During my installation of Fedora Core 2 I got a error message from Anaconda stating that the disk LABELS on the disks in my system was not uniqe. I was then told to quit the installation and go fix the problem myself. Eg. reboot the system and rename or remove offending LABELs. This may happen when you have multiple disks which have had their Linux previously installed on each of them. Which may occur if you try to salvage data on an old installation into the new one, or something similar. Wouldn't it be nice if the system, when Anaconda detects non-unique LABELs, listed all partitions and their LABELs on the disks installed in the system? Then allow the user to remove or rename LABELs as he see fit? Regards Hans-Olof Hansson ____________________________________________________________ Vad står det om dig på nätet? Kolla nu! - http://www.lycos.se/