Re: Forcing a package to get installed

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James_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Sure.. you could have the %pre section of your RPM remove /usr/lib/iiim/le/unitle/MALAYALAM/data/ Have your package contain /usr/lib/iiim/le/unitle/MALAYALAM/data/, and
Removing the file doesn't do anything useful

the %post section would copy /usr/lib/iiim/le/unitle/MALAYALAM/data/ to /usr/lib/iiim/le/unitle/MALAYALAM/data/
Removing or updating iiimf-le-unit after this would be harmful. _I_ 
would look to removing the package causing the conflict, or merging the 
two costomising one to provide both functionalities.
It might also be worth reporting a RFE bug for iiimf-le-unit, describing 
what you want to achieve.
James S. Martin, RHCE
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Washington, DC
(202) 502-2394

anaconda-devel-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 08/29/2005 03:00:22 AM:

Hello all,
I have built an rpm (nila-kbd) for incorporating malayalam keyboard
layout in FC-4. But this package has a conflict with the file
/usr/lib/iiim/le/unitle/MALAYALAM/data/ which belongs to
another package(iiimf-le-unit). So when I tried to install it using
rpm it give some conflict errors. If I use --force it will work, it
will get installed.
My actual pronlem is I have to integrate this package into anaconda,
then how can I force this package to get installed through anaconda
any thoughts ??


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