On 3/31/06, Alexandre CONRAD <aconrad.tlv@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello all, > > I've been browsing the list archives and I can see there are some posts > about customizing the FC5 distro. > > Until now, I've been able to customize FC4's DVD by merging official RPM > updates and be able to install FC4 on servers without internet (no yum > update). > > ARCH="i386" > BUILD="i386-build/" > PKGORDER_LST="/tmp/pkgorder.lst" > > /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --productpath Fedora ${BUILD} > > /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder ${BUILD} ${ARCH} Fedora > ${PKGORDER_LST} > > /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall --comp gulerod --pkgorder > ${PKGORDER_LST} --version 4 --product "Fedora Core 4" --prodpath Fedora > ${BUILD} > > genhdlist --withnumbers --productpath Fedora --fileorder ${PKGORDER_LST} > ${BUILD} > > It seems that the process has changed for FC5 and "createrepo" should be > used. Apparently no more genhdlist is needed. > > But as FC5 just came out, googling around doesn't show up any > step-by-step customizing Fedora Core 5 HOWTOs. 1. Just ignore genhdlist in FC5. 2. createrepo done automatically via buildinstall -- http://vnoss.org Vietnamese Open Source Software Community