I have follow everything u said, but the splash.png is not
the image i wanted. splash.png is the image for the anaconda
welcome screen..
Maybe the "Red Hat Linux" image was bundled together with
initrd.img becos it appear after isolinux loading initrd.img and
vmlinuz.. and it starts doin some init stuff and then
run the anaconda.
Any idea?
Vincent FONTENEAU writes:
> Hi,
> you'll have to download the anaconda and
anaconda-images sources rpm and
> install the two packages with rpm -ivh ...
> then go in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ and untar the two
> then in the anaconda-images directory you'll find the
splash.png image
> which is shown at the boot. you could modify this
image with gimp or
> whatever.
> go back in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ and remove old
.tar.bz2 and create
> the new one with modifications in anaconda-images.
> Then goes in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/ and run rpmbuild
> anaconda-images.spec to create the new RPM.
> At the end go in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch and copy
> anaconda-images-X.Y-Z.noarch.rpm in your buildtree
> Then run new buildinstall and tadaaaa
> If you want to modify anaconda sources do the same
> anaconda-X.Y.Z.i386.rpm. Off course
anaconda-X.Y.src.rpm is not
> essential for the images, but i think quickly you're
going to modify the
> anaconda sources ;op
> Hope this help you
> Vincent