Re: Changing MTU for pxeboot

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David Cantrell wrote:
On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 12:13 +0200, Olivier BONHOMME wrote:
John Summerfield a écrit :
You don't say what feature is missing or from where. Did you see this, and is it relevant?
option path-mtu-plateau-table uint16 [, uint16...  ];

That seems to me to attend to the server side.
Actually, I was thinking about the option interface-mtu which is not used when a DHCP request is done through the loader binary.
That option is not requested by libdhcp, which is used for DHCP in the
loader.  To fix this, libdhcp must be patched, not anaconda or the

Keep this mailing list to anaconda discussions, please.  Put libdhcp
bugs in bugzilla.  Thanks.
You're making a distinction that will escape most people; to us, Anaconda is pretty much everything that goes after the kernel loader's boot prompt.
As for bugzilla, this is the usual state of my Internet connexion:
[summer@bilby ~]$ time ping -c5
ping: unknown host

real    0m10.006s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.003s
[summer@bilby ~]$

When it's running well, pings to local IAPs are 1-5 seconds. I can read email offline, but I can't file bug reports that way.



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