CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package XYZ
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package XYZ
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package XYZ
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency pam for passwd
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency beecrypt for rpm
The "Unable to find package" line mean that there packages describe in your comps file, and buildinstall can't find them in the RPMS directory. If you don't want them simply remove from the comps file, but i'm not sure the way to edit this file will the same as FC3.
Anyway you could check the dependencies with last lines "Unable to resolve dependency.." and then copy the good package to solve the problem.
It's sometimes a little bit long to do but that the way to really know how works the buildinstall process. Then after you could write the wiki for RH7.3 ;o)))
Thanks, i'll try it by tonight.
By the way, i have visited this site, http://rau.homedns.org/twiki/bin/view/Anaconda/BuildinstallPackageRequirements
But it is refering to rh9. Where can i get the package requirements list for rh7.3?