Hi everybody, I have a lot of trouble to understand who the dispatcher works in anaconda. in dispatch.py I add these lines in the install_steps list: ("wininstall_id", ("dir", "intf", "id")), ("installwindows", doWindowsInstall, ()), The first one open a window with all I want inside. this is working. But I can do all I want, the dispatcher doesn't run the doWindowsInstall function evenif I add it in packages.py. here is the declaration of doWindowsInstall in packages.py: def doWindowsInstall(): print "doWindowsInstall function" nothing else... of course doWindowsInstall function is imported from packages.py in dispatch.py. why isn't my function doWindowsInstall execute? What should I change to do so? w8ting for your help, gentlemen, best regards, michel.