王秀文 wrote: > Anaconda-devel-list, > hello,everyone. > What i want to do is to cut out the original three cds into > one cd containing only our own necessary rpm packages.Because in > every cd,there are different TRANS.TBL fiels such as > $DISK[123]/TRANS.TBL > $DISK[123]/Fedora/TRANS.TBL > $DISK[123]/Fedora/RPMS/TRANS.TBL > $DISK[1]/Fedora/base/TRASN.TBL > I wonder if these files are created automatically by running > a particular command or i must manually edit these files to ensure > the consistency. > > Anyway,how to create one installing cd from the original three > cds?or if i just want to cut out into two cds. > What steps should i take?Is there any document on this subject. > Please help,Thanks a lot lot lot lot! > > > mosquite Mosquite, What you are doing is common practice. Please look at http://rau.homedns.org/twiki/bin/view/Anaconda/PreparingTheBuildEnvironment. "7. Remove the TRANS.TBL files. This tidies up your working directories and also prevents splittree.py from complaining about an "rpm.error: public key not trusted" error. find $BASE -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \; The TRANS.TBL files are created by options in the mkisofs command later in the build process http://rau.homedns.org/twiki/bin/view/Anaconda/CustomizingFedoraCore. You may want to look around on this site some more. Greg