Hello list:
I have gone through some bugs and I have encountered that there are some
issues that really must be addressed. I have basically seen that there
are bugs that are already fixed and need to have their state changed. I
have compiled a list to demonstrate my point. This is FAR from the
total list of bugs that need to be revised for anaconda. I think that
there are much more, the only thing that is needed is to squash them all
(The ones that are squashable :). I haven't actually tested or changed
them, just wanted to see what the list thought first before doing
anything. So here is the list that I want to share with you.
Any comment is greatly appreciated.
(the *Issue* is the bug number, *description* is a part of what is shown
in the bug description, *comments* are some personal comments and the
*Proposed Action* is self explanatory
The campaign to do away with useless bugs!!!!!!
*Description: If a system has been installed from network the
should not try to read the package-list from /dev/cdrom but default to
the initial/previous installation source. the tool warns about missing
installation source in
/dev/cdrom and cancels.
Comments: I have a fc6 running on my box, ran system-config-packages and
did not get the error message. (I did an nfs install).
Proposed Action: rawhide it, or currentrelease it to fc6.
Description:Then I chose Catalan (ca) as the language to use during the
installation. Then everything is in Catalan, but when it starts the
VNC server, all console text is in Spanish (es) (note: locale is ca_ES).
Comments: The person who filed the bug seems satisfied with the solution
Proposed Action: currentreleas it to fc6.
Description:Trying to setup a raid10 array in a kickstart install with:
raid / --fstype=ext3 --level=RAID10 --device=md2 raid.2 raid.3 raid.5 raid.6
but anaconda complains "RAID device requested without raid level"
Comments:On the bug its states that it is better to leave it as assigned and
close it when the issue is confirmed to be solved. IMO I think it should be
currentreleased to avoid forgetting to close it. If the bug is not
fixed and
the person is still interested it can always be reopened.
Proposed Action: keep an eye on it, if not issue is seen with in the fc7
currentrelese it.
Description:It would be extremely useful if you could specify "@default"
in the %packages
section of a kickstart file to get the default package set that anaconda
install if you clicked through the package selection screen without
Comments: Seems to be solved, some testing wouldn't hurt.
Proposed Action: rawhide it
Description:The installer's UI is fixed at 800x600. On a Dell 30"
monitor, X will not think
that small of a resolution is even supported. Attempting to start X at
will fail, and then we'll start at the native resolution; this will
place the UI
in the top-left corner.
Comments: bugs been open for more than 4 months. I think its safe to
say its fixed.
Proposed Action: rawhide it.
Description:hen clicking the final "next" before packages are physically
installed on the
system (fresh install, w/ FC extras extra repo added)a dialog pops up
the user that several "cds" are required even though the DVD install was
(thus only one CD is needed which is IN the drive)
Comments: Its not that big of a bug, seems to be recently fixed.
Proposed Action: A little test and rawhide it.
Description:I tried to install FC6t3 from remote. I took an installed
CentOS box, copied
vmlinuz and initrd.img to /boot and booted with arguments
"vnc vncpassword=**** lang=de_DE keymap=de resolution=800x600 ip=xxx
gateway=xxx dns=xxx method=xxx"
The installation started as expected but while reading the package
I got an error that anaconda is missing a package. I pushed the button
to retry
and the bug report showed up.
Comments:Its apperantly fixed, its 6 months old and I don't think the
user will
comply with the testing requirements. ACTUALLY ALMOST ALL THE
Proposed Action: a little test and rawhide it
There is a list of 21 fedora bugs that are MODIFIED and IMO, most of them,
need change of state. The only ones that I would leave in MODIFIED are
the ones
that are very recent and might still be an issue. But still I would
keep an
eye on them so they don't get forgotten.
(Some of the I have already listed).
Description:Some genhdlist situation.
Comments: isn't genhdlist gone? in any case it was fixed in 2005-03-14
Proposed Action: I would cantfix it because its something that is not
in anaconda anymore.
Description:Clicking "Next" (or hitting ALT+N) too quickly (even as
slowly as once per
second) will cause Anaconda to crash upon starting the actual installation
Comments: This is an issue from 2005-02-24, RHEL-3U4 and we are
currently in RHEL-3U9
Proposed Action: currentrelease it to RHEL3U8
Description:need to add package group selection menu to installation dialogs
to allow user to select between "minimum", "LSB compliant", or "all"
package group for installation.
Comments: I'm pretty sure that the group selection in the installer is
This issue is from 2004-06-15 18:09 EST
Proposed Action: currentrelease it to RHEL3U8
Description: network device ordering
Comments: Its an issue from 2006-03-02 15:58 EST, it is said that it is
Proposed Action: I would currentrelease it to RHEL4U4
Description:In particular, the "raid pv.20 --fstype
physical volume (LVM) --level=RAID1 raid.17 raid.18" line that was
created should have had the fstype quoted since it contains embedded
Comments:Its fixed and its an issue from 2005-06-07 15:31 EST
Proposed Action: currentrelease it.
Issue: 158370
Description:When specifying packages by name to be excluded in %packages
(eg: '-mozilla')
anaconda only excludes the primary arch package
Comments: an issue from 2005-06-24 15:17 EST, It was not included in
but the fix was still present in HEAD (so its must be present
in RHEL5)
Proposed Action: currentrelease it.
Description:after supplying root password, anaconda popup's
"...package..." and
the next is the Debug - request.
Comments: This one strange because it has a comment that was posted more
a year after it was said to be fixed. The last comment does not
specify if the person did the test after of before RHEL4U1.
Its an
issue from 2006-08-18 17:26 EST.
Proposed Action: I would needinfo it. or better yet, a littl test and
currentrelease it.
Description:Reliably reproduced a traceback on an rx2620 when
autopartitioning a
cciss drives, that did not have previous paritions
Comments: Its a bug from 2005-02-15 12:13 EST. A fix is mentioned and
assured for RHEL4U1
Proposed Action: currentrelease it.
Description:Unneeded parameters are confusing since it is not clear what
should be entered and what happens if a value is given, e.g.
does the driver work with this values?
Comments: It is fixed for RHEL5
Proposed Action: a test and currentrelease it to RHEL5
Description:anaconda crashed while installing the packages. I only had
selected the
software development selection, and did not customize package selection.
Comments: issue from 2006-10-12 10:13 EST and it is fixed.
Proposed Action: quick test and current release it
Description:something to do with the optimization of package installation.
Comments:This bug was first filed 2002-08-09 13:42 EST WOW.... 4 years
it is revisited with new ways of optimizing the installation.
I would even say its not a bug. Its not an issue that breaks
its just that, according to the person who filed the bug,
anaconda is
resourse happy sometimes. The last change was 2006-10-29 20:38 EST
(a long time ago also). its for fedora.
Proposed Action: I would notabug it.