Re: AW: KeyError while running

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The kickstart file was also useful as it told me some of the things
I didn't install from the sections I selected. You need this when
editing the comps.xml. Once I had the list of rpms I needed, I then
needed to make sure I had the rpms listed in the upd-instroot program.
I had to take all those listed in the PACKAGE section as the distro
wouldn't build without them. I wasn't able to narrow it down as it
took a long time to build, and I didn't have much time left on the
project in question. Once I'd done all this then the normal
genhdlist, etc worked and I had my single disk install.

It would be really nice if there was a simple working python program
that could work the dependacies and tell you what you didn't need.
The web install, kickstart and manual comps.xml editing really was
a hack to get what I wanted. It would be really nice if you could
feed the kickstart file in and get a comps.xml and rpm ist out.

I was looking at trying to write one to do it. I'm just not sure where
to get the docs for the python/redhat modules that the ""

All the best,


On 27 Jul 2005, at 14:46, Martin Muench wrote:

Thats ok, but you can also find all installed packages at /root/install.log
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Oisin Mulvihill [dontgivespamachance]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 14:48
An: Manilal K M
Cc: anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: KeyError while running


On 27 Jul 2005, at 12:26, Manilal K M wrote:

Hello all,
I am trying to customize FC4. My aim is to provide a subset of FC4
with a limited no of packages. I have edited the comps.xml and when I
run it cause an error. The command and the complete
output is given below:
[root@ost2 kairali-1.2]# /usr/share/comps-extras/
/home/kairali-1.2 i386 Fedora/base
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/comps-extras/", line 58, in ?
File "/usr/share/comps-extras/", line 47, in main
for pkg in comps.packages[name].dependencies:
KeyError: 'iiimf-server'

What could be wrong?
Any help will be appreciated

I was trying to produce a customised single disk distribution. I couldn't
get the to work at all. I wanted it to tell me what I
didn't need in my distro. I never solved this problem but Dan Trainor
made an excellent suggestion. Do a web install then look at the web log
for the rpms that got installed. I did this from a local machine and
this combined with some other things worked well for me.

I'm still interested in finding out how to get to work.

All the best,


Oisin Mulvihill wrote:

dvd isn't an option at the moment and won't happen at all for the
existing 70+ kiosks I have at present.

My main problem is I follow the process to produce the distro,
but I can't get the tools show me the rpms I don't need. I don't
know whether my comps.xml is the problem or its just a problem
with the The seems to be failing
because it can't find dependancies for each package in I mention
in the comps.xml. Why this is the case I don't know as
seems to be working fine along with the other stages up to running

Does anyone have more detailed instructions for producing a single
disk install with anaconda?


Hello, Oisin -

What I've been doing, is an HTTP-based kickstart, parsing the logs of
the files that were downloaded for the install that I had configured,
then simply copied those files and only those files to by "real" RPMS/

I realize that you don't want to do network kickstart installs for all
these kiosks. What I'm saying is, at least do a single HTTP-based
install, watch your web server logs, find out which RPMs and only which
RPMs are installed by your kickstart configuration, and use those and
only those RPMs in your RPMS/ archive.

I've never, to this day, gotten to work.

Hope this helps

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