I know this quest has been raised many times and also I find one in bugzillla as below.
I am customizing CentOS-4.2 into one CD from 4 which uses 2.6.9 kernel and Anaconda-10. version.
NOTE: CentOS is eqivalent to RHEL-4
When using kickstart in my custom CD, every thing goes fine and my system is up and running with one glitch... It does not prompts for Network configuration option even after it is not provided in the ks.cfg.
So googling arround showed me that one has to comment dispatch.skipStep("network") option in kickstart.py in anaconda and then crea!
te the
stage2.img... I did this and still it does not prompts....
Is there any other file or patch I have to edit or patch....
Is there any other file or patch I have to edit or patch....
I hope some one has the ans ... or what is an alternative....
Deepak Naidu.
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