Jeremy Katz wrote:
On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 16:04 -0600, Orion Poplawski wrote:
Now, I can see in mk-images where updboot.kernel.##### would come from,
what I can't see is where the version/arch path would come from.
See intcopymodules() in scrupts/mk-images. It's almost like that's not being run, but I can't see how that would happen.
Found the culprit. intcopymodules() only works if TMPDIR is a top level
directory (e.g. /tmp). This should fix:
--- anaconda- 2007-10-22
15:06:26.000000000 -0600
+++ anaconda- 2007-10-22
15:11:21.000000000 -0600
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@
echo $n >> $MODULESUSED
for o in $m ; do
echo $n
- ver=$(echo $o |cut -d / -f 7)
- myarch=$(echo $o |cut -d / -f 4)
+ ver=$(echo $o | sed
+ myarch=$(echo $o | sed
if ! [ -d $dir/$ver/$myarch ] ; then mkdir -p
$dir/$ver/$myarch ; fi
if ! cp $o $dir/$ver/$myarch; then
echo "Failed to copy $o to $dir/$ver/$myarch (for
module $n)" >&2
This assumes that you have a directory structure containing
/<arch>/lib/modules/<version>/kernel/, but that's it.
Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager 303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80301
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