I'm in the process of figuring out " how to remaster FC5 "......
To start with, my task was to Remaster just CD1 of FC5... So, i have stripped the number of RPM's available, on CD1 & remade an image of CD1....
My new CD1 successfully boots & goes thru the installation process...but at the end of it, instead of being prompted to insert disc-2 , i get a message saying " install complete... remove disk & reboot "....
My new CD1 boot well in the command line mode......
But, i'm now trying to figure out, wat is it that tells the anaconda installer to look for disc-2 after disc-1 is installed????
I have attached the script i'm using for ur perusal & comments..
My Script
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime"
export FCBASE=`pwd`
arch=`uname -i`
date=`date +%Y%m%d`
echo " Exporting Paths "
mkdir -p $FCBASE/cd_mnt/
echo " mounting the source image "
mount -o loop /mnt/source/1.iso $FCBASE/cd_mnt/
mkdir -p $FCBASE/$arch
rsync --archive $FCBASE/cd_mnt/ $FCBASE/$arch
echo " Deleting the RPM's of CD1 "
rm -f $FCBASE/$arch/Fedora/RPMS/*
echo "Replacing them with handpicked RPM's, with an aim to strip down size of FC5 - CD1"
cp -a /mnt/FC5/Fedora/RPMS/* $FCBASE/$arch/Fedora/RPMS/
echo " Unmount and delete unused directories..."
umount $FCBASE/cd_mnt/
rmdir $FCBASE/cd_mnt/
echo " iso dismounted, temp directories deleted..."
echo "`date` - Repomange ........"
repomanage --old $FCBASE/$arch/Fedora/RPMS | xargs rm -f
echo "`date` - Repomange done ..."
echo "`date` - Creating repo ..First createrepo is for the tree."
cd $FCBASE/$arch
# First createrepo is for the tree
createrepo -g Fedora/base/comps.xml .
rm -rf .olddata/
cd ..
################################# Special repo test #################
# Check for missing dependencies in repo
if [ $check_depend -eq 1 ]; then
cat > $FCBASE/yum.conf.temp << EOF
echo " "
echo "##############################################################"
echo "##############################################################"
echo "##############################################################"
echo "`date` - Checking the repo for missing dependencies ..."
repoclosure -c $FCBASE/yum.conf.temp -r kh-temp
echo "###############################################################"
echo "#################### Look for errors above ####################"
echo "###############################################################"
echo " "
echo " removing old files -- TRANS.TBL & boot.cat "
find $FCBASE/ -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \;
find $FCBASE/ -name boot.cat -exec rm -f {} \;
echo " deleted the files "
echo "`date` - Rebuilding installer ..."
pkgorder --product=Fedora $FCBASE/$arch \
$arch Fedora > $FCBASE/pkgfile.$date
echo " package file has been created "
buildinstall --comp dist-$release.$date \
--pkgorder $FCBASE/pkgfile.$date --version $release \
--product 'Fedora Core' --release "Fedora Core $release" \
--prodpath Fedora $FCBASE/$arch
echo " "
echo "`date` - Creating CD ISO ..."
echo "we need to run createrepo a second time (for the media)"
cd_discinfo=`head -1 $FCBASE/$arch/.discinfo`
createrepo --baseurl="media://$cd_discinfo" -g Fedora/base/comps.xml \
--split $arch
rm -rf .olddata/
echo "`date` - Creating CD ISO for publication............."
find $arch -name "TRANS.TBL" -exec rm -f {} \;
mkisofs -q -r -R -J -T -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
-b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -boot-info-table \
-V "FC $release update$date $arch CD" \
-A "Fedora Core $release update$date $arch CD" \
-publisher "$publisher" -p "$publisher" -x lost+found \
-o FC-$release-$date-$arch-CD.iso $arch
implantisomd5 FC-$release-$date-$arch-CD.iso
echo "`date` - Cleanup old files..."
rm -rf $arch-disc?/
rm -f $FCBASE/pkgfile.$date
#rm -rf $arch
rm $FCBASE/yum.conf.temp
"This run started -------- > $startdate
This run finished -------- > $stopdate" \
echo "`date` - Finished."
echo " "
exit 0