On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 11:13 +0200, Josef Mádl wrote:
Hello to all,
I am trying to install fedora 5 on IBM i5 system. Instalation start,
all seems to good to partitioning disk.
I'm pretty sure someone got it running on the i5 on #fedora-ppc but we
weren't skipping the magic boot disk. Is this what you are seeing:
Fedora see two disks /dev/sda (real disk - virtual disk prepared with
CRTNWSSTG) and /dev/sdb (booting disk of instalation - Prep).
Can you use the CD as the STMF image and try booting that so you work
around, else I can talk you through how to use an updates.img/RHupdates
to apply the fix to your install.
Last comment in 186070 is clear. I had to boot CD (or image CD) not netboot
image ppc64.img
but I have not HMC console now and without it I cannot chang the boot order
to OF.
Can you talk me, how to do it another way - how You indicate
update.img/RHupdate how to apply fix ?
I know, that RHEL works fine with netboot.img.