Olivier BONHOMME wrote:
Hello the list,
I am experimenting some issue using anaconda on a customized Fedora Core
6 installation. I made my own RPM package and I want to install it
automatically specifying it in the kickstart file in the %packages section.
On this package, I am executing severals chmod/chown commands on the
%postinstall section in my .spec file.
The problem is that when the RPM is installed by anaconda, the chown or
chmod command can't be found (No such file directory in the
Are you using the rpm macros ? %{__chown}...
anaconda.log). However, the PATH environment variable seems to be
initialized : if I open a shell while the installation and execute a
chown command, the command is correctely located by the PATH environment
variable without specifying the absolute path.
This problem seems to be present for all the basical unix command
located in /mnt/runtime/bin and /mnt/runtime/sbin.
That's why I wanted to know if there is a bug with anaconda because I
didn't find any clues about this issue on google.
Thank you for your answers
Best Regards,
Anaconda-devel-list mailing list
Joel Andres Granados
Red Hat / Brno, Czech Republic
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