The ans is same to comment the line dispatch.skipStep("network") in the
stage2/usr/lib/anaconda/ file...
NOTE: The resolution is same for Fedora Core 1, Fedora Core 3 and CentOS 4.2 (which uses RHEL 4)
I mine case even after doing this was not solving the issue. So I deleted the *.pyc files. So the anaconda installer again ran the *.py files and created new *.pyc files te the time of installation.
So the culprit was my pc which didnt change the time stamp.
I hope people know the resolution but lazy in this forum to comment except .... James_Martin
Hope this is helpful to someone.....
Deepak Naidu.
Deepak Naidu <deepak_nai@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
stage2/usr/lib/anaconda/ file...
NOTE: The resolution is same for Fedora Core 1, Fedora Core 3 and CentOS 4.2 (which uses RHEL 4)
I mine case even after doing this was not solving the issue. So I deleted the *.pyc files. So the anaconda installer again ran the *.py files and created new *.pyc files te the time of installation.
So the culprit was my pc which didnt change the time stamp.
I hope people know the resolution but lazy in this forum to comment except .... James_Martin
Hope this is helpful to someone.....
Deepak Naidu.
Deepak Naidu <deepak_nai@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi&! nbsp; I know this is not working even on Fedora Core 3 and higher... But is there any word arround, or can I make call directly in -- I dont know python... else would have understood the progarm flow....I hope some one has the ans....Cheers,Deepak Naidu.
James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:anaconda-devel-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 11/29/2005 11:19:56 PM:
> Hi,
> skipStep("network") option in in anaconda and then
> crea! te the stage2.img... I did this and still it does not prompts....
> Is there any other file or patch I have to edit or patch....
In my experience this is all you have to do. Perhaps you should respond
with your exacts step! s you used to disass! emble the stage2.img, patch the and re-create the stage2.img. (I believe it is found in
/usr/lib/anaconda/ inside the stage2.img)
James S. Martin, RHCE
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Washington, DC
(202) 502-2394
> I hope some one has the ans ... or what is an alternative....
> Cheers,
> Deepak Naidu.
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