I am hitting this problem when i burn my custom CD, i know this is a list
for anaconda development but i have a few questions(near end of mail) about
anaconda working which i think will be best answered here.
Following is what i am doing
1> I am making a custom Fedora Core 4
CD1 with only
the packages that i want, i have removed the unwanted packages
generated new hdlist using genhdlist from anaconda-runtime
When i try and use this custom install tree via
NFS based install all works
and the install is successful
3> When i take the same install tree
make and iso
out of it using
mkisofs -r -J -T -v -V "My Custom CD"
isolinux/boot.cat -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -o
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -1
and burning this iso onto the disk using nero
or Raxio etc, (i am
burning the iso image and not the .iso file as
4> I boot
from above made CD, it asks me language,
keyboard type and installation
methond, on selecting Local CDROM it
give me ":CD not Found" , The fedora
Core CD was not found in any of
your CDROM drives.
5> I checked
alt-3 which says trying to mount CD
device hda
6> alt-4 gives
<7>ISO 9660 Extension: Microsoft Joliet
<4>Unable to load NLS charset utf8
<4>Unable to
load NLS charset utf8
<7>ISO 9660 ExtensionsL RRIP_1991A
7> I
have tried all the known workarounds to this
problem like ide=nodma , cdnodma
, disabling smp etc but none have
Following things that i
have already done
1> I have created checksum of the CD using
implantmd5iso in
anaconda-runtime, however even after saying linux mediacheck
it did not
do media check.
2> Done all work arounds like ide=nodma,
cdnodma etc , but
none worked
3> Used -r to set proper permissions
on the iso.
4> Mounted the iso in the system and it
Following is the hardware that i am using
PowerEdge SC 430, but i have tried the same on my sony
laptop VGN-S56GP and i
get the same error.