Hi, perhaps this is of interest: There`s a first version of an pygtk gui installer for livecd`s: The idea is to provide a gui driven wizard/interface to the process of creating livecd`s from scratch. The 'livecdanaconda installer' (which is my 'working term for it) is a clone of the fedora anaconda system installer, customized to create livecd systems from redhat/fedora installation rpms - some details are described below. I finally found (and also heard from other livecd creators that use my software) that the process to create a livecd from scratch or an existing system currently involves too much manual work and is too errorprone, so i tried to customize the anaconda installer and came uo with this cloned version tom make it installable parallel to the original anaconda. The current version is 0.8, screenshots aviable on website: http://www.linux4all.de -> livecdanaconda section and: http://www.linux4all.de/livecd/livecdanaconda If you`re interested, if have some questions: - would there be interest for a project like this in the fedora/anaconda community ? - who could help me review the installer including designing and/or programming, and give me suggestions and comments ? Many thanks in advance! Best Regards, Dirk Westfal Details of the installer: It : a) runs on an existing redhat/fedora system b) installs a livecd master system into a folder on the current system and c) is able to turn any redhat/fedora installation into a livecd. d) uses network installation source (comps,hdlists,packages) and handles: - preparation and testing of build environment - download of latest livecdrpms which contain all system modifications neccessary for a livecd - installation of a 'master' with redhat/fedora or from customized comps + hdlist files. - installation of the 'livecdrpms' to make the master livecd capable - customizing the master via konsole - creation of a virtual harddisc - loading the master to the virtual harddisc - creating a compressed copy of the virtual harddisc - creating appropiate initrd for the livecd and setup of isolinux bootloader - creation of the final live iso image The screens are still clumsy and output is done via statusbar, but at least it works and one has to start somewhere. The resulting iso images are not bootable yet - this will be fixed before 1.0, of course.