we're trying to kickstart centos 5 on machines with broadcom 5704's,
using jumbo mtu's (mtu=4500).
We're setting the option mtu=4500 which is being passed to the kernel by
pxelinux, and then we also set mtu=4500 in the ks.cfg.
Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place, but from looking at
loader2/loader.c, I think we're doing things properly (this worked with
FC4's anaconda, but is failing in Cent5).
If I set it to dhcp in the pxelinux config file AND set the mtu=4500, it
dhcp's, but forgets the mtu. If I set a static IP/netmask/mtu in the
pxelinux config file, it works as expected.
Is this to be expected? Is this a bug?
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