Chris Lumens wrote:
This is a modified version of a patch which was in the
storage branch for a while. Since it turns out that
it is usefull to be able to provide an updated anaconda
udev rules, here is a patch which makes this possible.
anaconda | 5 +++++
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index fc32dfb..dc50999 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ def setupPythonUpdates():
"/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f))
+ if os.access("/tmp/updates/70-anaconda.rules", os.R_OK):
+ import shutil
+ shutil.copyfile("/tmp/updates/70-anaconda.rules",
+ "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-anaconda.rules")
def parseOptions():
def resolution_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
parser.values.runres = value
Looks good to me
Ok, I'll push it shortly.
, though I wonder if it's worth generalizing to
/tmp/updates/*.rules. Who knows - we may need to test out updated udev
rules one day too.
Might be, but (like the most of us) I really don't have the time right now
to write a patch to generalize it like that.
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