Hello there, My name is Darko Ilic, I`m a Summer of code participant (http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html) working on "Fedora LiveCD generator" project. The idea of the project is to create framework that can be used for custom Fedora-based live CD generation out of the FC repository. What I need at the moment is gui for package selection. The app should be really simple - it sould display package groups (just like during FC install process), and to allow user to include/exclude groups or individual packages, to check dependencies after that, and finaly, to write kickstart-like config file (but only with package list, other stuff is not important). Since the whole process is allready part of anaconda, the only thing I have to do is to find the way to use it :) I`ve downloaded anaconda via cvs, and I`m trying to hack it, but it`s quite big, so a little help would be welcome. What I really need are some guidelines. Something like "having our desing in mind, I think the best way to do it is to...", or "pay attention to these files in anaconda dev tree". Also, it would be great if you could point me to something like development documentation for anaconda, it would help me a lot. Thanks in advance Darko