Re: Network kickstart file..

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Check that it's picking up your network card. The initrd that gets you going needs to have 4 files updated (pcitable, modules.cgz, modinfo/module-info, modules.dep) so it can pick up your network card. If you don't have the driver, then it won't be able to pick up ks.cfg off the network and you'll get a message saying can't find in /tmp/ks.cfg
Good luck



Gautam Pagedar wrote:

I want to install my custom distro from the network. I have refered many
documnets on the net and found out the network install works fine. I have
seup a dhcp server and a nfs server and everthing works fine except one
thing, it does not take the kickstart file from my nfs mount directory.

I have burnt the bootdisk.iso on the cd and using it to boot my test machine
and then connect to my remote nfs server.

My question is how can i give the ks.cfg file to my remote installation
machine. I don't want to burn it since every change i make to my ks.cfg its
going to cost me a CD. can someone comment on it.

Waiting for reply..Thanx for the same in advance.

Gautam Pagedar


Gautam  Pagedar.

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