stable than the previous
implementation was.
 iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py |  601 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py b/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py
index be3e246..5b07b58 100644
--- a/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py
+++ b/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py
@@ -40,12 +40,22 @@ log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
 class VolumeGroupEditor:
+    def getTempVG(self):
+        pvs = [copy.deepcopy(pv) for pv in self.pvs]
+        vg = LVMVolumeGroupDevice('tmp-%s' % self.vg.name,
+                                  parents=pvs, peSize=self.peSize)
+        for lv in self.lvs.values():
+            LVMLogicalVolumeDevice(lv['name'], vg, format=lv['format'],
+                                   size=lv['size'], exists=lv['exists'])
+        return vg
     def numAvailableLVSlots(self):
-	return max(0, lvm.MAX_LV_SLOTS - len(self.vg.lvs))
+	return max(0, lvm.MAX_LV_SLOTS - len(self.lvs))
     def computeSpaceValues(self):
-        vgsize = self.vg.size
-        vgfree = self.vg.freeSpace
+        vg = self.getTempVG()
+        vgsize = vg.size
+        vgfree = vg.freeSpace
         vgused = vgsize - vgfree
 	return (vgsize, vgused, vgfree)
@@ -54,7 +64,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         newpe - (int) new value of PE, in KB
-        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self.lvmlist.get_model())
+        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes()
 	waste = 0.0
 	for pv in pvlist:
@@ -66,7 +76,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         """ finds the smallest PV and returns its size in MB
 	first = 1
-        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self.lvmlist.get_model())
+        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes()
 	for pv in pvlist:
                 pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value())
@@ -90,15 +100,15 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         newpe - (int) new value of PE, in KB
-        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self.lvmlist.get_model())
+        pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes()
         availSpaceMB = self.computeVGSize(pvlist, newpe)
 	# see if total space is enough
         oldused = 0
         used = 0
 	resize = 0
-        for lv in self.vg.lvs:
-            osize = lv.size
+        for lv in self.lvs.values():
+            osize = lv['size']
             oldused = oldused + osize
             nsize = lvm.clampSize(osize, newpe, roundup=1)
 	    if nsize != osize:
@@ -131,12 +141,8 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    if not rc:
 		return 0
-        # XXX this is very sneaky, just changing the lvs' size attributes.
-        #     will we suffer for it? almost certainly.
-        for lv in self.vg.lvs:
-            osize = lv.size
-            nsize = lvm.clampSize(osize, newpe, roundup=1)
-            lv.size = nsize
+        for lv in self.lvs.values():
+            lv['size'] = lvm.clampSize(lv['size'], newpe, roundup=1)
         return 1
@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
             return 0
 	# see if new PE will make any PV useless due to overhead
-	if lvm.clampPVSize(maxpvsize, curpe) < curpe:
+	if lvm.clampSize(maxpvsize, curpe) < curpe:
             self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"),
                                     _("The physical extent size cannot be "
                                       "changed because the value selected "
@@ -206,8 +212,8 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    maxlv = lvm.getMaxLVSize()
-	    for lv in self.vg.lvs:
-		if lv.size > maxlv:
+	    for lv in self.lvs.values():
+		if lv['size'] > maxlv:
 		    self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"),
 					    _("The physical extent size "
 					      "cannot be changed because the "
@@ -225,9 +231,8 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	widget.set_data("lastidx", widget.get_active())
         # now actually set the VG's extent size
-        self.vg.peSize = curpe
-        self.updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self.availlvmparts,
-					    self.lvmlist)
+        self.peSize = curpe
+        self.updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList()
     def prettyFormatPESize(self, val):
@@ -268,7 +273,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
     def clickCB(self, row, data):
 	model = self.lvmlist.get_model()
-	pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(model)
+	pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes()
 	# get the selected row
 	iter = model.get_iter((string.atoi(data),))
@@ -278,16 +283,12 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	val      = not model.get_value(iter, 0)
 	partname = model.get_value(iter, 1)
         pv = self.storage.devicetree.getDeviceByName(partname)
-	if val:
-            pvlist.append(pv)
-	else:
-            pvlist.remove(pv)
         if val:
-            self.vg._addPV(pv)
+            self.pvs.append(pv)
+            self.pvs.remove(pv)
-                self.vg._removePV(pv)
+                vg = self.getTempVG()
             except DeviceError as e:
                 self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"),
                                     _("You cannot remove this physical "
@@ -295,13 +296,13 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
                                       "volume group will be too small to "
                                       "hold the currently defined logical "
                                       "volumes."), custom_icon="error")
+                self.pvs.append(pv)
                 return False
 	return True
-    def createAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self, alllvmparts, vgs):
+    def createAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self):
 	store = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,
@@ -312,7 +313,8 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
-	for device in alllvmparts:
+        origpvs = self.pvs[:]
+	for device in self.availlvmparts:
 	    # clip size to current PE
 	    pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0
 	    size = lvm.clampSize(device.size, pesize)
@@ -322,11 +324,11 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
             # now see if the pv is in use either by a vg in the tree or by
             # the vg we are editing now
-            if device in self.vg.pvs:
+            if device in origpvs:
                 selected = True
                 include = True
-                for vg in vgs:
+                for vg in self.storage.vgs:
                     if vg.name == self.vg.name:
@@ -334,25 +336,20 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
                         include = False
-                if include and not self.vg.pvs:
+                if include and not origpvs:
                     selected = True
             if include:
                 partlist.append_row((device.name, size_string), selected)
-                if selected and device not in self.vg.pvs:
-                    self.vg._addPV(device)
+                if selected and device not in self.pvs:
+                    self.pvs.append(device)
 	return (partlist, sw)
-    def updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self, alllvmparts, partlist):
-	""" update sizes in pv list
-	alllvmparts - list of pv from partitions.getAvailLVMPartitions
-	partlist - the checklist containing pv list
-	"""
+    def updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self):
+	""" update sizes in pv list """
 	row = 0
-	for part in alllvmparts:
+	for part in self.availlvmparts:
 	    size = part.size
 	    # clip size to current PE
@@ -360,8 +357,8 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    size = lvm.clampSize(size, pesize)
 	    partsize = "%10.2f MB" % size
-	    iter = partlist.store.get_iter((int(row),))
-	    partlist.store.set_value(iter, 2, partsize)
+	    iter = self.lvmlist.store.get_iter((int(row),))
+	    self.lvmlist.store.set_value(iter, 2, partsize)
 	    row = row + 1
     def getCurrentLogicalVolume(self):
@@ -370,17 +367,11 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	return iter
     def editLogicalVolume(self, lv, isNew = 0):
-        if not lv:
-            return
 	if isNew:
 	    tstr = _("Make Logical Volume")
-	    try:
-		tstr = _("Edit Logical Volume: %s") % (lv.name,)
-	    except AttributeError:
-		tstr = _("Edit Logical Volume")
+	    tstr = _("Edit Logical Volume: %s") % lv['name']
         dialog = gtk.Dialog(tstr, self.parent)
         dialog.add_button('gtk-cancel', 2)
@@ -392,14 +383,26 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         row = 0
-        if lv.format.type == "luks":
-            luksdev = self.findLUKSDev(lv)
-            usedev = luksdev
-            format = usedev.format
-        elif lv:
-            luksdev = None
-            usedev = lv
-            format = lv.format
+        tempvg = self.getTempVG()
+        templv = None
+        templuks = None
+        usedev = None
+        for _lv in tempvg.lvs:
+            if _lv.lvname == lv['name']:
+                templv = _lv
+                usedev = templv
+                if templv.format.type == "luks":
+                    templuks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % lv['name'],
+                                          parents=[templv],
+                                          format=self.luks[lv['name']],
+                                          exists=templv.format.exists)
+                    usedev = templuks
+                break
+        if lv['format'].type == "luks":
+            format = self.luks[lv['name']]
+        else:
+            format = lv['format']
         lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Mount Point:"))
 	maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row,row+1)
@@ -408,13 +411,13 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         maintable.attach(mountCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
         row += 1
-        if not format.exists:
+        if not lv['exists']:
             lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_File System Type:"))
             maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
             newfstypeCombo = createFSTypeMenu(format,
-                                              ignorefs = ["software RAID", "physical volume (LVM)", "vfat", "efi", "PPC PReP Boot", "Apple Bootstrap"])
+                                              ignorefs = ["software RAID", "physical volume (LVM)", "vfat", "PPC PReP Boot", "hfs"])
             maintable.attach(newfstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
             row += 1
@@ -437,49 +440,61 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
                                  1, 2, row, row + 1)
                 row += 1
-        if not lv.exists:
+        if not lv['exists']:
             lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Logical Volume Name:"))
             lvnameEntry = gtk.Entry(32)
-            if lv and lv.lvname:
-                lvnameEntry.set_text(lv.lvname)
+            if lv['name']:
+                lvnameEntry.set_text(lv['name'])
-                lvnameEntry.set_text(storage.createSuggestedLVName(self.vg))
+                lvnameEntry.set_text(storage.createSuggestedLVName(self.getTempVG()))
             lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("Logical Volume Name:"))
-            lvnameEntry = gtk.Label(lv.lvname)
+            lvnameEntry = gtk.Label(lv['name'])
         maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row + 1)
         maintable.attach(lvnameEntry, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
         row += 1
-        if not lv.exists:
+        if not lv['exists']:
             lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Size (MB):"))
             sizeEntry = gtk.Entry(16)
-            sizeEntry.set_text("%Ld" % lv.size)
+            sizeEntry.set_text("%Ld" % lv['size'])
             lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("Size (MB):"))
-            sizeEntry = gtk.Label(str(lv.size))
+            sizeEntry = gtk.Label(str(lv['size']))
         maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row+1)
         maintable.attach(sizeEntry, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
         row += 1
-        if not lv.exists:
-            maxlv = min(lvm.getMaxLVSize(), lv.size)
+        if not lv['exists']:
+            maxlv = min(lvm.getMaxLVSize(), lv['size'])
             maxlabel = createAlignedLabel(_("(Max size is %s MB)") % (maxlv,))
             maintable.attach(maxlabel, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
 	self.fsoptionsDict = {}
-	if lv.exists:
-	    (row, self.fsoptionsDict) = createPreExistFSOptionSection(lv, maintable, row, mountCombo, self.storage, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "physical volume (LVM)", "vfat"], luksdev=luksdev)
+	if lv['exists']:
+            templuks = None
+            reallv = None
+            for _lv in self.vg.lvs:
+                if _lv.lvname == lv['name']:
+                    reallv = _lv
+                    if _lv.format.type == "luks":
+                        try:
+                            templuks = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(_lv)[0]
+                        except IndexError:
+                            templuks = None
+                    break
+	    (row, self.fsoptionsDict) = createPreExistFSOptionSection(reallv, maintable, row, mountCombo, self.storage, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "physical volume (LVM)", "vfat"], luksdev=templuks)
         # checkbutton for encryption using dm-crypt/LUKS
-        if not lv.exists:
+        if not lv['exists']:
             self.lukscb = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Encrypt"))
             self.lukscb.set_data("formatstate", 1)
-            if lv.format.type == "luks":
+            if lv['format'].type == "luks":
@@ -502,15 +517,14 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
             targetSize = None
             migrate = None
             format = None
+            newluks = None
-            if lv.format.type == "luks":
-                usedev = self.findLUKSDev(lv)
-                format = usedev.format
+            if templv.format.type == "luks":
+                format = self.luks[lv['name']]
-                usedev = lv
-                format = lv.format
+                format = templv.format
-            if not lv.exists:
+            if not templv.exists:
                 fmt_class = newfstypeCombo.get_active_value()
                 # existing lv
@@ -520,7 +534,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    # validate logical volume name
 	    lvname = lvnameEntry.get_text().strip()
-            if not lv.exists:
+            if not templv.exists:
                 err = sanityCheckLogicalVolumeName(lvname)
                 if err:
                     self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal Logical Volume Name"),
@@ -529,11 +543,11 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    # check that the name is not already in use
 	    used = 0
-	    for _lv in self.vg.lvs:
-		if lvname and lv.lvname == lvname:
+	    for _lv in self.lvs.values():
+		if _lv == lv:
-		if lv.lvname == lvname:
+		if _lv['name'] == lvname:
 		    used = 1
@@ -552,15 +566,11 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 		used = 0
 		curmntpt = getattr(format, "mountpoint", None)
-		for _lv in self.vg.lvs:
-                    if _lv.format.type == "luks":
-                        # XXX this won't work if the lvs haven't been
-                        #     added to the tree yet
-                        _usedev = self.findLUKSDev(_lv)
-                        _format = _usedev.format
+		for _lv in self.lvs.values():
+                    if _lv['format'].type == "luks":
+                        _format = self.luks[_lv['name']]
-                        _usedev = _lv
-                        _format = _lv.format
+                        _format = _lv['format']
                     if not _format.mountable or curmntpt and \
 		       _format.mountpoint == curmntpt:
@@ -579,7 +589,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
             # check that size specification is numeric and positive
-            if not lv.exists:
+            if not templv.exists:
                 badsize = 0
                     size = long(sizeEntry.get_text())
@@ -593,7 +603,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
                                               "than 0."), custom_icon="error")
-                size = lv.size
+                size = templv.size
             # check that size specification is within limits
 	    pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0
@@ -614,93 +624,70 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
             # Ok -- now we've done all the checks to validate the
             # user-specified parameters. Time to set up the device...
-            if not lv.exists:
-                lv._name = lvname
-                lv.size = size
-                lv.req_grow = False
+            origname = templv.lvname
+            if not templv.exists:
+                templv._name = lvname
+                templv.size = size
                 format = fmt_class(mountpoint=mountpoint)
                 if self.lukscb and self.lukscb.get_active() and \
-                   lv.format.type != "luks":
-                    luksformat = format
+                   templv.format.type != "luks":
+                    newluks = format
                     format = getFormat("luks",
-                    luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % lv.name,
-                                         format=luksformat,
-                                         parents=lv)
-                elif self.lukscb and not self.lukscb.get_active() and \
-                     lv.format.type == "luks":
-                    # destroy luks format and mapped device
-                    luksdev = self.findLUKSDev(lv)
-                    if luksdev:
-                        actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(luksdev.format))
-                        actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(luksdev))
-                        luksdev = None
-                    actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(lv))
-                if lv.lvname not in self.lvs:
-                    actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(lv))
-                    actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(lv))
-                    self.lvs[lv.lvname] = lv
-                if luksdev:
-                    actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(luksdev))
-                    actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(luksdev))
+                templv.format = format
                 # existing lv
 		if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("formatcb") and \
                     format = fmt_class(mountpoint=mountpoint)
                     if self.lukscb and self.lukscb.get_active() and \
-                       lv.format.type != "luks":
-                        luksformat = format
+                       templv.format.type != "luks":
+                        newluks = format
                         format = getFormat("luks",
-                                           device=lv.path,
+                                           device=templv.path,
-                        luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % lv.name,
-                                             format=luksformat,
-                                             parents=lv)
-                    elif self.lukscb and not self.lukscb.get_active() and \
-                         lv.format.type == "luks":
-                        # destroy luks format and mapped device
-                        luksdev = self.findLUKSDev(lv)
-                        if luksdev:
-                            actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(luksdev.format))
-                            actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(luksdev))
-                            luksdev = None
-                        actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(lv))
-                elif lv.format.mountable:
-                    lv.format.mountpoint = mountpoint
+                    templv.format = format
+                elif format.mountable:
+                    templv.format.mountpoint = mountpoint
 		if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("migratecb") and \
-                    migrate = True
+                    format.migrate = True
                 if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("resizecb") and self.fsoptionsDict["resizecb"].get_active():
                     targetSize = self.fsoptionsDict["resizesb"].get_value_as_int()
-                    actions.append(ActionResizeDevice(lv, targetSize))
-                    if lv.format.type:
-                        actions.append(ActionResizeFormat(lv, targetSize))
+                    templv.targetSize = targetSize
+                    format.targetSize = targetSize
-                if format:
-                    actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(usedev))
-                    actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(usedev, format))
-                    if luksdev:
-                        actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(luksdev))
-                        actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(luksdev))
+                templv.format = format
-                if migrate:
-                    actions.append(ActionMigrateFormat(usedev))
-	    if usedev.format.exists and format.mountable and \
-               self.storage.formatByDefault(usedev) and \
-	       not queryNoFormatPreExisting(self.intf):
+            if format.exists and format.mountable and format.mountpoint:
+                tempdev = StorageDevice('tmp', format=format)
+                if self.storage.formatByDefault(tempdev) and \
+                   not queryNoFormatPreExisting(self.intf):
 	    # everything ok
-        self.actions.extend(actions)
+        if templv.format.type == "luks":
+            if newluks:
+                self.luks[templv.lvname] = newluks
+            if self.luks.has_key(origname) and origname != templv.lvname:
+                self.luks[templv.lvname] = self.luks[origname]
+                del self.luks[templv.lvname]
+        elif templv.format.type != "luks" and self.luks.has_key(origname):
+            del self.luks[origname]
+        self.lvs[templv.lvname] = {'name': templv.lvname,
+                                   'size': templv.size,
+                                   'format': templv.format,
+                                   'exists': templv.exists}
+        if self.lvs.has_key(origname) and origname != templv.lvname:
+            del self.lvs[origname]
@@ -734,12 +721,15 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 				      "the currently existing "
 				      "logical volumes"), custom_icon="error")
-        lv = self.storage.newLV(vg=self.vg,
-                                fmt_type=self.storage.defaultFSType,
-                                size=free)
-	self.editLogicalVolume(lv, isNew = 1)
-	return
+        tempvg = self.getTempVG()
+        name = self.storage.createSuggestedLVName(tempvg)
+        self.lvs[name] = {'name': name,
+                          'size': free,
+                          'format': getFormat(self.storage.defaultFSType),
+                          'exists': False}
+        self.editLogicalVolume(self.lvs[name], isNew = 1)
+        return
     def editLogicalVolumeCB(self, widget):
@@ -761,21 +751,20 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	if not rc:
-        lv = self.lvs[logvolname]
-        action = ActionDestroyDevice(lv)
-        self.actions.append(action)
-	self.logvolstore.remove(iter)
-	self.updateVGSpaceLabels()
-	return
+        del self.lvs[logvolname]
+        self.logvolstore.remove(iter)
+        self.updateVGSpaceLabels()
+        return
     def logvolActivateCb(self, view, path, col):
-    def getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self, model):
-	pv = []
-	next = model.get_iter_first()
-	currow = 0
-	while next is not None:
+    def getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self):
+        model = self.lvmlist.get_model()
+        pv = []
+        next = model.get_iter_first()
+        currow = 0
+        while next is not None:
 	    iter = next
 	    val      = model.get_value(iter, 0)
 	    partname = model.get_value(iter, 1)
@@ -792,10 +781,10 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
     def computeVGSize(self, pvlist, curpe):
 	availSpaceMB = 0L
 	for pv in pvlist:
-            # XXX why the subtraction?
+            # have to clamp pvsize to multiple of PE
+            # XXX why the subtraction? fudging metadata?
 	    pvsize = lvm.clampSize(pv.size, curpe) - (curpe/1024)
-	    # have to clamp pvsize to multiple of PE
 	    availSpaceMB = availSpaceMB + pvsize
         log.info("computeVGSize: vgsize is %s" % (availSpaceMB,))
@@ -808,40 +797,25 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	return neededSpaceMB
-    def findLUKSDev(self, lv):
-        if lv.format.type == "luks":
-            actions = self.actions[:]
-            actions.reverse()
-            usedev = None
-            for action in actions:
-                if action.isCreate() and action.isDevice() and \
-                   action.device.parents == [lv]:
-                    usedev = action.device
-                    break
-            if not usedev:
-                usedev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0]
-            return usedev
     def updateLogVolStore(self):
-        for lv in self.vg.lvs:
+        for lv in self.lvs.values():
             iter = self.logvolstore.append()
-            if lv.format.type == "luks":
-                usedev = self.findLUKSDev(lv)
+            if lv['format'].type == "luks":
+                format = self.luks[lv['name']]
-                usedev = lv
+                format = lv['format']
-            mntpt = getattr(usedev.format, "mountpoint", "")
-            if lv.lvname:
-                self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 0, lv.lvname)
+            mntpt = getattr(format, "mountpoint", "")
+            if lv['name']:
+                self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 0, lv['name'])
-            if usedev.format.type and usedev.format.mountable:
+            if format.type and format.mountable:
                 self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, mntpt)
 		self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, "N/A")
-            self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 2, "%Ld" % (lv.size,))
+            self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 2, "%Ld" % lv['size'])
     def updateVGSpaceLabels(self):
         (total, used, free) = self.computeSpaceValues()
@@ -878,7 +852,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 		return []
-	    pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self.lvmlist.get_model())
+	    pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes()
 	    # check volume name
 	    volname = self.volnameEntry.get_text().strip()
@@ -888,10 +862,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
-	    if self.vg:
-		origvname = self.vg.name
-	    else:
-		origvname = None
+	    origvname = self.vg.name
 	    if origvname != volname:
                 # maybe we should see if _any_ device has this name
@@ -909,12 +880,172 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	    # everything ok
-        # pvs, pesize are taken care of in widget callbacks
-        # (clickCB, peChangeCB)
-        if self.isNew:
+        # here we have to figure out what all was done and convert it to
+        # devices and actions
+        #
+        # set up the vg with the right pvs
+        # set up the lvs
+        #  set up the lvs' formats
+        #
+        log.debug("finished editing vg")
+        log.debug("pvs: %s" % [p.name for p in self.pvs])
+        log.debug("luks: %s" % self.luks.keys())
+        for lv in self.lvs.itervalues():
+            log.debug("lv %s" % lv)
+            _luks = self.luks.get(lv['name'])
+            if _luks:
+                log.debug("  luks: %s" % _luks)
+        actions = []
+        origlvs = self.vg.lvs
+        if not self.vg.exists:
+            log.debug("non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize")
+            # remove all of the lvs
+            for lv in self.vg.lvs:
+                self.vg._removeLogVol(lv)
+            # set up the pvs
+            for pv in self.vg.pvs:
+                if pv not in self.pvs:
+                    self.vg._removePV(pv)
+            for pv in self.pvs:
+                if pv not in self.vg.pvs:
+                    self.vg._addPV(pv)
             self.vg.name = volname
-            self.actions.insert(0, ActionCreateDevice(self.vg))
-	return self.actions
+            self.vg.pesize = pesize
+            if self.isNew:
+                actions = [ActionCreateDevice(self.vg)]
+        # Schedule destruction of all non-existing lvs, their formats,
+        # luks devices, &c. Also destroy devices that have been removed.
+        for lv in origlvs:
+            log.debug("old lv %s..." % lv.lvname)
+            if not lv.exists or lv.lvname not in self.lvs or \
+               (not self.lvs[lv.lvname]['exists'] and lv.exists):
+                log.debug("removing lv %s" % lv.lvname)
+                if lv.format.type == "luks":
+                    try:
+                        _luksdev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0]
+                    except IndexError:
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        if _luksdev.format.type:
+                            actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(_luksdev))
+                        actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(_luksdev))
+                if lv.format.type:
+                    actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(lv))
+                if lv in self.vg.lvs:
+                    self.vg._removeLogVol(lv)
+                actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(lv))
+        # schedule creation of all new lvs, their formats, luks devices, &c
+        tempvg = self.getTempVG()
+        for lv in tempvg.lvs:
+            log.debug("new lv %s" % lv)
+            if not lv.exists:
+                log.debug("creating lv %s" % lv.lvname)
+                # create the device
+                newlv = LVMLogicalVolumeDevice(lv.lvname,
+                                               self.vg,
+                                               size=lv.size)
+                actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newlv))
+                # create the format
+                mountpoint = getattr(lv.format, "mountpoint", None)
+                format = getFormat(lv.format.type,
+                                   mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                   device=newlv.path)
+                actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newlv, format))
+                if lv.format.type == "luks":
+                    # create the luks device
+                    newluks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % newlv.name,
+                                         parents=[newlv])
+                    actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newluks))
+                    # create the luks format
+                    oldfmt = self.luks[lv.lvname]
+                    mountpoint = getattr(oldfmt, "mountpoint", None)
+                    format = getFormat(oldfmt.type,
+                                       mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                       device=newluks.path)
+                    actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newluks, format))
+            else:
+                log.debug("lv %s already exists" % lv.lvname)
+                # this lv is preexisting. check for resize and reformat.
+                # first, get the real/original lv
+                origlv = None
+                for _lv in self.vg.lvs:
+                    if _lv.lvname == lv.lvname:
+                        origlv = _lv
+                        break
+                if lv.resizable and lv.targetSize != origlv.currentSize:
+                    actions.append(ActionResizeDevice(origlv, lv.targetSize))
+                if lv.format.exists:
+                    log.debug("format already exists")
+                    if hasattr(origlv.format, "mountpoint"):
+                        origlv.format.mountpoint = lv.format.mountpoint
+                    if lv.format.migratable and lv.format.migrate and \
+                       not origlv.format.migrate:
+                        origlv.format.migrate = lv.format.migrate
+                        actions.append(ActionMigrateFormat(origlv))
+                    if lv.format.resizable and \
+                       lv.format.targetSize != lv.format.currentSize:
+                        new_size = lv.format.targetSize
+                        actions.append(ActionResizeFormat(origlv, new_size))
+                elif lv.format.type:
+                    log.debug("new format: %s" % lv.format.type)
+                    # destroy old format and any associated luks devices
+                    if origlv.format.type:
+                        if origlv.format.type == "luks":
+                            # destroy the luks device and its format
+                            try:
+                                _luksdev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(origlv)[0]
+                            except IndexError:
+                                pass
+                            else:
+                                if _luksdev.format.type:
+                                    # this is probably unnecessary
+                                    actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(_luksdev))
+                                actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(_luksdev))
+                        actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(origlv))
+                    # create the format
+                    mountpoint = getattr(lv.format, "mountpoint", None)
+                    format = getFormat(lv.format.type,
+                                       mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                       device=origlv.path)
+                    actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(origlv, format))
+                    if lv.format.type == "luks":
+                        # create the luks device
+                        newluks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % origlv.name,
+                                             parents=[origlv])
+                        actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newluks))
+                        # create the luks format
+                        tmpfmt = self.luks[lv.lvname]
+                        mountpoint = getattr(tmpfmt, "mountpoint", None)
+                        format = getFormat(tmpfmt.type,
+                                           mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                           device=newluks.path)
+                        actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newluks, format))
+                else:
+                    log.debug("no format!?")
+	return actions
     def destroy(self):
 	if self.dialog:
@@ -922,16 +1053,40 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 	self.dialog = None
     def __init__(self, anaconda, intf, parent, vg, isNew = 0):
-	self.storage = anaconda.id.storage
-	self.vg = vg
+        self.storage = anaconda.id.storage
+        # the vg instance we were passed
+        self.vg = vg
+        self.peSize = vg.peSize
+        self.pvs = self.vg.pvs[:]
+        # a dict of dicts
+        #  keys are lv names
+        #  values are dicts representing the lvs
+        #   name, size, format instance, exists
         self.lvs = {}
-	self.isNew = isNew
-	self.intf = intf
-	self.parent = parent
+        # a dict of luks devices
+        #  keys are lv names
+        #  values are formats of the mapped devices
+        self.luks = {}
+        self.isNew = isNew
+        self.intf = intf
+        self.parent = parent
         self.actions = []
         for lv in self.vg.lvs:
-            self.lvs[lv.lvname] = lv
+            self.lvs[lv.lvname] = {"name": lv.lvname,
+                                   "size": lv.size,
+                                   "format": copy.copy(lv.format),
+                                   "exists": lv.exists}
+            if lv.format.type == "luks":
+                try:
+                    self.luks[lv.lvname] = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0].format
+                except IndexError:
+                    self.luks[lv.lvname] = lv.format
         self.availlvmparts = self.storage.unusedPVs(vg=vg)
@@ -997,7 +1152,7 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
         maintable.attach(self.peCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
         row = row + 1
-        (self.lvmlist, sw) = self.createAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self.availlvmparts, self.storage.vgs)
+        (self.lvmlist, sw) = self.createAllowedLvmPartitionsList()
         if vg.exists:
         self.lvmlist.set_size_request(275, 80)
@@ -1065,11 +1220,9 @@ class VolumeGroupEditor:
 		iter = self.logvolstore.append()
 		self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 0, lv.lvname)
                 if lv.format.type == "luks":
-                    usedev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0]
-                    format = usedev.format
+                    format = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0].format
-                    usedev = lv
-                    format = usedev.format
+                    format = lv.format
                 if getattr(format, "mountpoint", None):
 		    self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1,

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