Hi All,
Can you all please take a look at these, and fix them (they are new compared to
F-10) or let me know if they are new false positives, then I'll add them to the
iutil.py:395: Object (ppcType) has no attribute (items)
kickstart.py:293: Object (kwargs) has no attribute (update)
kickstart.py:298: Object (kwargs) has no attribute (update)
livecd.py:258: Object (fsdict) has no attribute (keys)
livecd.py:267: Object (fsdict) has no attribute (keys)
packages.py:387: Object (publicBetas) has no attribute (items)
partRequests.py:504: Format string argument count (0) doesn't match arguments (1)
partRequests.py:685: Format string argument count (0) doesn't match arguments (1)
partedUtils.py:549: Object (productUpgrades) has no attribute (has_key)
yuminstall.py:587: Statement appears to have no effect
yuminstall.py:590: Function (_getConfig) doesn't support **kwArgs
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