Gary Thomas wrote:
I get this error at the end of buildinstall with anaconda- or
Making images...
usage: mk-images <pkgsrc> <toplevel> <template> <imgdir> <buildarch>
<productname> <version> [<productpath>]
Given the recent changes in anaconda to drop the product name/path
(I didn't follow the discussion all that closely), I'm guessing that
the support tools like mk-images also needs some work.
mmm. really doubt that this is an issue with buildinstall. I built a tree with the new anaconda and there was only one little issue that had to be changed:
diff --git a/scripts/buildinstall b/scripts/buildinstall
index 828605f..f362540 100755
--- a/scripts/buildinstall
+++ b/scripts/buildinstall
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ DIR=`cd $DIR; /bin/pwd`
BUILDINSTDIR=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/buildinstall.tree.XXXXXX`
TREEDIR=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/treedir.XXXXXX`
-ANACONDARUNTIME=`find $p -name "anaconda-runtime-[0-9]*" |head -n 1`
+ANACONDARUNTIME=`find $DIR -name "anaconda-runtime-[0-9]*" |head -n 1`
echo "Running buildinstall..."
The buildinstall script was still using a $p instead of a $DIR. Hope it helps.
FYI: this has already been pushed to anaconda git.
Joel Andres Granados
Red Hat / Brno, Czech Republic
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