[PATCH 21/47] Don't provide a special partedExceptionWindow anymore.

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From: Chris Lumens <clumens@xxxxxxxxxx>

Since pyparted has a lot more execption classes now, it makes sense to just
let anaconda's regular exception handling framework deal with them.  This means
a lot of changes throughout are on the way.
 cmdline.py |   15 ---------------
 gui.py     |   35 -----------------------------------
 text.py    |   30 ------------------------------
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmdline.py b/cmdline.py
index 4e90fc3..7b925c9 100644
--- a/cmdline.py
+++ b/cmdline.py
@@ -107,20 +107,6 @@ class InstallInterface:
     def exceptionWindow(self, shortText, longTextFile):
-    def partedExceptionWindow(self, exc):
-        # if our only option is to cancel, let us handle the exception
-        # in our code and avoid popping up the exception window here.
-        log.critical("parted exception: %s: %s" %(exc.type_string,exc.message))
-        if exc.options == parted.EXCEPTION_CANCEL:
-            return parted.EXCEPTION_UNHANDLED
-        print(_("Parted exceptions can't be handled in command line mode!"))
-        print(exc.message)
-        # don't exit
-        while 1:
-            time.sleep(5)
     def waitWindow(self, title, text):
         return WaitWindow(title, text)
@@ -131,7 +117,6 @@ class InstallInterface:
-        parted.exception_set_handler(self.partedExceptionWindow)        
         (step, instance) = anaconda.dispatch.currentStep()
         while step:
diff --git a/gui.py b/gui.py
index b2e6916..ab34474 100644
--- a/gui.py
+++ b/gui.py
@@ -213,39 +213,6 @@ def processEvents():
     while gtk.events_pending():
-def partedExceptionWindow(exc):
-    # if our only option is to cancel, let us handle the exception
-    # in our code and avoid popping up the exception window here.
-    if exc.options == parted.EXCEPTION_CANCEL:
-        return parted.EXCEPTION_UNHANDLED
-    log.critical("parted exception: %s: %s" %(exc.type_string,exc.message))
-    print(exc.type_string)
-    print(exc.message)
-    print(exc.options)
-    win = gtk.Dialog(exc.type_string, mainWindow, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
-    addFrame(win)
-    win.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
-    label = WrappingLabel(exc.message)
-    win.vbox.pack_start (label)
-    numButtons = 0
-    buttonToAction = {}
-    exflags = ((parted.EXCEPTION_FIX, N_("Fix")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_YES, N_("Yes")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_NO, N_("No")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_OK, N_("OK")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_RETRY, N_("Retry")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_IGNORE, N_("Ignore")),
-             (parted.EXCEPTION_CANCEL, N_("Cancel")))
-    for flag, string in exflags:
-        if exc.options & flag:
-            win.add_button(_(string), flag)
-    win.show_all()
-    rc = win.run()
-    win.destroy()
-    return rc
 def widgetExpander(widget, growTo=None):
     widget.connect("size-allocate", growToParent, growTo)
@@ -1305,8 +1272,6 @@ class InstallInterface:
-        parted.exception_set_handler(partedExceptionWindow)
         self.icw = InstallControlWindow (self.anaconda)
         self.icw.run (self.runres)
diff --git a/text.py b/text.py
index d3dd568..93241a2 100644
--- a/text.py
+++ b/text.py
@@ -567,34 +567,6 @@ class InstallInterface:
         win = SaveExceptionWindow (anaconda, longTextFile, self.screen)
         return win
-    def partedExceptionWindow(self, exc):
-        # if our only option is to cancel, let us handle the exception
-        # in our code and avoid popping up the exception window here.
-        if exc.options == parted.EXCEPTION_CANCEL:
-            return parted.EXCEPTION_UNHANDLED
-        log.critical("parted exception: %s: %s" %(exc.type_string,exc.message))
-        buttons = []
-        buttonToAction = {}
-        flags = ((parted.EXCEPTION_FIX, N_("Fix")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_YES, N_("Yes")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_NO, N_("No")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_OK, N_("OK")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_RETRY, N_("Retry")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_IGNORE, N_("Ignore")),
-                 (parted.EXCEPTION_CANCEL, N_("Cancel")))
-        for flag, errorstring in flags:
-            if exc.options & flag:
-                buttons.append(_(errorstring))
-                buttonToAction[string.lower(_(errorstring))] = flag
-        rc = None
-        while not buttonToAction.has_key(rc):
-            rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, exc.type_string, exc.message,
-                                    buttons=buttons)
-        return buttonToAction[rc]
     def waitWindow(self, title, text):
 	return WaitWindow(self.screen, title, text)
@@ -671,8 +643,6 @@ class InstallInterface:
-	parted.exception_set_handler(self.partedExceptionWindow)
 	lastrc = INSTALL_OK
 	(step, instance) = anaconda.dispatch.currentStep()
 	while step:

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