Thanx games.....
This is what i did
1) Mounted stage2.img in loop mode
# mount -o loop base/stage2.img /mnt/boot
# cd /mnt/boot/
# tar cvf /usr/local/stage2.tar *
Now once I have the tar of stage2 in my /usr/local/
I then untared it and it is in /usr/local/stage2/ folder
No went and commented the skipStep("network") line in located under
the anaconda folder, staved the read only file in vi using wq!
Once done used the below command to create the img file.
# mkcramfs stage2/ stag2.img
then copied to the base directory....
I hope
this is not wrong, then ? its not working ... also its anaconda-10.1.1 version used in CentOS.....
Can u help in this .....
James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
anaconda-devel-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 11/29/2005 11:19:56 PM:
> Hi,
> skipStep("network") option in in anaconda and then
> crea! te the stage2.img... I did this and still it does not prompts....
> Is there any other file or patch I have to edit or patch....
In my experience this is all you have to do. Perhaps you should respond
with your exacts steps you used to disassemble the stage2.img, patch the and re-create the stage2.img. (I believe it is found in
/usr/lib/anaconda/ inside the stage2.img)
James S. Martin, RHCE
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Washington, DC
(202) 502-2394
> I hope some one has the ans ... or what is an alternative....
> Cheers,
> Deepak Naidu.
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