[PATCH] Rewrite iscsi code using libiscsi

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Hi All,

This patch replaces the iscsi.py code with new code using libiscsi, getting
rid of the awefull configfile mangling to set auth info hack, and in general
making it much cleaner.

-Report error when we cannot add a disk instead of silently failing (461830)
-Report error when trying to use iscsi from kickstart without having an
 iscsiname directive first (463156)
-Better feedback while scanning iscsi disks
-Make ibft work with chap and 2-way chap
-Make ibft configured disks available for upgrades and in rescue mode
-Make ibft boot work even when iscsi-initiator-utils is installed after the
 kernel in the transaction

libiscsi is available in Fedora now
 backend.py              |   11 +
 iscsi.py                |  521 +++++++++++------------------------------------
 iw/autopart_type.py     |    7 +-
 kickstart.py            |    3 -
 partitions.py           |    3 +
 rescue.py               |    1 +
 scripts/upd-instroot    |    2 +
 textw/partition_text.py |    2 +-
 upgrade.py              |    3 +
 9 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend.py b/backend.py
index 3008671..06f6c2b 100644
--- a/backend.py
+++ b/backend.py
@@ -79,9 +79,20 @@ class AnacondaBackend:
log.error("Could not copy firmware file %s: %s" % (f, e.strerror))

     def doPostInstall(self, anaconda):
+        has_iscsi_disk = False
+        # See if we have an iscsi disk. If we do we rerun mkinitrd, as
+        # the initrd might need iscsi-initiator-utils, and chances are
+        # it was not installed yet the first time mkinitrd was run, as
+        # mkinitrd does not require it.
+        for disk in anaconda.id.diskset.disks.keys():
+            if isys.driveIsIscsi(disk):
+                has_iscsi_disk = True
         if anaconda.id.extraModules:

+        if anaconda.id.extraModules or has_iscsi_disk:
             for (n, arch, tag) in self.kernelVersionList(anaconda.rootPath):
                 packages.recreateInitrd(n, anaconda.rootPath)

diff --git a/iscsi.py b/iscsi.py
index a4d301e..24f7090 100644
--- a/iscsi.py
+++ b/iscsi.py
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
 import gettext
 _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)

+has_libiscsi = True
+    import libiscsi
+    has_libiscsi = False

 # Note that stage2 copies all files under /sbin to /usr/sbin
 global ISCSID
@@ -43,7 +48,6 @@ ISCSID=""
 global ISCSIADM

 def find_iscsi_files():
     global ISCSID
@@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ def find_iscsi_files():

 def has_iscsi():
-    if ISCSID == "" or ISCSIADM == "":
+    if ISCSID == "" or ISCSIADM == "" or not has_libiscsi:
         return False

     log.info("ISCSID is %s" % (ISCSID,))
@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ def iscsi_get_node_record(node_settings, record):

     return None

+# FIXME replace with libiscsi use
 def iscsi_make_node_autostart(disk):
     sysfs_path = os.path.realpath("/sys/block/%s/device" %(disk,))
     argv = [ "-m", "session", "-r", sysfs_path ]
@@ -95,119 +100,6 @@ def iscsi_make_node_autostart(disk):
     iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSIADM, argv,
                                 stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")

-class iscsiTarget:
-    def __init__(self, ipaddr, port=None, user=None, pw=None,
-            user_in=None, pw_in=None):
-        # FIXME: validate ipaddr
-        self.ipaddr = ipaddr
-        if not port: # FIXME: hack hack hack
-            port = 3260
-        self.port = str(port)
-        self.user = user
-        self.password = pw
-        self.user_in = user_in
-        self.password_in = pw_in
-        self._portal = None
-        self._nodes = []
-        find_iscsi_files()
-    def _getPortal(self):
-        if self._portal is None:
-            argv = [ "-m", "discovery", "-t", "st", "-p", self.ipaddr ]
-            log.debug("iscsiadm %s" %(string.join(argv),))
-            records = iutil.execWithCapture(ISCSIADM, argv, stderr="/dev/tty5")
-            records = records.strip()
-            for line in records.split("\n"):
-                log.debug("  %s" % (line,))
-                if not line or line.find("found!") != -1:
-                    log.warn("no record found!")
-                    continue
-                pnlist = line.split()
-                if len(pnlist) != 2:
-                    log.warn("didn't get what we expected from iscsiadm")
-                    continue
-                (portal, node) = pnlist
-                if portal.startswith(self.ipaddr):
-                    self._portal = portal
-                    self._nodes.append(node)
-        return self._portal
-    portal = property(_getPortal)
-    def _getNode(self):
-        if len(self._nodes) == 0:
-            # _getPortal() fills the list, if possible.
-            self._getPortal()
-        return self._nodes
-    nodes = property(_getNode)
-    def discover(self):
-        argv = [ "-m", "discovery", "-t", "st", "-p",
-                 "%s:%s" % (self.ipaddr, self.port) ]
-        log.debug("iscsiadm %s" %(string.join(argv),))
-        rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSIADM, argv,
-                                    stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        if rc != 0:
-            log.warn("iscsiadm failed to discover on %s" %(self.ipaddr,))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def addNode(self, node):
-        if node is None or self.portal is None:
-            log.warn("unable to find portal information")
-            return
-        argv = [ "-m", "node", "-T", node, "-p", self.portal,
-                 "-o", "new" ]
-        log.debug("iscsiadm %s" %(string.join(argv),))
-        iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSIADM, argv,
-                               stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
-    def loginToNode(self, node):
-        if node is None or self.portal is None:
-            log.warn("unable to find portal information")
-            return
-        argv = [ "-m", "node", "-T", node, "-p", self.portal, "--login" ]
-        log.debug("iscsiadm %s" %(string.join(argv),))
-        rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSIADM, argv,
-                                    stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        if rc != 0:
-            log.warn("iscsiadm failed to login to %s" %(self.ipaddr,))
-            return False
-        return True
-    def login(self):
-        if len(self.nodes) == 0 or self.portal is None:
-            log.warn("unable to find portal information")
-            return False
-        ret = False
-        for node in self.nodes:
-            if self.loginToNode(node):
-                ret = True
-                self.addNode(node)
-        # Wait for udev to create the devices for the just added disks
-        if ret:
-            # It is possible when we get here the events for the new devices
-            # are not send yet, so sleep to make sure the events are fired
-            time.sleep(1)
-            iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/udevadm", [ "settle" ],
-                                   stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        # we return True if there were any successful logins for our portal.
-        return ret
-    def logout(self):
-        for node in self.nodes:
-            argv = [ "-m", "node", "-T", node, "-p", self.portal, "--logout" ]
-            log.debug("iscsiadm %s" %(string.join(argv),))
-            rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSIADM, argv,
-                                    stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
 def randomIname():
     """Generate a random initiator name the same way as iscsi-iname"""

@@ -222,27 +114,38 @@ def randomIname():
         s += dig[random.randrange(0, 32)]
     return s

+def stabilize(intf = None):
+    # Wait for udev to create the devices for the just added disks
+    if intf:
+        w = intf.waitWindow(_("Scanning iSCSI nodes"),
+                            _("Scanning iSCSI nodes"))
+    # It is possible when we get here the events for the new devices
+    # are not send yet, so sleep to make sure the events are fired
+    time.sleep(2)
+    iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/udevadm", [ "settle" ],
+                           stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
+    if intf:
+        w.pop()
 class iscsi(object):
     def __init__(self):
-        self.fwinfo = self._queryFirmware()
-        self.targets = []
+        self.nodes = []
         self._initiator = ""
         self.initiatorSet = False
-        self.oldInitiatorFile = None
-        self.iscsidStarted = False
+        self.started = False

-        if self.fwinfo and self.fwinfo.has_key("iface.initiatorname"):
-            self._initiator = self.fwinfo["iface.initiatorname"]
+        try:
+            initiatorname = libiscsi.get_firmware_initiator_name()
+            self._initiator = initiatorname
             self.initiatorSet = True
+        except:
+            pass

     def _getInitiator(self):
         if self._initiator != "":
             return self._initiator

-        if self.fwinfo and self.fwinfo.has_key("iface.initiatorname"):
-            return self.fwinfo["iface.initiatorname"]
-        else:
-            return randomIname()
+        return randomIname()

     def _setInitiator(self, val):
         if self._initiator != "" and val != self._initiator:
@@ -254,190 +157,37 @@ class iscsi(object):

     initiator = property(_getInitiator, _setInitiator)

-    def _queryFirmware(self):
-        # Example:
-        # [root@elm3b87 ~]# iscsiadm -m fw
-        # iface.initiatorname = iqn.2007-05.com.ibm.beaverton.elm3b87:01
-        # iface.hwaddress = 00:14:5e:b3:8e:b2
-        # node.name = iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.84183797
-        # node.conn[0].address =
-        # node.conn[0].port = 3260
-        find_iscsi_files()
-        if not has_iscsi():
-            return
-        retval = {}
-        argv = [ "-m", "fw" ]
-        log.debug("queryFirmware: ISCSIADM is %s" % (ISCSIADM,))
-        result = iutil.execWithCapture(ISCSIADM, argv, stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        result = result.strip()
-        if len(result) == 0 \
-                or result[0].find("iscsiadm -") != -1 \
-                or result[0].find("iscsiadm: ") != -1:
-            log.debug("queryFirmware: iscsiadm %s returns bad output: %s" %
-                (argv,result))
-            # Try querying the node records instead
-            argv = [ "-m", "node", "-o", "show", "-S" ]
-            result = iutil.execWithCapture(ISCSIADM, argv, stderr="/dev/tty5")
-            if len(result) == 0 \
-                    or result[0].find("iscsiadm -") != -1 \
-                    or result[0].find("iscsiadm: ") != -1:
-                log.debug("queryFirmware: iscsiadm %s returns bad output: %s" %
-                    (argv,result))
-                return retval
-        for line in result.split("\n"):
-            SPLIT = " = "
-            idx = line.find(SPLIT)
-            if idx != -1:
-                lhs = line[:idx]
-                rhs = line[idx+len(SPLIT):]
-                retval[lhs] = rhs
-        return retval
-    def _startIscsiDaemon(self):
-        psout = iutil.execWithCapture("/usr/bin/pidof", ["iscsid"])
-        if psout.strip() == "":
-            log.info("iSCSI startup")
-            iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSID, [],
-                                   stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
-            self.iscsidStarted = True
-            time.sleep(2)
-    def _stopIscsiDaemon(self):
-        result = iutil.execWithCapture(ISCSIADM, ["-k", "0"], stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        result.strip()
-        if result == "":
-            self.iscsidStarted = False
-    def shutdown(self):
-        if not has_iscsi():
+    def _startIBFT(self, intf = None):
+        if not flags.ibft:

-        if flags.test:
-            if self.oldInitiatorFile != None:
-                f = open(INITIATOR_FILE, "w")
-                for line in self.oldInitiatorFile:
-                    f.write(line)
-                f.close ()
-                self.oldInitiatorFile = None
-        self._stopIscsiDaemon()
-    def loginToDefaultDrive(self):
-        # Example:
-        # [root@elm3b87 ~]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t fw -l
- # Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.84183797, portal:,3260]
-        find_iscsi_files()
+        try:
+             found_nodes = libiscsi.discover_firmware()
+        except:
+             # an exception here means there is no ibft firmware, just return
+             return

-        argv = [ "-m", "discovery", "-t", "fw", "-l" ]
-        result = iutil.execWithCapture(ISCSIADM, argv, stderr="/dev/tty5")
-        log.debug("iscsiadm result: %s" % (result,))
+        for node in found_nodes:
+            try:
+                 node.login()
+                 self.nodes.append(node)
+            except:
+                 # FIXME, what to do when we cannot log in to a firmware
+                 # provided node ??
+                 pass

-        start = result.find('[')
-        end = result.rfind(']')
+        stabilize(intf)

-        if start == -1 or end == -1:
-            log.warn("could not find markers.  iscsiadm returned: %s" %
-                (result,))
+    def startup(self, intf = None):
+        if self.started:

-        values = {}
-        for kv in string.split(result[start+1:end], ', '):
-            (k, v) = string.split(kv, ': ')
-            values[k] = v
-        del start, end
-        if not values.has_key('target'):
-            log.warn("iBFT data missing target.  iscsiadm returned: %s" %
-                (result,))
-        if not values.has_key('portal'):
-            log.warn("iBFT data missing portal.  iscsiadm returned: %s" %
-                (result,))
-        else:
-            portal = values['portal']
-            comma = portal.find(',')
-            if comma == -1:
-                values['port'] = 3260
-            else:
-                values['port'] = portal[comma+1:]
-                values['portal'] = portal[0:comma]
-        if not values.has_key('chap-username') or not \
-                values.has_key('chap-password'):
-            if values.has_key('chap-username'):
-                log.warn("Invalid iBFT CHAP password.  iscsiadm returned: %s" %
-                    (result,))
-                return
-            if values.has_key('chap-password'):
-                log.warn("Invalid iBFT CHAP username.  iscsiadm returned: %s" %
-                    (result,))
-                return
-        if not values.has_key('rev-chap-username') or not \
-                values.has_key('rev-chap-password'):
-            if values.has_key('rev-chap-username'):
-                log.warn("Invalid iBFT Reverse CHAP password.  " \
-                         "iscsiadm returned %s" % (result,))
-                return
-            if values.has_key('rev-chap-password'):
-                log.warn("Invalid iBFT Reverse CHAP username.  " \
-                         "iscsiadm returned %s" % (result,))
-                return
-        target = values['target']
-        renames = {
-            'portal': 'ipaddr',
-            'chap-username': 'user',
-            'chap-password': 'pw',
-            'rev-chap-username': 'user_in',
-            'rev-chap-password': 'pw_in',
-            }
-        for k,v in renames.items():
-            if values.has_key(k):
-                values[v] = values[k]
-                del values[k]
-        badKeys = filter(lambda x: not x in \
-                          ('ipaddr','port','user','pw','user_in','pw_in'),
-                         values.keys())
-        for k in badKeys:
-            del values[k]
-        # make a new target
-        self.addTarget(**values)
-    def startIBFT(self):
-        # If there is a default drive in the iSCSI configuration, then
-        # automatically attach to it. Do this before testing the initiator
-        # name, because it is provided by the iBFT too
-        if flags.ibft:
-            self.loginToDefaultDrive()
-    def startup(self, intf = None):
         if not has_iscsi():

         if not self.initiatorSet:
             log.info("no initiator set")
-        if flags.test:
-            if os.access(INITIATOR_FILE, os.R_OK):
-                f = open(INITIATOR_FILE, "r")
-                self.oldInitiatorFile = f.readlines()
-                f.close()

         if intf:
             w = intf.waitWindow(_("Initializing iSCSI initiator"),
@@ -453,120 +203,91 @@ class iscsi(object):
         os.write(fd, "InitiatorName=%s\n" %(self.initiator))

-        if not os.path.isdir("/var/lib/iscsi"):
-            os.makedirs("/var/lib/iscsi", 0660)
-        for dir in ['nodes','send_targets','ifaces']:
+        for dir in ['ifaces','isns','nodes','send_targets','slp','static']:
             fulldir = "/var/lib/iscsi/%s" % (dir,)
             if not os.path.isdir(fulldir):
-                os.makedirs(fulldir, 0660)
+                os.makedirs(fulldir, 0755)

-        self._startIscsiDaemon()
+        log.info("iSCSI startup")
+        iutil.execWithRedirect(ISCSID, [],
+                               stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5")
+        time.sleep(1)

         if intf:

+        self._startIBFT(intf)
+        self.started = True
     def addTarget(self, ipaddr, port="3260", user=None, pw=None,
                   user_in=None, pw_in=None, intf=None):
-        if not self.iscsidStarted:
-            self.startup(intf)
-            if not self.iscsidStarted:
-                # can't start for some reason.... just fallback I guess
-                return
-        commentUser = '#'
-        commentUser_in = '#'
-        if user is not None or pw is not None:
-            commentUser = ''
-            if user is None:
- raise ValueError, _("CHAP username is required if CHAP password is defined.")
-            if pw is None:
- raise ValueError, _("CHAP password is required if CHAP username is defined.")
-        if user_in is not None or pw_in is not None:
-            commentUser_in = ''
-            if user_in is None:
- raise ValueError, _("Reverse CHAP username is required if reverse CHAP password is defined.")
-            if pw_in is None:
- raise ValueError, _("Reverse CHAP password is required if reverse CHAP username is defined.")
-        # If either a user/pw pair was specified or a user_in/pw_in was
-        # specified, then CHAP is specified.
-        if commentUser == '' or commentUser_in == '':
-            commentChap = ''
-        else:
-            commentChap = '#'
-        oldIscsidFile = []
-        try:
-            f = open(ISCSID_CONF, "r")
-            oldIscsidFile = f.readlines()
-            f.close()
-        except IOError, x:
-            if x.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-                raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open %s for read." % (ISCSID_CONF,)
+        authinfo = None
+        found = 0
+        logged_in = 0

-        try:
-            f = open(ISCSID_CONF, "w")
-        except:
-            raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open %s for write." % (ISCSID_CONF,)
-        vals = {
-            "node.session.auth.authmethod = ": [commentChap, "CHAP"],
-            "node.session.auth.username = ": [commentUser, user],
-            "node.session.auth.password = ": [commentUser, pw],
-            "node.session.auth.username_in = ": [commentUser_in, user_in],
-            "node.session.auth.password_in = ": [commentUser_in, pw_in],
-            "discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod = ": [commentChap, "CHAP"],
-            "discovery.sendtargets.auth.username = ": [commentUser, user],
-            "discovery.sendtargets.auth.password = ": [commentUser, pw],
-            "discovery.sendtargets.auth.username_in = ":
-                [commentUser_in, user_in],
-            "discovery.sendtargets.auth.password_in = ":
-                [commentUser_in, pw_in],
-            }
-        for line in oldIscsidFile:
-            s  = line.strip()
-            # grab the cr/lf/cr+lf
-            nl = line[line.find(s)+len(s):]
-            found = False
-            for (k, (c, v)) in vals.items():
-                if line.find(k) != -1:
-                    f.write("%s%s%s%s" % (c, k, v, nl))
-                    found=True
-                    del vals[k]
-                    break
-            if not found:
-                f.write(line)
-        for (k, (c, v)) in vals.items():
-            f.write("%s%s%s\n" % (c, k, v))
-        f.close ()
-        t = iscsiTarget(ipaddr, port, user, pw, user_in, pw_in)
-        if not t.discover():
-            return
-        if not t.login():
-            return
-        self.targets.append(t)
-        return
+        if not has_iscsi():
+            raise IOError, _("iSCSI not available")
+        if not self.initiatorSet:
+            raise ValueError, _("No initiator name set")
+        self.startup(intf)
+        if user:
+            # Note may raise a ValueError
+            authinfo = libiscsi.chapAuthInfo(username=user, password=pw,
+                                             reverse_username=user_in,
+                                             reverse_password=pw_in)
+        # Note may raise an IOError
+        found_nodes = libiscsi.discover_sendtargets(address=ipaddr,
+                                                    port=int(port),
+                                                    authinfo=authinfo)
+        if found_nodes == None:
+            raise IOError, _("No iSCSI nodes discovered")
+        if intf:
+            w = intf.waitWindow(_("Logging in to iSCSI nodes"),
+                                _("Logging in to iSCSI nodes"))
+        for node in found_nodes:
+            # skip nodes we already have
+            if node in self.nodes:
+                continue
+            found = found + 1
+            try:
+                 if (authinfo):
+                     node.setAuth(authinfo)
+                 node.login()
+                 self.nodes.append(node)
+                 logged_in = logged_in + 1
+            except:
+                 # some nodes may require different credentials
+                 pass
+        if intf:
+            w.pop()
+        if found == 0:
+            raise IOError, _("No new iSCSI nodes discovered")
+        if logged_in == 0:
+            raise IOError, _("Could not log in to any of the discovered nodes")
+        stabilize(intf)

     def writeKS(self, f):
         if not self.initiatorSet:
         f.write("iscsiname %s\n" %(self.initiator,))
-        for t in self.targets:
-            f.write("iscsi --ipaddr %s --port %s" %(t.ipaddr, t.port))
-            if t.user:
-                f.write(" --user %s" %(t.user,))
-            if t.password:
-                f.write(" --password %s" %(t.password,))
-            if t.user_in:
-                f.write(" --reverse-user %s" % (t.user_in,))
-            if t.password_in:
-                f.write(" --reverse-password %s" % (t.password_in,))
+        for n in self.nodes:
+            f.write("iscsi --ipaddr %s --port %s" %(n.address, n.port))
+            auth = n.getAuth()
+            if auth:
+                f.write(" --user %s" %(n.username,))
+                f.write(" --password %s" %(n.password,))
+                if len(auth.reverse_username):
+                    f.write(" --reverse-user %s" % (n.reverse_username,))
+                    f.write(" --reverse-password %s" % (n.reverse_password,))

     def write(self, instPath, anaconda):
@@ -601,10 +322,10 @@ class iscsi(object):

             # copy "db" files.  *sigh*
-            if not os.path.isdir(instPath + "/var/lib/iscsi"):
-                os.makedirs(instPath + "/var/lib/iscsi", 0755)
-            for d in ("/var/lib/iscsi/nodes", "/var/lib/iscsi/send_targets"):
-                if os.path.isdir(d):
-                    shutil.copytree(d, instPath + d)
+            if os.path.isdir(instPath + "/var/lib/iscsi"):
+                shutil.rmtree(instPath + "/var/lib/iscsi")
+            if os.path.isdir("/var/lib/iscsi"):
+                shutil.copytree("/var/lib/iscsi", instPath + "/var/lib/iscsi",
+                                symlinks=True)

 # vim:tw=78:ts=4:et:sw=4
diff --git a/iw/autopart_type.py b/iw/autopart_type.py
index f166eab..3b36682 100644
--- a/iw/autopart_type.py
+++ b/iw/autopart_type.py
@@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ class PartitionTypeWindow(InstallWindow):
             rc = dialog.run()
             if rc == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
-                return rc

             initiator = dxml.get_widget("iscsiInitiatorEntry").get_text()
@@ -297,6 +296,9 @@ class PartitionTypeWindow(InstallWindow):
             except ValueError, e:
                 self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e))
+            except IOError, e:
+                self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e))
+                rc = gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL

@@ -362,12 +364,15 @@ class PartitionTypeWindow(InstallWindow):

         if rc != gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
+            w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Rescanning disks"),
+                                     _("Rescanning disks"))
+            w.pop()

     def _fillBootStore(self):
         bootstore = self.bootcombo.get_model()
diff --git a/kickstart.py b/kickstart.py
index eafd4d8..9305ef0 100644
--- a/kickstart.py
+++ b/kickstart.py
@@ -313,9 +313,6 @@ class IscsiName(commands.iscsiname.FC6_IscsiName):
         retval = commands.iscsiname.FC6_IscsiName.parse(self, args)

         self.handler.id.iscsi.initiator = self.iscsiname
-        self.handler.id.iscsi.startIBFT()
-        # FIXME: flush the drive dict so we figure drives out again
-        isys.flushDriveDict()
         return retval

 class Keyboard(commands.keyboard.FC3_Keyboard):
diff --git a/partitions.py b/partitions.py
index 74a9e11..a22c54b 100644
--- a/partitions.py
+++ b/partitions.py
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ def partitionObjectsInitialize(anaconda):
     if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:

+    # make ibft configured iscsi disks available when findrootparts was skipped
+    anaconda.id.iscsi.startup(anaconda.intf)
     # ensure zfcp devs are up

diff --git a/rescue.py b/rescue.py
index 2ae35e6..42e5b96 100644
--- a/rescue.py
+++ b/rescue.py
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ def runRescue(anaconda, instClass):

+        anaconda.intf = None

     # Early shell access with no disk access attempts
diff --git a/scripts/upd-instroot b/scripts/upd-instroot
index ae37ab6..6271dc9 100755
--- a/scripts/upd-instroot
+++ b/scripts/upd-instroot
@@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages/firstboot
@@ -446,6 +447,7 @@ usr/$LIBDIR/python?.?/site-packages/rpmmodule.so
diff --git a/textw/partition_text.py b/textw/partition_text.py
index 1944ee1..c8381d1 100644
--- a/textw/partition_text.py
+++ b/textw/partition_text.py
@@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ class PartitionTypeWindow:
                 return self.addIscsiDriveDialog(screen)
-            except ValueError, e:
+            except (ValueError, IOError), e:
                 ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error"), str(e))
                 return INSTALL_BACK

diff --git a/upgrade.py b/upgrade.py
index d8d1e75..1c4685d 100644
--- a/upgrade.py
+++ b/upgrade.py
@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ def findRootParts(anaconda):
         anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 0)

 def findExistingRoots(anaconda, upgradeany = 0):
+    # make ibft configured iscsi disks available
+    anaconda.id.iscsi.startup(anaconda.intf)
     if not flags.setupFilesystems:
         relstr = partedUtils.getReleaseString (anaconda.rootPath)
         if ((flags.cmdline.has_key("upgradeany")) or

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