[PATCH] harddrive [--useiso=yes|no] and excludedocs

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Adds a "--useiso" argument to the kickstart specified "harddrive" install method. Using "--useiso=no" will have anaconda install from the harddrive without ISOs. i.e. as if the ISO files had been copied to --dir. Setting --useiso to anything other value or if it is undefined, the harddrive install will be backwards compatibable and search for ISOs by default.
Also, when specifying "excludedocs" on the kernel command line will do what it 
The original patches were done and tested with anaconda 11.0.5 and pykickstart 
0.23..  I've done a quick refactor of the patches against the current CVS, but 
have not had a chance to test the refactor..  So let me know how it looks..
Patches available here:



Paul B Schroeder <pschroeder "at" uplogix "dot" com>
Senior Software Engineer
Uplogix, Inc. (http://www.uplogix.com/)

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